Friday, February 17, 2017

Animal Kingdom...

Animal Kingdom…

Nothing or no one leaves this life unscathed; even in the Animal Kingdom we can see that life happens to everyone; just as it does with the jungle we call life. 

Take the MMA Fighters… What’s the difference between them and a cock-fight or a pit-bull fight? Caged and fighting for their very lives. 

Hindu won’t eat cows because they take them to be sacred and that they might one day return as one, and what if they do return as one, but with Mad Cow Disease.

The strays and the feral (disenfranchised), walking the streets only to be apprehended by the pound, only to live out their days from one kennel to another (jailed) for life, not for any doing on their part, just born at the wrong place and time… Just life…

Some are born into a family of pedigree and nothing spared or lacking, but love and time… A life of solitude and loneliness.

There are some who seems to have it perpetually good, while others the bad.

Adoption happens and animals are released into a loving family and they learn that all life isn't bad; strays and the feral get taken in by someone in need of love and they become lifetime companions. 

We can try to save the animals just as we've attempted to save the unfortunates in Africa or some other third world country.

The rains fall upon both the just and the unjust… Life in God allows for us to expect the best there is.

Get out of your feelings and get into God, whose Kingdom has already been established.

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