Thursday, June 23, 2016

My Daily Walk - Day One

My Daily Walk – Day One

Exercise your Spirit and Body.

Wow! I did it! I turned the camera around on myself and filmed for the very first time.  Trust me, I was dreading and wanting to do it at the same exact time.  This is what I said I wanted to do – right? Be an inspiration to others.  I didn't take to it like a duck to water but I glided into like a newborn into his new world – wet behind the ears, but open to every possibility that life offers; covered in mess, but still blessed to be alive

Life was breathed into me because what was birthed in me came to life today; and it was amazing, although not many, if any, viewers watched.  It wasn't about the numbers but that I accomplished another goal that was in my heart.  It’s the small stones that come together and combined to make the foundation needed to build upon. 

To finally step into that role, to speak live some of the intimate and personal thoughts of how I walk with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have blessed me beyond any descriptive word in the English language. 

When I woke up this morning, I despaired because once again I was rising up to go and do something that I didn't necessarily want to be doing; when there are so many people rising up going about their day doing exactly what they wanted to be doing, and not what they had to be doing, such as myself. 
One thing that I can say about myself is that “I live in the moment”, I’m not frightened off by much in this life because I know that God is with me and guiding my stumbling steps. 

The awesomeness came into play because I just decided that I would live out another moment and I did it – no holds barred and my spirit is blessed beyond measure.  We just have to be doer’s and there is and will always be risk in anything we do.  I can’t worry about who feels me and who doesn't; those who are to be touched by God through my words of wisdom will not be denied because that’s why God uses the people who are open to do his will.

I couldn't allow this day to pass by without me giving reverence and to say “Thank You” to God that he allowed me to BE

If you can, try and catch the replay of me on Periscope.  J

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