Monday, July 10, 2017

Broke As A Joke... Broke Is The New Rich. Don't Be A Mannequin & Go All Hollywood.

I just don’t, I don’t understand how the world has contortioned itself into an unrecognizable society. Broke has become the “New Rich”. We are allowing the people of the poorest reputations and spirit; dictate to us what it is that life is all about and “they” are the ones getting rich.
How can we now be taking advice from the ones that were once just a few “likes and views” in need of advice themselves, and now they are prescribing dosages of cure-alls that are causing a pandemic of overdoses in self-depredation? We are no longer trying to head off an epidemic; and so this social media disease has created a multitude of quacks and self-dosing false guru’s, with a certification in self-aggrandizement – In other words, the blind-leading-the-blind and this entire world is falling into the ditch.
If the person’s spirit you are receiving advise or counseling from doesn't reflect success in the area that you are pursuing their consultation for, then what exactly can they really tell you or offer you that will create the life that you are so desperate in need of that you are seeking outside help? If all they have is money – that’s not success. They are still Broke As A Joke, and the joke is going to be on you. They leave with the blessing and you leave with the blessing plan.
This goes for people inside and outside of the faith. Stardom is just that – Star-Dumb phonically speaking.
People of a broken spirit have a testimony, we all do, but that doesn't constitute that they know best. And maybe you just need to accept the lesson and decipher the difference between broke and broken.
A divorced person can only navigate you on how to overcome the devastation of divorce. A divorced and re-married person can counsel you on how to get over the hurt and on to another life.
The Mannequin Challenge had its time… And it has passed. If you take anything from that, take that it is passe.
Role Models are nothing more than mannequins. Just because it fits on the mannequin doesn’t mean that it will be tailored to who you are. Try on life in God for yourself, and when He blesses you, don’t go all Hollywood; and it will bespoken HOT!

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