Monday, June 16, 2014

Personal Trainer

Aren’t you glad that God didn’t let you go?  Even when you wanted to be turned loose?  When God committed to us, he took it seriously; it was a blood-oath that he would never leave us nor forsake us.  And when the waiting at times because unbearable, we just want to throw-up our hands and say “I give”.  Not that we give up, just that we have grown weary of waiting on the promise because it is costing us more than we wanted to give.  Nobody likes to exercise but if you are a person who has exercised or played a sport and felt the fatigue after a good work-out but then also felt rejuvenated once the exertion wore off and was glad about the sacrifice and obedience it took you to follow through. That is how it is walking out your faith.  As when you first start working out, we don t see the results right off but over time, we see that all of our hard work hasn’t been in vain.  The Holy Spirit is our personal trainer whose sole purpose is to encourage, train, motivate and chastise us until we reach our goal.  Don’t despise all the hard work and effort but find it despicable to go through all that you have been through only to not obtain the prize called the promise(s) of God. 

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