Monday, October 19, 2009

"From the Rising of the Sun to the going Down of the Same"


Dear Father,

Waiting to hear a word from you often is tougher than wanting to do. To do something. Being still is so hard to do. It feels like time is being wasted on doing nothing. However, sometimes it's the best thing and the only thing we can do. Let you be God all by yourself! Because surely you don't need any assistance from us to accomplish your goal, your work in us and through us.

While I wait, while I endure I will continue to praise you, From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same; nothing that happens between the sun rising or setting should affect nor will I let it. Your praise shall be flowing continually from my mouth. That is my comfort through the storm. The healing salve on the wounds of life.

Sometimes you want to know, just as we who have children if your child can just do that simple task; to sit still. At times there is real test behind the request but there are just other pressing matters. My child should know that I have not forgotten about them. I just need them to for the time being to sit still and do nothing; possibly while I take care of another child who is in more dire straits. There is no degree of the love I feel for either of my children but sometimes one needs me more than the other.

I was in full stride Lord, the starter pistol had sounded off and I was in my lane and in my runners stance; ready to smoke all my competition and then you stepped in and said "wait, be still". That is even harder than me just warming up and being out of the track of life but I hear you Father. When it is time for me to continue on this marathon of life; I will run and not become weary nor shall I become faint. I know this to be true because you have done the same thing many times before in my life. When we are connected with you, we can hear the instruction from you so loud and clear that it is if you are here in my presence in human form having a conversation, a real-time dialog back and forth.

I was talking to Ashleigh, you were there when I tried to explain to her that there is no greater feeling to know that someone who you can not see who is always there with you, guiding and caring for you. There is no question in your mind that they are there and that is a great and wonderful feeling; one like no other. That kind of "knowing" takes faith. A strong faith to carry that feeling and knowing with you throughout life and through all life trials and what life can take you through but you are so good you even encourage us when we fall weak in that area of our life, in our faith.

You said that you would never leave nor forsake us once we gave our life to you and you nor your word has failed or come back void.

Thank you Father for all of these things in Jesus name. I Love You Lord. Amen!