Monday, July 14, 2014

Not Gone Die Today

David went out and fought Goliath because he knew that it wasn’t his day to die.  He fought the giant in faith because he knew that he had only been anointed King, but hadn’t actually been crowned King of Israel, therefore, he wouldn’t die on the battlefield that day and he could be confident that what he believed God for would have to come to pass.   Sometimes all we have is our belief in what God told us and nothing else.  Oftentimes there is nothing left for us to grasp ahold to other than God’s faithfulness – and not our own.  We trust in knowing that God is faithful; and that is what we cling to in order to keep holding on until he blesses us.  It may only be a thin thread, nearly invisible as a spider’s web but that one flimsy thread can pull us up out of the mire of a life that has held us back and up into the life that God has already declared will come to pass or his word fail.  You may have run out of every reason on why you should give up and have every excuse on why not to keep pressing; you may very well have to exhaust your bag of tricks of coping before you do as Jacob and grab hold to the Lord until he blesses you!

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