Monday, July 14, 2014


The theory regarding people only using only a small portion of our brain capacity has neither been definitively proven nor unequivocally debunked.  However, I would like to toss my hat into the ring to suggest that there a way that we can believe in God that will increase our ability to use hemispheres of our brain that we once thought defunct and dormant.  There was a time when I couldn’t imagine a life of more than just enough and barely getting by.  And the more that I began to believe and trust in God; and to in my faith; I began to see my world expand as well as my capacity to believe for greater.  It was as if God were allowing me to expand and imagine a life that was once dead and impossible to me.  The more I desired more of him, the more he enlarged my territory to believe for even more.  The brain, as like God is both still mysterious and unknown fully to us.  God says that wisdom comes from him and it will enable me to gain understanding where I once lacked the ability to discern his path for my life. But once I committed myself to following him, the lamps were lit up and I saw that the path he has for me is indeed good.  Stretch your faith and it will broaden your ability to see what was once alien to you. What more could you be with God?  You already know what you can be without him. There is more to the brain than just the Medulla Oblongata that many like to quote and there is more to God than just salvation.  He has more for us, if we can only believe for more. 

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