Thursday, June 19, 2014


There is nothing lacking, no deficiency to be found in God.  We serve a God who is All-Inclusive.  And his promises are Yea and Amen, but we must believe past what our eyes can visualize and be transcended to that place where you are not quite sure that it truly exists or not, but you know that it was a vision from God and a sign of things and a life to come.  If faith was easy, everyone would be doing it; and it wouldn’t be a mandate from God of what must be done in order to receive the impossible.  There is not one jot or tittle of God’s spoken/written promise(s) to us that will pass us by, if we only believe that he is God and a rewarder of them  that diligently seek him.  I want it ALL – not some.  Whatever all God has for me – I want it and I want it NOW.  Ask. Seek. Knock.  Acronym – A.S.K. Either way you look at it – God says you must ask in order to receive. 

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