Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Note To Self

There is only one option when we “choose” to give up and not pursue God for the fulfillment of our predestined dreams – Death.  It may feel like it would be a waste of time to keep believing God for goodness and greatness in your life but you will never know what success truly tastes like until you go all the way with God and know that he is faithful in all things and all areas of our lives.  Yes indeed it gets hard some days… most days… but I still believe that God is faithful to his word even when we fall short on holding up our end of the covenant.  None of us are worthy and none of us are capable of accomplishing life in general, not to mention, being blessed beyond what we could ask or even think.  It is only because of Jesus that we are able to come boldly to the throne of grace at all.  Never get it confused who it is that did all the work and that is why he deserves all the glory, honor and praise.  Therein is where you will find peace, comfort and joy while you travail and traverse life on a daily basis – It s not up to you to get you to your destiny once you say “yes” to God’s will and his way – It’s totally up to him to fulfill his word until the day of Jesus Christ.  Have faith in God.

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