Thursday, July 10, 2014

Go The Distance!

There is a great divide in wealth and a social gap between and betwixt the have and have not’s around the world, not just in this country.  Nevertheless, money is still being printed and made.  New millionaires and billionaires crop up every day and some people think to themselves, “Well, I could have come up with an idea like that.”  The vast difference between people who live out their lives as they so desire versus people who live the life that they stumble into is the one in whom they place their trust.  God can take the space that separates us from the life of abundance and make it as minute as a crack in the sidewalk – and I step over those all day, every day.  I know that what I believe for appears to be down-right ludicrous; especially knowing that I don’t have a boot or a strap to pull myself by but I do not have to own anything other than a sling, rock and the ability to speak to the giants in my life and declare that the Lord of Host, whom I serve, will deliver me.  God has taken paupers and made them kings and sold food for pennies that just the day before went for a king’s ransom.  We can go to bed tonight hungry and awake the next day sitting at the table of great men and they will be musing at what God was able to accomplish in a days’ time in your life; and to his glory.    One thing God will not do is allow his word to fail and return to him void.  His word is surer than your next moment of life.  Have faith in God.  Go the distance with God and he will not disappoint you.

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