Saturday, June 4, 2016



Sometimes we have to be put on mute; we talking, but what we are saying or doing isn't being heard or received by the masses. If we were called and we know we have the words to liven dead bones and spirits, or to do whatever that which God has placed in our spirits to do and it not having come to fruition, will make you wonder. The backside of a desert is a hella place to spend a good portion of your life.

We must learn to be OK, alright, and content with being placed in an obscure place and position and trust God in this process. Everyone doesn’t get the stage, mic, pulpit, television or radio broadcast. No matter how much you Go Live, Periscope, YouTube or Snapchat.

And what we must do as believers is learn; then find a way to swallow a hard pill... What if?
Or then we have to ask ourselves was it really about God like we said in the first place? Those that are that say they "living for Jesus and Jesus alone".

Here comes where that Jacob transforming into Israel; that WWE wrestling match with what was and that which is to BEcome happens - not scripted or faked, choreographed routines. There will be real pain and real blood, sweat and tears.

If it’s about HIM, then trust HIM and his process. Whew! I said it. I pray I’m not just blowing hot air.

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