Friday, November 27, 2009



Dear Father,

Thank you for allowing me t just be embraced in your "Good Spirits" on this day. My funds are low but I am alright. It is better to be low on funds and happy than to be low on funds and unhappy and out of your will for my life. Focusing on you and your goodness keeps me from thinking about the fact that I am low on funds. I am going to pay my tithes and let go and let God! You have kept me this far and you are not going to leave me now. Thank you Lord because just praising you lifts any negative spirits and encourages me to keep on the path to you, with you.

Being with you is surely better than not, no matter how bleak my circumstances appear at times. They could be so much more worse if you were not in my life. My Thanksgiving Day is continuing on today and I pray each day going forward. You are truly a good God.

The stresses of this life can tend to cloud our memory of how days like this can feel and just beat the praise right out of us but Thank you Father for not letting the inner JOY disappear and that we carry that JOY with us even while we are going through. Thank you for being able to praise you on THIS day for as Joshua said, "Choose ye this day whom you will serve, for me and my house we will serve the Lord thy God".

Thank you Father for all of those who came before us who believed your word and what that word would hold for my life. They set an example of how to praise you and cause the Holy Spirit to work in our lives; to encourage and keep us when this life becomes almost unbearable. Thank you Lord Jesus for dying on the cross, yet rising on the 3rd day for me and my sins. (The power is in the resurrection)... By you doing so, I can come to you and the Father in Heaven and repent and have mercies and grace and to have the Holy Spirit intercess on my behalf.

You have so many safety precautions in place for us to keep us from the harm that we inflict on ourselves let alone what the enemy places in our path to cause us to stumble and fall. You said that you "would never leave, nor forsake us" once we gave our life to you and your word has never failed nor returned to you VOID!

Who loves you like that? Unconditionally? No other I know but my Lord and Saviour and my Father in Heaven. You are such a good God. Who would not want to serve a God like that, who loves you