Wednesday, August 3, 2016

In The Belly Of The Beast...

In the Belly of the Beast…

Jonah was in the belly of the beast for three days and he came out and transformed the City of Nineveh.  I found myself in the belly of my own beast for years… So, if you were wondering why I write so much, why I evangelize and why I care to care – now you have your answer.

There is Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Heart Cath’s, CT scans, MRI’s and sorted tools to delve deep into the body to determine a possible diagnosis to an illness – before these technologies were engineered – we guessed and did the best with what we had, in a bad situation.  We had to go inside the belly of the beast in order to determine the proper prognosis. 

How is that many now have letters after their names - PhD and MD but have never taken a phlebotomy class? If you cannot draw blood, then it will end up on your hands; don’t co-sign on a note that you know that you don’t want to pay or the capability to pay.  Society has decided to self-diagnose and self-treat and self-medicate our world’s problems and have never been inside to see what it is that we are up against – and we are all paying for it.

I once took up residence inside of the beast called homosexuality because I knew that even if I made my bed in hell that God would be there with me and he was.  But cheaters never win and winners never cheat.  Failure and Cheating are two different things.  There is one scenario when you do your best but fall short and the other is attempting to pull the wool over someone’s eyes and not try at all.

Homosexuality is cheating and here’s why…  there is no Faith.  The I do’s, the vows, the faith that it takes to succeed and have a successful relationship is what builds the bond that makes the “til death do us part” set like poured concrete; regardless of infidelities or hardships – they can be overcome.
The cheating comes into play when you are double-dipping, getting something of both worlds.  Any gay man, any gay woman will tell you that there has been at least one person that they have been attracted to since their awakening. They had no control over the natural occurrence but was either afraid of the feelings or disregarded them; or was fearful of rejection or some other reasoning.  Either way, they chose the other side.  Have you ever asked why gay men like to hang out with women and why gay women like to hang out with men? Hmmm… it’s because it’s the natural order of things.

You get to have the woman, see her naked a lot of times because a woman is disarmed when a man says that he is gay and tends to treat him as one of her girlfriends; they kiss on them, pop them on the buttocks and share intimate details of their lives – you get the girlfriend sans the drama and vice versa for the woman.  Gay women still ended up preggers long before and after in vitro fertilization because they found themselves in the natural order of things hanging around all those guys.

Our walk with God is a reflection of the natural order of things.  We cannot avoid the struggle, the angst, the drama, the critiquing, the admonishment, the growing pains, and the intimacy that it takes to have a flourishing relationship with him – it’s what makes the relationship strong and long-lasting.  We aren't just shooting for this life – we have every intention on spending an eternity with him – don’t you want to GET-TO-KNOW the person you say that you love the most and want to spend the rest of your life with?

God has told us that he has great things in-store for those of us who want to spend our lives with him; and he is filled to the brim with fealty.  There is none other that is and always will be more faithful than he is to us.  I expect to see blessings in this life and the next – but it must be in him and on his terms.

God was the first Pro-Choice advocate; he gave us free-will.  In marriage, no one is owned by another.  It is free-will to want to submit to your husband, wife.  Life is all about the choices we make. Choose wisely is all I am saying… 

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