Friday, July 8, 2016

"I Never Doubted!"

I Never Doubted…

Pshaw! Of course we did, still do - we, you, me, and us; we all have and do every time a promise is spoken into our lives.  We believe at first and then the gravity of what has been spoken is too heavy at times to bear.  That’s where we fall short and why it is that we serve Christ Jesus, because he never did. 

Everything that the Father said, he believed, no questions asked.  He never doubted or staggered at the Cross, he wanted like any one of us, to not have to endure it.  There is a difference between doubted and not wanting to follow through, can you blame him?  Jesus was tempted at every point as we are as human beings but he did so without sinning, even unto the death of the Cross.  Jesus is the only one not to doubt anything the Father said.  The moment the Father said “you must go to the cross”, Jesus replied, “Yes Sir”. 

When doubt comes, because it surely will rear its ugly head, it is our one and only responsibility to repent, refute, and revert back to what we know about God; the one that has brought us over time and time and again over the course of our lives and trust that all things are working together for our good.  Therein lies the crux at its inception of the breakthrough that we are so desperately in need of on a daily basis.

It’s good to make our request known to the Lord and to voice our questions and concerns; and flat-out ask for what we desire but the most important thing that we can ever do is to glorify God for being good and come to him offering blessings, praise and honor of him in our daily lives, speech, associations, business dealings, to our families, and to the common man. 
Filter everything that you do through the lens and colander of God’s Holy Spirit; and it’s done automatically for us when we are walking with him.  Our spirit guides us into all truth and guides our steps that have been ordered by the Lord. 

Seek God.  Trust God.  Believe God.  Know God personally and relationally for yourself.  

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