Thursday, June 26, 2014

The American Dream?

Who wouldn't buy into it?  Why wouldn't you believe that what has happened to others can also happen for you?  This is America right?  Of course the “American Dream” is alive and well in the minds of all who stand perched before the wistfully flapping’s of a flag colored in the famous red, white and blue and to many those colors don’t run from anything or anybody.  Even with all that many immigrants have had to endure on their passage to this country, my tears of thee; there is still no other country that droves of expats would rather reside and put down stakes to make a life in – America the Beautiful.  And those are not words of sarcasm because I know the freedom that I experience everyday compared to the oppression, apartheid and segregation that I witnessed on a daily basis in countries on the nightly news that flash between Brian Williams stripped ties and war torn nations and countries; and you are right if you think that I should be thanking the Lord daily for this country because I do.  However, there is a place – not a country, nation, territory or annexed piece of land that trumps what even America herself can offer and that is a Promised Land of God that I seek to not only view from the outside looking in but from the inside out; fretfully calling out to others to desire more than what this world has to offer.  America could fall just as it has risen.  God and he alone create nations that stand or fall.  Empires and dynasties that were once dominant and thriving seemingly forever hardly can have a trace of their vestige found because it is God who sustains, God who builds up and God who can crumble a nation.  There is a dream that is higher and eclipses the bright lights of Ellis Island or even the dim illumination of a hand-hewed underground passage dug by Mexicans escaping to America for a better life. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob allowed them to dream of nations that hadn’t been created.  My prayer is that we all find favor in the sight of that same God who can cause us to dream of things that are greater than that which we already see. 

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