Friday, June 30, 2017

Grow Organic!

Both Adam and Eve were both produced organically; Adam from the dust of the ground and Eve from Adam; whether you practice composting or recycling - it's all conservation to extend life on this planet.

God taught Adam the art form of how to properly tend to a garden, so that when Eve came along, he would know how to tend to her, as he had done before in the garden.

As with interest, conservation and faith; they all accrue over time; the value and profit aren't seen instantaneously.  It's better to grow organically, than to artificially create; it's just better for you and the people, community and the world around you.

The same goes for our relationship between us and God.  Time with God grows organically; long even before see and harvest time; God was treating the soil of our lives to prepare faith to take root; if the soil isn't fertile, no fruit can be produced.

Grow Organic - It's better for your spiritual health.


God cannot be sold, He can only be freely given. It may be gold in your hands now, but as like with King Midas, it will surely kill you – slowly and surely.
So, ultimately what is it really worth to you? Sounds to me that someone was sold a bill of goods that Life can be Scot-free when it really isn’t . 
God wants a “life”. If you don’t have it to give, then you cannot afford the cost of Salvation. And, He not only wants the life He gave in return, but a return on His original investment- He has the audacity to mention interest to! Life as valuable as it is, isn’t enough to return to God, He wants more, He wants it all. The glory, the honor and the praise, that can only be produced organically. And that can only come by way of Jesus, who paid a ransom for All because our lives alone are nothing but filthy rags.
Emancipation can never be bought. The promises of God are in essence are Scot-free. Jews exited Egypt with no loss compared to the opposition.
African Americans were converted from bondsman to free with hardly any skin in the game, compared to the other persuasion, the Caucasian. We were already impoverished, therefore, it cost us nothing. Let’s just call it an “Even swap, ain’t no swindle”, each side took one for its team.
Everything that we truly desire comes at a cost that we cannot afford. If that dude or chick don’t love you, not all the money will make them. Love, peace, rest, honor, faith and the like thereof are all Scot-free, but they come at the cost of trusting Almighty God; which is free to them that believe.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

To Be Or Not To Be... Answer The Question.

Trust me, I was dreading and wanting to do it at the same exact time.  This is what I said I wanted to do – right? Be an inspiration to others.  I didn't take to it like a duck to water, but I glided into like a newborn into his new world – wet behind the ears, but open to every possibility that life offers; covered in mess, but still blessed to be alive.
Life was breathed into me because what was birthed in me, came to life.  It’s not about the numbers, but that I accomplish that which is in my heart.  It’s the small stones that come together and combine to make the foundation needed to build upon.
To finally step into that role, to speak live, some of the intimate and personal thoughts of how I walk with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses me beyond any descriptive word in the English language.
When I woke up this morning, I despaired because once again I was rising up to go and do something that I didn't necessarily want to be doing; when there are so many people rising up going about their day doing exactly what they wanted to be doing; and not what they had to be doing, such as myself.
One thing that I can say about myself is that “I live in the moment”, I’m not frightened off by much in this life because I know that God is with me and guiding my stumbling steps.
I just decided that I would live out another day trusting God – no holds barred and my spirit is blessed beyond measure.  We just have to be doer’s and there is and will always be risk in anything we do.  I can’t worry about who feels me and who doesn't; those who are to be touched by God through my words of wisdom will not be denied because that’s why God uses the people who are open to do His will.
I couldn't allow this day to pass by without me giving reverence and to say “Thank You” to God that He allowed me to BE.
To Be Or Not To Be? You have to answer that question for yourself.

On Broadway...

Most big cities have a street called "Broadway" that are usually in the center of town or near the busiest traffic. Isn't it funny that God called us to travel the less traveled road of "Narrow"...
Stop letting the bright lights of this world distract you from what's really going on, before you end up on the Road to "Destruction".
Signs are meant to guide you to your destination, not destruction. A marquee is only designed to show you the entrance - Know your signs.

Break The Mold!

Funny how when we stare at the promises of God too long in our mind’s eye, that it causes our eyes to burn with tears because the images overwhelm us. We must ask ourselves the pertinent question of – why would God bless me like that? Who am I for him to do all that? Would he? Could he possibly be that good to me? People like you and me who are looking for God to move in a mighty way, to break the mold that has had us bound and ensconced in a placed where there is over-crowding (the bottom of the barrel) and people for generations alike.

Molds create the same thing repetitively and repeatedly over-and-over again without any variation or discriminate markings. The enemy wants us to believe that the life that God has called us to is a figment of our imagination – Only. God made each of individually, separately but in his likeness and image – Unique to anything or anyone. To get out of the assembly line of only receiving salvation and then living a life that is sub-par to what he has reserved for us is dishonorable to what Christ Jesus died for, to say the least. God created the stars in the heavens as innumerable as the sands of the seas.

And that same God, the one that we serve, the one that we trust, the one that we believe in, the one in which we live, move and have our being can go as big as we can imagine and trump that. God spoke all that we see and don’t see into existence. There is nothing that he cannot do. There is nothing too hard for him. The hard part is in us – hardened hearts – we find it difficult and some impossible, to simply believe that he is able to do what we believe him for.

Only faith will break us out. Break the mold that has your mind incarcerated against the power of God. If you keep doing what everyone around you is doing – you are (bound) to get what everyone else is getting. Salvation is free but the exceeding and abundant blessings come to those who believe that God rewards those who Ask, Seek and Knock. So… A.S.K.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Sometimes we get so busy looking up at God that we don't see the pit that we fall into, but we cry aloud to HIM and we get pulled out of the pit; only to find ourselves being sold into slavery. While in slavery we call out to God only to find ourselves being thrown into jail. While in jail we praise God for who HE is. Then we find ourselves being made governor of all, second only to Pharaoh himself. 

Moral of the story: There are a lot of scam calls that come through the line. However, KEEP crying, keep calling and keep praising regardless of where you are at because God is aware of exactly where HE taking you! 

KEEP Pressing!

Friday, June 16, 2017

Every Which Way But Loose...

Aren't you glad that God didn't let you go? Even when you wanted to be turned loose? When God committed to us, He took it seriously; it was a blood-oath that He would never leave us nor forsake us. And when the waiting at times because unbearable, we just want to throw-up our hands and say “I give”. Not that we give up, just that we have grown weary of waiting on the promise because it is costing us more than we wanted to give.

Nobody likes to exercise but if you are a person who has exercised or played a sport and felt the fatigue after a good work-out but then also felt rejuvenated once the exertion wore off; and was glad about the sacrifice and obedience it took you to follow through. That is how it is walking out your faith. As when you first start working out, we don't see the results right off but over time, we see that all of our hard work hasn't been in vain. The Holy Spirit is our personal trainer whose sole purpose is to encourage, train, motivate and chastise us until we reach our goal. Don’t despise all the hard work and effort but find it despicable to go through all that you have been through only to not obtain the prize called the promise(s) of God.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

God's Playlist... That's My Jam!

*(Intro)          – “Life After Death”                             Romans 8:11          (Biggie)
Track  1)         - “Stairway To Heaven”                       John 1:51                  (O’jays)
Track  2)         - “Rolling In The Deep”                        Psalms 42:7              (Adele)
Track  3)         - “Hate It or Love It”                             Luke 9:24                 (The Game)
Track  4)         - “These Dreams”                                   Joel 2:28                   (Heart)
Track  5)         - “Naked”                                                  Job 2:28                    (Marques Houston)
Track  6)         - “We Are One”                                       Romans 10:9            (Maze)
Track  7)         - “Mo’Money Mo’ Problems”              1 Timothy 6:10         (Biggie)
Track  8)        - “All Eyez On Me”                                 Ephesians 1:18         (Tupac)
Track  9)         - “Big Poppa”                                           Galatians 4:6            (Biggie)
Track  10)       - “You Should Let Me Love You”       1 John 4:19-20          (Mario)
Track  11)       - “I Ain’t Mad At Cha”                           Acts 3:19                   (Tupac)
Track  12)       - “Make Me Proud”                                Romans 10:9            (Drake)
Track  13)       - “Heaven Ain’t Hard To Find”          Psalms 121:2             (Tupac)
Track  14)       - “Only God Can Judge Me”                 Matthew 7:1-3          (Tupac)
*(Bonus Track) - “Don’t Stop Believing”                  John 6:47                  (Journey)

Take A Chill Pill. You Gots To Chill...

Take A Chill Pill. You Gots To Chill…

To wake up each and every day and decide to live, it is another day that you choose to step to God and battle for your life. 

Life is God Himself in a capsulized form and we cannot handle it – if I may reduce Him to such a thing… It’s the only way that we are able to experience Him without dying instantly – He’s too big to take in all at once.

Life is a hard pill to swallow; many choke on it going down.  Only the Holy Spirit can give the necessary living water to wash it down.

He is psychedelic and will have you seeing things that aren’t there in the natural and physical realm, dancing and singing when there is or isn’t music, and in an existence of peace when life is chaotic; and no amount of dopamine can compare.  God is dope in the purest form, no cut. And when taken at full strength, He will make miracles happen and cause things that be not as though they were.

We can't overdose on God.  He is to be taken daily as needed, and as advised by the Great Physician - Christ Jesus.

No Plan B.

God is not a back-up solution to our sometimes bad decision(s), whether the act was against our will or willfully done.  He is our only solution.

He is always looking to be fruitful and birthing new possibilities into our lives; and He requires that our interaction with Him be skin-to-skin, e.g. bare-backed or going raw – no contraception or birth control.  He wants to experience us and we Him.

Once we say, “Yes” to Him, there isn't a “Plan B”, a form of emotional emergency contraception, which will destroy a possibility of life.  When God makes a baby, He is all in and will be a Father to the dreams and promises that He has created; and even care for those dreams that were birthed fatherless, illegitimate and left bastardized.

Make God your first form of protection and there won't be any need for a Plan B.

What On Earth?

Many have no earthly idea of where their blessings are going to come from because they are looking within the earth to find them, and blessings only come from the Father in Heaven above.


On To The Next One...

Woke up this morning knowing I'm blessed!  Thank God I'm not living for the next hookup, the next booster (shoplifters), the next weed hole (cannabis/marijuana), the next boyfriend, the next girlfriend (I didn't stutter), the next dollar, the next handout, the next job, the next place to live, the next car, the next friend, the next church and so on...

I got right with the Lord whole-heartedly and He aligned every crooked area of my life, and I had so many; I was so disjointed that I could've been mistaken as a break-dancer from the 1980's - pop-locking all over the place.

I would've never thought at the time that trading all of the above for Him would be better off - And I thought that way for such a long time.  But now I wouldn't trade Him for the world.

Thank you Father for the peace that I could never acquire on my own.

After looking back over my life and seeing the playlist I once danced to; I press the shuffle button and the next track to come up was "One to the next one"... 

No sense in hitting repeat.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Illegally Blessed... Favor Ain't Fair!

I have been having an out-of-body experience all day... When you are in the midst of what God is doing in your life, it's like being caught up in a world-wind; and that is what it is like for me, exhausting to say the least because I can't stop thinking about how awesome God is and to be a witness myself to all that He is doing.


Author Spotlight... Get To Know Me.

I'm Coming Out... I Want The World To Know... Got To Let It Show!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Highlander - There Can Be Only One. The Almighty Dollar & The Almighty God.

Many put their trust in money and one day there will come a time when having money won't be able to help us.  God is the only one who can make a way, and He has no need for monetary things to make good things on our behalf.

The day that we take our trust out of money and place it into the ever capable hands of the Lord, we will be blessed.  He can do things that money will never be able to do for us.

Some suggest and offer the supposition that The Almighty Dollar rules but I know differently...

There can be only one Almighty and He is God.  You remember Dagon don't you? (1Samuel 5). Dagon was decapitated, the only way to kill an immortal warrior.

For we do not wrestle (warriors) against flesh and blood (immortal), but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)

There's mighty and then there is Almighty, and a flimsy dollar doesn't stand a chance.

#Keep Pressing...

The Polar Opposites...

When you get tired of simply existing, you will make the decision to get right with God and the plans He has for our life; that you may begin to start living life.

Existing and living are The Polar Opposites.

Burrrr... It's frigid on the opposite side of the Son.

Fake It "Til You Make It!

The Holy Spirit is like a lie detector test, it can discern whether or not you are giving all of yourself over to God - or not; and just because you say that you are telling the truth, doesn't mean that you are.

It monitors heart-rate and nerves - unbeknownst to us.  The Holy Spirit can not be duped or 
man-ipulated like a machine - He knows if you are "Faking it 'til you make it".  And until we surrender all, we are found guilty.

#Keep Pressing...

Here Comes The "Hot-Stepper!"...

Have you ever thought that God was so silent until it was deafening; and the silence usually comes after He has told us to do something. Our response to Him at first is "okay Lord" and then He just goes "Silence of the Lamb" on us.

One of the hardest periods in a Christian life is when it is time to trust God for that "thing" which appears to be impossible, but yet God says "Is their anything to hard for God?"

Moses was told to go to Pharaoh, given little instruction and He got to "Hot-Stepping!" back to Egypt, work out his issues and learn to trust God for himself.

Abraham was told that He would have son, heard no more about it - like when it would happen; just left alone to work out his issues and learn to trust the Lord for himself.

Joseph was shown visions of greatness, heard nothing more about the timeline on when they would take place; just left alone to work out his issues and trust the Lord for himself.

David was anointed King, went back out to tend his Father sheep and did not hear another sure word of instruction regarding becoming King of Israel; just left alone to work out his issues and learn to trust God for himself.

These are the greats, the Hall of Famers of the scriptures... During our time of silence, greatness is being perfected; we are working out our own issues and learning to trust God for our self. This is our time to learn to submit our wills to that of the Lord's because in humbling ourselves to him regardless of how much pain and suffering we are enduring. it is the greatest testimony, and how God gets the Glory! He is then lifted up and when that takes place, men are drawn because they see our conviction even in suffering and our resemblance to Christ. Oftentimes, in silence only can we hear the best.
I'd advise you to walk out your destiny, but moreover I would admonish you furthermore to get to "Hot-Stepping It!" The quicker you respond to God with a "Yes Lord", the closer you will be to that destination called "Destined to be" aka Destiny.

Tell your enemies, "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah... Nah, nah, nah, naaaaah!

Mute/Immutability is a state of awareness of the Holy Spirit...

#Keep Pressing!

Monday, June 12, 2017

And Another One... We Da Best!

How God's Blessing's keep coming...? They are as follows...

And Another One... And Another One... And Another One... And Another One... And Another One... And Another One... Continue to repeat...

We Da Best because He was The Best - First.

Keep Pressing...

And Now! On With The Show...

As we direct the characters and actors in our lives, we must allow the producer (Christ) to guide us, the producer gives us His vision and we are to bring it to the stage.  Allow God to be the producer of your life, if you want a standing ovation for success in this life AND if you want an encore presentation – to come back in the next life.
And now! One with the show…

Let Us All Have A Moment of Silence...

God exists in Peace, not confusion.  Money keeps people in your ear all the time, as well as distractions; and the Holy Spirit can't get a word in edgewise.  

God speaks softly, so you have to be actively listening and seeking Him, in order to hear His instruction for our lives.  Jesus' blood will do all the talking for us, if we would only sit still and be quiet sometimes.
Keep pressing!

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again... Snapshot! The Name Your Price Tool.

Am I the only person that gets these "Deja Vu" type images in my mind of things yet to come? It's part encouraging and part frustrating because it feels like I have already seen it, smelt it, felt it and experienced (A Snapshot of things yet to manifest themselves), but encouraging because I know that in the spirit life, it is already in existence. I just have to keep pressing my way towards it.

There are so many dimensions to this world that we have not a clue of because we serve a multidimensional God. God can never be boxed in to what and how we think He should perform in our lives, so we may as well just give up trying and start trusting and believing. Waiting is apart of the process and there is nothing that we can do about that. We will get to where we are supposed to be at our designated time; if you believe that God is fully aware and totally in control... that is.... I just want to snatch an image and jump in before is flashes by, but in do time I will reap entirely, and not just a brief snapshot. Thank you Lord for whetting my appetite. Who doesn't like an appetizer before the main course...

God's asking us to "Name our price".

To God be all the praise, glory and honor!

Reppin' For That Low Life...

Yes... I want to be a contribution to society, but not by struggling to pay taxes and trying to live off of slave wages in order to feed my family. I want more than the American Dream - I want Heaven's Dream, to be done on earth as it is in Heaven! In Heaven I want for nothing and live in a mansion and my God, the same God who said that he shall supply all my needs according to his riches in Glory said that I am the head and not the tail - the lender and not the borrower. His praises shall continually be in my mouth (that is how we get him the glory and our account becomes rich in Heaven), so rich in fact that the coffer of heaven begin to overflow and that's when it begins to rain down from heaven's window. We have got to continue sending praises up! I do not want to shirk any responsibility that I have or ditch any debt that I owe. 
God help me to be the responsible and giving citizen that lives in abundance, pays her bills on time, pays her tithes over and beyond, give to the poor and be a blessing to others; as I have been blessed. Help me to be a righteous representative of your kingdom here on earth. #We gotta pray right for righteousness sake and that is according to God's will.

Life often gets low and to depths of despair that we never thought were possible, let alone conquer but God; He sits high and lifted up. Look up to where your help come from. Jesus was always Reppin' for that low life...

Friday, June 9, 2017

In Case Of Emergency - Break Bread...

Just in case you were wondering, God already knows what we are going through, what we have been through and what we will go through.  Everything that we endure is for us to find HIM, to see HIM in it, and to learn to trust in HIM.

We are not proving anything to Him because He already knows the intent of our heart. It is for our benefit - not His.  He is just waiting for us to come into the complete knowledge of who He is.
Sometimes emergencies arise in our lives and in case they do, break open the bread of life and consume God's word.

All the answers, all of the provision, all of the solutions; and all of the wisdom, knowledge and understanding are found - just within reach.  And there is always some breaking involved, but not enough to hurt you.

Keep Pressing.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Bad Credit...

Bad Credit…

I don’t know how to give up - because truth be told, I didn’t have any involvement with how I got to where I am currently; it’s all been by God’s grace and mercy.  I’d be taking God’s praise, glory and honor if I said otherwise; and that’s the start to a “Bad Credit” report and having bad credit keeps us from being able to borrow later on when we are trying to purchase a destiny that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford.

We erase bad credit and restore a good credit rating by giving credit where credit is due.  Accurate reporting equates to a healthy and salubrious lifestyle.

Good credit speaks for you and opens doors and opportunities that may have not been afforded.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Flick Your Bic!

Flick Your BIC!

 “My name ain’t “BIC” but I keep that flame…”

Who knew…? That Lil’ Wayne was some type of pseudo prophet and precursor to my current situation?

I love what I do.  Encouraging others on their walk in Christ helps my flame burn brighter and ignites combustion into another’s.

“Flick Your BIC!” And encourage another through the flaming word of Christ.

Imagine a stadium of flames not burning in tribute to an artist, but the venue lit because we are in unison and with one accord - we could set this world ablaze!

Flame On.

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Swimmer...

I learned how to swim early in my life because I had the desire to go where I saw others go, and not be able to enjoy the fun and life they were having made me want to overcome that fear.
Fear will keep many of us from going farther in life. Learning to swim has saved my life and given me the courage to go other places, that keep some from venturing out. I would have feared the deep had I not learned to tread.
I have found myself out in the deep because I was prepared early; and called to use that skill in my life currently. Thank you Father God for preparing me where I would be going early in life – through your word. My sea-legs were my faith. I will kick, tread and swim to get where God is leading me. The Holy Spirit is my life guard. Rip currents come but we have to learn to swim parallel to God’s word and we will be just fine.
Learn how to swim because one thing we do know is that devil’s cannot swim!

Didn't We Almost Have It All...?

Call me not keeping up with the times, but I am neither New Age nor Neo-anything… In fact, I would deem myself more of an old-fashioned kind of girl. I believe that God can – Period. His word never stated or said that people could not prosper by the works of their own hands; people did so all the time-since the beginning of time.
Take Oprah for instance, with many accomplishments up underneath her belt, she lacks in many ways (In my humble opinion). She has never married, no posterity to leave her wealth to, and was raised in a not so sound family life. All she has is wealth, but she is not whole. Her entire existence has been external accomplishments. As there were ten lepers healed by Jesus, they all received the healing that they were imploring of Him, however, only the one was made whole; which turned back and gave thanks to the Lord. There is something to be said about giving God all the praise, glory and honor and not delving into what totally belongs to Him by taking credit for one self.
Some are satisfied with “a” thing, be it wealth, health, family or prosperity. However, I seek what only few obtain and that is the fullness of the blessing of the Father in every area of my life. I do not believe that we have to sacrifice one thing for another because when God blesses, His intent is to bless everything that we are associated with, not just a portion or specific area in our life. Maybe at different intervals, but when it is all said and done there is a comprehensive, aggregated, and cumulative totality in God, which can only be quantified by God as a complete and blessed life. Why settle when we can have ALL…?

The Voice...

Beware of "seducing" words, just because they sound good, sound convincing and are coming from supposedly men and women of God; doesn't make the word necessarily "Good".  The only way to have true discernment is by walking closely to God so that HE can whisper in your ear and tell you to get the heck from around them.  STOP being sold a bill of goods that arent benefitting you any.
"The Voice" you hear most is the one you will respond and adhere to. Allow God to be your voice coach, and to speak to and through you.

Keep Pressing!