Tuesday, July 8, 2014


It should not be about conceit nor envy when you see a person driving a luxury vehicle. Reason being, it tends to lend itself over to a form of respect. Respect for what the person does to maintain that lifestyle. Imports and luxury vehicles come with a high cost, high maintenance, high gas, and to travel in that level garner respect for the person who chooses to pay that high price associated with owning a luxury vehicle. When we journey with God on this faith walk it is as luxurious as we can travel BUT it is a high price to pay. Jesus paid it all and we have to keep up the maintenance in prayer, the gas of faith and be willing to travel wherever he leads. It’s a respect for who God is and what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did for us in order that we may be blessed and highly favored. When you look at another believer, it should be with respect and not conceitedly or enviously. Respect for what we all go through to press forward to a higher calling. There are all types of vehicles to get you where you want to go. Some choose to go through life footing-it and others catch buses or taxis. However, there are others who choose to ride in style and living a life seeking God affords you to cruise throughout life in a custom luxury vehicle that God chauffeurs just for you. We can all get to a destination but some can get there faster and more comfortably. Respect what God has done through Christ, respect what he is God of your life and he will recognize your respect of who he is and what he means to you and bless you abundantly.

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