Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Types and Shadows of the... Impossible

Types and Shadows of the… Impossible

At times we look pass this life and death appears to be better; not becoming suicidal, but just the will to keep living sometimes seems harder than passing through this life.  Life, as we all do, has its job, what it was created to accomplish by God; and it won’t return to him void.  In God’s word it says spare the rod and spoil the child – are we not his children?  God chastens those he loves.  Everything that we endure is for our betterment when we attribute it his glory.

As the saying goes, “The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed”.  The types and shadows of the Old Testament are revealed to us in the person of Jesus Christ; and we tend to leave our thoughts there, not going beyond Salvation to the life that God called us to in Christ; that we should live and not die.  We focus so much on the end of a thing, the end of the life that we forget about living this one, the only one we get to have.

As God upped the ante for the Children of Israel by delivering them from Pharaoh, it was also a type and shadow for us living in today’s time.  God hears us and for those who trust in him, we can see the impossible.  God is no different now than he ever was, because before there ever was, there was God.  He is the same yesterday, today and forevermoreImpossible only looks that way to us.  The Children of Israel had never seen God perform in the way that he had, just as we who are awaiting the Promise have never seen God work a miracle of that sort in our lives as well.  400 years of silence will do that to a Nation, to a people, to a person.  Each and every individual had to either believe or not. 

In my lifetime, I have wanted to both see and experience my own deliverance, to receive my own Promise fulfilled, here in the land of the living.  Is it hard? Yes, but, then no at the same time.  Just as God took the Israelites the way of the Wilderness in order that they might learn him and to trust him as Lord, Provider, Savior and Keeper, that same type and shadow exist for us today. 

God’s word is forever morphing into another way that his scriptures can be applied to our everyday living is the reason that his word lives; his word is applicable whether 3,000 years ago or today.  

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