Saturday, April 29, 2017

Material Girl... Materialize.

Do you believe that dragons and unicorns existed, or where they just fairy-tales?  Well this may be surprising to some but they both once were upon this earth.  
Read the Book of Job for yourself.  These weren't metaphors and parables; this was God speaking.  Therefore, if we believe in them, then we can also believe in the fairy-tales that God has spoken into our spirit; and the many blessings.  
Faith and trust in His word is what lifts them from the pages of our imagination and materialized.  
Keep Pressing.

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Dreamer Writes...

Get what God has for us...

Today, I had a lot of time to kill and so I decided to go on the web and house hunt for properties that were out of my league - In the millions. For most who are reading this message it is unthinkable to believe that you will ever be anywhere other than on the east, west, south or north sides of town; just driving the same streets back and forth to work and home each and everyday. When you think about that, its debilitating.  To own a home with enough space for you and your family to live comfortably in should be able to be obtained, am I right? It is even better to have a home that when your parents age and need care, you can have a room for them in your home, instead of placing them in the care of a nursing facility where they are being mistreated, or to have a room for your grandchildren to come over and play; because lets face it, many of us are now getting to that age where we either have or will have grandchildren soon.
Isn't it God's command that we have a inheritance for not only our children but our children's children? Many don't have a pot to piss in or a window to through it out, let alone leave an inheritance; yet God said that we should, and if he said that we should, then that means that we can, right? So my question is why are we not living to our potential?
Sad to say... People barely have enough to survive from week-to-week, therefore, being able to leave anything to our descendants is out of the question and that is a travesty against the Lord and His will for our lives.
Father, I ask that you enable to not only be a hearer, but also a doer of your word; not just in prosperity but in all the ways that you have instructed me to live my life as well as my family's' lives. Lord the kind of life that I seek can only come through you.
images (14)

Putt-Putt Enters the Race...

Get out of your putt-putt faith... starting and then stopping; not knowing when your faith is going to give out on you - and put you walking.  
Get into luxury status where your faith in God goes into cruise control and all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride.  In order to win the race, you first must have to enter into it.  
Stop riding in that putt-putt that only gets you from A to B.  Keep Pressing!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Cart Before The Horse...

Stop putting the proverbial cart before the horse...  You can't have a wedding without a groom.  Get Christ first and then you can plan the wedding and enjoy the reception.
You get no wine before its time and season... Patience.

Risky Business...

Oftentimes we have to take a glimpse back, not just in our past but the past of those that preceded us in order to draw strength before we can continue forward; we are already walking in blind faith, so what could it hurt? If you are believing God for something that you have never see done before in your or your family's' life, then you have to step further out in FAITH. We know that we can believe God for our bills being paid or getting a house or a car because we see those kinds of blessings manifested all day everyday.
How many millionaires do you know? Have you ever been to France or Italy, without having to be there for work in the Armed Services; I am talking about traveling on vacation out of the country? Believing beyond paycheck-to-paycheck. The Israelites had never seen God move in such a manner until they saw Him bring them up out of Egypt, not by might, nor by power or a sword but by His Spirit and He was faithful to His word that He would deliver them! NO blood was shed and they came out wealthy; all because they kept crying out to God, even when it seemed that He may not ever answer.
I encourage you today to believe God past what you already know that He can do and start believing in the unbelievable! It is not faith if you can see it or have already seen it.
Faith is Risky Business and Entrepreneurship in God... 
Keep pressing!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Vice Squad...

Many stand with our past at our backs while we face an unclear future.  God has not brought us out of bondage of the world of doing dope, whoring, gambling, selling dope scheming & scamming, sickness & disease to say this is far as we go.  There were plenty of vices and graves out in the world, we see them being used and filled everyday.  God has a plan for our lives; trust, wait and see the salvation of the Lord.  You have a squad on your side… The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.  Keep Pressing!

I See That You've Already Met The Twins...

I must say that WAITING is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. You would think that waiting would be the easiest thing, but there is usually a wait period, from the time that the Lord has given you a vision until the time that it is manifested; and that is because God takes this time to prepare us for such a life changing and life-altering time period. I have been pregnant with this vision for a very long time and I have declared that this will be a natural birth, no epidurals or pain killers, and I shall endure all the aches and pains of having a natural child birth; unlike having a child, birthing twins of destiny and purpose sometimes takes longer than 9 months. However, I know that I will not give this blessing up for adoption to let someone else claim what God has for me nor will I abort this pregnancy because I am tired of waiting… Having a child changes everyone's’ life around us, not just the parent(s), and it goes the same for God’s blessing because it is not only for the individual personally, but that same blessing is to flow through us to others and allow God to touch others through us. Pregnancy in faith of expectancy is at times both miserable and wonderful, just as it is in child birth, we do not care once that child (blessing) is here for us to behold… Waiting in EXPECTANCY… Keep Pressing-


I can not let the rocks cry out in my place. I can not be one of the 9 lepers who did not return to say “Thank You”. I have the symptom of the woman at the well of Samaria who wants, who must tell the entire town to come and see this man, the Son of God, who has told me things about myself and who has healed me of my sins. I had many sins and lived a sinful life, but was given the Word, the Lord Jesus Christ and it turned my life around. He waited for me in the heat of the day to come in my shame, yet He valued, cared and so loved me that He felt it necessary to come to where I was; a social OutKast, to say that He loved me and that I could do, be and live better; and I want to, and I am going to live out this life of a person who has been saved, born again and bought with a price. I am going to live this life with gratitude, servitude and appreciation because I once was lost but now I am found; that is living a life of Thankfulness! Keep Pressing-

Money Talks... Bla, bla, bla...

Pray over every dollar that you receive. There is a spirit attached to each and every bill. The more of them that you accumulate, the more it either changes you for the better or for the worse. With each level of success and new tax bracket, haven t you noticed that noses are raised higher and people begin to act differently? So if you have thousands – you are dealing with thousands of spirits, millions – millions of spirits; ergo billions – billions of spirits. If you haven’t prayed over them, you are fighting against a whole lot of spirits that you will not be able to control. The Bible says that money answereth all things; and indeed it does. What is your money saying? What do you want your money to say about you? If you have prayed over it, you will be able to tell “it” what to say. If you have not – as with many, it will do all the speaking for you because you are now controlled by it; and given it the power.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Sugar Hill... "A Rapper's Delight"

Sugar Hill… “A Rapper’s Delight”
When you first heard Rapper’s Delight you didn't really know what it was that you were hearing, you just knew that you liked it.  It was new, fresh, questionable lyrics but somehow relatable to me, as a young black youth – finally hearing someone who resembled the dudes I knew, and spoke the language, vernacular, parlance and idioms that I heard growing up as a child.
Hibby to the Hip Hop…? Some might say it resembled speaking in tongues
With the disclaimer clearly being stated off rip, “Now what you hear is not a test”, blatantly exclaims to us that we were indeed the guinea pigs of our day.  They were obviously not sure whether or not this word of delight was going to delight at all – They had no idea what they had inspired for generations to come.  They were the gang of rapping disciples that wanted to say hello to the black, to the white, the red and the brown, the purple and yellow. – All people.
Parable after parable, life about the culture that I and everyone else around me were experiencing was being expressed in explicit form.  Ho-tel, mo-tel, Holiday Inn… If your girl starts acting up, then you take her friend.  I couldn't wait to stay at a Holiday Inn.
Three individuals speaking as One, each bringing their own relevance to the trio/trinity.
How to relate socially was even addressed – social skills and etiquette – The Golden Rule or pillars of the faith – Do unto others as you would have them do unto and love they neighbor as thyself.
It instructed on how to conduct oneself if you ever find yourself over a friend’s house to eat and the foods no good and chicken that tastes like wood.  If offered, don’t lie, pile some more on your plate and afterwards run to the store for a quick relief from a bottle of Kaopectate.  Then you call your friend two weeks later to see how he has been.  And he says, “I understand about the food but we’re still friends”.
Words of Inspiration if I ever heard one… When I first heard the Word being preached I knew that this word was for me and anyone who wanted to receive it.  You may have questions about something that you've read or heard; no one knows every lyric to every song… Although you still try to sing it – Still try to live out this life as best you can for Christ’s sake.
The Bible – “I Used to love her”… And Still Do.

Stand For Something... What Do You Stand For...?

When you have done all that you can do – STAND!
Sometimes that is all that you can do, because you do not have enough strength to do anything else.  God knows when we grow weary and He will renew our strength.  Just take a seat on your rock of faith and allow the Holy Spirit to lift you up.
Sometimes standing is the best action to take; especially when you are not sure where you are headed next.
Keep Pressing!

Hey! No Peeking!

With God is how it feels when your spouse blindfolds or tells you to cover your eyes; and says, “I have a surprise for you.”  They keep whispering that it is just a little further… And we get frustrated and try to take off the blindfold or peek through our hands.  They say, “No, that we will ruin the surprise.”
We keep walking and they keep guiding instructing, turn left or right.  Same with God. When God removes the blindfold, we are always presently surprised with great gifts and blessings.
What better gifts and promises does God have for you?

Impotency... What's So Hard About That...? No Hard Feelings...

Impotency… What’s So Hard About That…? No Hard Feelings…

With each day that passes, we are either growing closer to our promise or farther from it.  Only God can continue to strengthen us as we continue to grow in our daily walk with Him; and as we get older.  Vitality at times has to be found is a spiritual reservoir of sorts. 

“And one told Jacob, and said, Behold, thy son Joseph cometh unto thee: and Israel strengthened himself, and sat upon the bed.”

Jacob was dysfunctional but Israel sat up erect!

I always love that scripture because we can find the strength to finish our purpose in God – And to be a blessing to others.

Sometimes it’s just hard to “Get it up and keep it up” in up our spirit.  Whether it’s spiritual, physical or mental; and frustration grows in all of us – both men and women.  Some say, it’s due to the “Change of Life”.  You want to but… then you don’t at the same time.  Will it be the same ole same old? Or should I try something new?

Impotency is “Big Business”, because no one wants to feel inadequate, incapable or insufficient.  However, there will come a time wherein like King David… “Now king David was old and stricken in years; and they covered him with clothes, but he gat no heat. 2 Wherefore his servants said unto him, Let there be sought for my lord the king a young virgin: and let her stand before the king, and let her cherish him, and let her lie in thy bosom, that my lord the king may get heat. 3 So they sought for a fair damsel throughout all the coasts of Israel, and found Abishag a Shunammite, and brought her to the king. 4 And the damsel was very fair, and cherished the king, and ministered to him: but the king knew her not.  

It’s not going to matter how “fair” life has been to us, we may not get to know everything that comes our way but will have wanted to have lived to see the promises of God come to pass in our lifetime; and still be a blessing to others until the day that it is our time to sleep with our forefathers.
When it comes to end of our days upon this earth, we don’t want to have more regrets and hard feelings than we do accomplishments in our walk with God. What’s so hard about that? About walking in the will of God?

All sufficiency, endurance, tenacity, stamina and virility for both “The power to produce life” and “The pleasures of life” is found in the will of God.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Basic Training...

In the military, no one looks forward to going through Basic Training. You want to skip that all-to-important step and start the job; that is until you have to recall skills learned during that training period that are the difference between life and death.  We are in the Army of the Lord, what we learn now will be used later.  It's tough while going through, but invaluable.  Discouragement can cause dishonorable discharge and stays on your record.  Train up in the faith and get the purpose and promise God has for you.  Keep Pressing!

Lip Service...

Many want know know the source of my joy. So simple until it's complex. We go from faith-to-faith and from glory-to-glory. Each level God reveals Himself to be God in a new but familiar way.
God I declare today that as Hezekiah said, "The grave can't give you the praise!". Therefore, if you give me the platform and the ability both physically and financially, I will give you all the praise, glory and honor that's rightfully due unto you. With the fruit of my lips I will serve you. It's in Jesus name I pray, give thanks and receive it. Amen! 
Learn how to get into covenant with God and be determined to keep your end of the agreement. He knows the heart and the intent of man, so if you are just giving lip service, He knows that to.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Letter People - "T"

Try to enuciate… Ta, Tah, Tah, Tee.
Time, Tithes and Talents.
God wants it all returned, that which He freely bestowed upon you.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Something Only God Can Do - We Have Something In Common...

Something Only God Can Do - We Have Something In Common…

Abraham and Sarah, Elizabeth and Zechariah, Hannah and Elkanah, Rachel and Jacob, and the Shunammite Woman and her Husband; all had something in common – Infertility.  They were all unable to bear children, to bring forth “Life”

There are some things that only God can do – Only God alone can produce Life – whether barren, too young, and too old; no matter how infertile the environment, when God calls forth life, be it before time, in-time or out of season, God can produce it.

We have that same God and capability in common with all the aforementioned – to believe God for what He promised to be performed.

Whether we are well-off or impoverished; the life that we are in search of can only be called forth by God.  We are in search of a new life, one that has never been seen before, it’s a form of giving birth – and once again – Only God produces life.

Miscarriages, stillbirths, accidents and non-accidental deaths of unborn lives happen on a daily basis; the same goes for un-birthed dreams and promises of God.

Another thing that we have in common with all the above is the same ability to have faith and to believe that God alone is the giver of life and to trust Him to bring it forth in our lives. 

Life encompasses a myriad of different equations to work out the possibilities, and not the probabilities of peace, love, and joy.  Is there anything too hard for God? All things are possible to those that believe.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Good To Know...

It’s a wonderful thing to know what you like and what you want and not be dissuaded by anyone. To know what kind of husband or wife you desire and not give a hoot what anyone thinks about them. To know what you want to do with your life that may not be pleasing to your peers and family. To know what kind of house makes your feel like driving up to each day. To know what vibe makes you feel at ease. To know the people who you choose to associate with, why, how and for how long. To know what kind of music you like to bump or chill to. To know what kind of car makes you feel proud to pull up in. To know what wardrobe ensemble suits you best and what hairstyle compliments you. To know that you are striving to please the Lord the best you can and as long as you are doing all that you can to His glory – you know that everything will work itself out. If you aren't happy right now chances are you don’t know YOU at all.

The Hookup...

Have you ever been waiting for a friend to come and you kept looking out the window and it seemed as if it took them an eon to arrive? You paced the floor like an addict waiting on his hookup. You peeked out the blinds every few minutes and time just crept by. People say that if you stop looking the time waiting would speed up – It’s like a slow torture; especially when you have been ready AND waiting. God tells us to diligently seek Him. He wants us to continuously look out for Him to bring promises to pass and expectancy to be fulfilled. No – He doesn't want to torture us. He wants to know are you willing to keep on looking and expecting even though neither looks like they are going to come. Timely manner is on our timeline. Patience is on God’s timeline. He says diligently seek – that means to look without ceasing. We pace the floors waiting on folk to go nowhere truly important. Why not put our energies into something that will benefit us in the long run. Keep on looking regardless of the time that has elapsed or what seemingly hasn't arrived. Only those who continue to seek shall find.

Friday, April 14, 2017


When God asked us a question, trust and believe that He already knows the answer; it’s for us – Not Him. In the story of the blind men following behind Jesus repeatedly asking, “Son of David have Mercy on Us”, sounds a lot like me, you and everybody else that I know. We know what it is that we want, but it seems impossible to have; and then to add insult-to-injury, much of the time it’s as though God is ‘igging the heck out of us! (Matthew 9:28)
Blindness must be a prerequisite of faith or at least a first cousin because it strikes most who are on a faith-journey to the Land of Promise that God has placed in each of our hearts; not one hope alike, like a fingerprint – What’s for you is for you and what’s for me is for me.
The blind men cried out – but nothing changed – He answered them not a word. Sound familiar? You keep asking God what now? Which way to turn? Do you even hear me? And He answers us not a word.
God reiterates to us over-and-over again that we walk by faith and not by sight, so why then do we continue to look down at the pitfalls and not up to Him?
When Jesus gets good and ready, He will turn to us and ask us the same question He posed to the blind men, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” and when He does, will you give a snarky retort for being made to wait or will you be able to reply, “Yes Lord”?
We must continue to believe although the vision may still be unclear and tarrying.

Class Action Lawsuits...

If I told you that there was an inheritance for you, would you pursue it? Of course you would. We have been assigned a Public Defender (Jesus), who is the mediating attorney between us and our inheritance and the best thing is that He has never lost a case! It is already in God’s Word that we are heir to a mass fortune, a great inheritance that is stored up for those of us who are trusting and believing in God. It is on public record in the Holy Bible, God wanted us to be aware of what his children are justified in asking for and to receive. First of all you have got to know what belongs to you. Secondly, you got to show up and ask for your inheritance. Finally, you must trust in your legal team – The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit (Dream Team got nothing on the Trinity), to get what is due to you, plus punitive damages for all of the suffering and anguish caused by the enemy trying to steal what is rightfully yours. Ya’ll better get in on this class action lawsuit… #keep pressing!

Good Friday! Break Free!

We have more preachers/teachers/evangelist than this earth has ever seen before. This earth has more people than it has ever witnessed prior to – roughly give or take around 7 billion. You would think that with more word supposedly going forth that the world wouldn't be in the shape that it is in; yet we find ourselves in a world more depraved than ever before. Long story short – either the blood has lost its power; which we know that it hasn't or the power that once permeated the church has waned. Personal agendas are getting in the way of prolific word. Have you ever looked out across the sea of the congregation and you can see the hurt pressing down on people. People still flock to the church because that it where God’s spirit used to be; just like it used to be in the United States of America. However, as with Saul and Sampson, God’s spirit has long since exited the building of many churches across not only America but the world – and people just do not know it. Only with fervent prayer can he be drawn back to us. This billionaire’s boys club that has spread through the church like a virus really needs to abate or better yet, be completely eradicated. They are using the word as if she is a harlot, they are gang-banging her, just passing her amongst themselves with Pastors and Leaders conferences for only a select few - only a select few invited into their clique. Their attempt to sell every part of her is demeaning, disheartening and disenchanting. Unfortunately, people are still flocking to a church whose wells have long ago dried up and that is why they cannot find deliverance. Now is the best time than ever to seek out a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, so he can direct you on the best place to hear a true word of God. People are fainting not because of lack of words but lack of the living water. There is no flow of God’s blessing down to his people because the river that once flowed has been dammed up from self-absorption. Only God himself can break you – us – free. Seek him today!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up...

We are all human – We all fall short of the Glory of God. We can be trucking along just fine and then boom! We slip up and we wonder why we were so easily beset. We said that we weren't going to do thus and so; and find ourselves right back to something God had either delivered us from or we walked away from; only to return back to it because we thought that if offered us something that would fill some missing void. We may as well accept the truth of us being human and we will not walk perfectly but we can have a perfect spirit because of the Spirit of Jesus Christ in us – we are nothing of or within ourselves – we are sinful by nature. We were born into sin. Job said that “A man born of a woman is but a few days and full of trouble” - Trouble, falling short, tripping into sin or walking into directly. And we pray our way out of them all because it s a part of life. Don’t allow the guilt to get to you. God already knew where we would file a claim on a slip and fall and ask for repentance; that is why Jesus is our advocate, our attorney. He is just allowing us to find out something about ourselves that we must become acutely aware of, until it becomes chronic. This life is meant to reveal to us, who is within us and to learn to trust him in all our ways because he is here for us regardless of what we find ourselves in the midst of having to endure – Life is about teaching us about whom it is that created us. God only wants to reveal himself to us - To see why he loves us so much that he sent his Son Jesus to die as the perpituation and perfect sacrifice for our sins that we will surely commit. Our sins of yesterday, the ones we will commit today and the ones in the future. It is Jesus’ righteousness that cleanses us and what the Father sees when he looks at us and says “Yes” when he has every right to say “No”.

What To Do?

What are you going to do when going to church no longer feels like a blessing but a chore? What are you going to do when you burst through that glass ceiling and find that it was neither the “man” nor anything else that you would've done that was holding you back, but rather God saying wait? What are you going to do when joining the choir doesn't give you a voice? What are you going to do when being the Pastor is no longer a position of importance but becomes laborious? What are you going to do when being the First Lady of the church puts you in last place of the Pastor’s life? What are you going to do when all your praying seems to be in vain? What are you going to do when the freedom of divorce only brings bitterness and an incarceration of loneliness? What are you going to do when the high that was supposed to allow you to kiss the sky only gets you down to rock bottom? What are you going to do when the girl sliding down the poll no longer gives you excitement? What are you going to do when the bottle is empty and your sorrows are sobering? What are you going to do when the import car doesn't make the statement that you were looking for it to give? What are you going to do when the Degree on the wall is only a piece of paper? What are you to do when going back to school becomes just another distraction? What are you going to do when having the baby doesn't fulfill? What are you going to do when the husband of your dreams is now just a potato on the couch? What are you going to do when that young wife with the hourglass shape no longer feeds your ego? What are you going to do when owning the business doesn't equate to success? What are you going to do when vacations no longer decompress but rather give depression? What are you going to do when the wardrobe doesn't give the retail therapy it used to? What are you going to do when the breast augmentation doesn't augment your esteem? What are you going to do when you get to wherever it is that you been trying to go and find out that you still haven't found "it" yet? You will pick up your cross and follow Him because He is the only one to fill that void.

You Can't Deny...

Our journey sometimes grows arduous and our burdens are heavier at times more than others. Quite honestly they should. You should be praying and believing for more than just you and the things that you desire. Your prayers should be for family members, co-workers, passersby and bystanders, your hairdresser and nail techs. You ought to be praying for world nations and our nation, for the President and Heads of State. Pray for the children in your neighborhoods as well as children in other parts of the country. Pray for your enemies and friends alike. The mainline to heaven should overwhelm the switchboard. Once our prayers have overflowed we then transfer them over to Jesus who bears our burdens. We should want everyone on our prayer list to prosper and they may go about doing so, if you praying for them and live for God as an example for them to witness His goodness in your life. If you live an undeniable life for Christ, others won’t be able to deny Him either.

Mindset Is Everything...

Today I had a resolvent moment where a complex puzzle of my spirit had all the pieces put together and the Rubik’s cube of my mind had finally been solved – I twisted, clicked and turned every side until all the same colors of my faith were on the right sides. There is now an illuminated light bulb above my head to accompany the lamp to my feet - my faith that somehow God would show-up and someway make a way out of no way has never failed me because God never fails. In my darkest times is when God showed up prevalent and at His brightest. Over these years that I have been waiting on God, sunny days grew into midnight; and yet here I am still here praising Him. In spite of being blind to what lay ahead. I will continue to walk on… by faith. My problem all along has been my physical sight.

Hurry Up & Wait...

Lazy or a miser is what some preachers teach about. Either you are too lazy to go after what’s yours or you are too stingy, and that is why you can’t receive. Usually when we exhaust ourselves in trying to do, we finally get so tired that all we can do is stand – and that is when the Lord showed up. We could give all our substance and if it not given with the right intentions – we could end up poor of not only the pockets but the spirit. Some do work hard to get to where they wanted to go and in doing so, they never get to enjoy the fruits of their labor because they never trusted God to bring them to it, they trusted in and of themselves and that is why they can’t sleep at night for thoughts of losing what they have acquired. When it is time for you to move, you will have that “knowing” that only God can give you and when you move it’s as if you took ten steps instead of one. A lot of the time it’s a hurry-up and wait in God. When it was time for the Israelites to leave Egypt they had on their shoes and were packed up waiting on word from Moses. Once they got out into the wilderness – it was a time to wait upon the Lord; to follow the pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. God is not only building patience but getting you to learn to hear and adhere to HIS voice and commands; and to stay put when He tells you too. Once you get to chasing after a dollar, you will never stop and as like King Midas who had the golden touch; it won’t satisfy you but it will eventually kill you. Trust and know that God will bring you into all the Lands of Promise if you just follow Him and trust in His timing. Stop letting prosperity preachers run-off with the blessing while you remain in the poorhouse and stop working tirelessly to get the same things; and instead trust that God will bless you when you take upon you his yolk and light burdens. Much of our own angst is caused by wrong teachings and wrong thinking. We are in the Age of Grace; not of works that any many should boast.

Architectural Digest...

Proverbs 18:16 " A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men." My gift is etching out the desired plans for my life as an architect with his pencil... Only God knows what my heart truly desires, to live a full and rich life; not even I know because every time that I've tried to do it apart from HIM, I got what I was looking for and it wasn't what I was looking for... lol... I've put my pencil down and handed it over to God...

Take It Up A Notch!

TAKE IT UP A NOTCH! And no I m not talking about with Emeril - I m talking about with God. He was the first and will be the last that says taste and see that the Lord is good! Thank the Lord for all that He has done, but now start thanking Him for what He is going to do in your life. God has done a thing, something in your life before and all He wants you to do is to trust Him that He can even out do Himself... God likes exceeding our expectations, that is why He said that He will do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you can ever ask or think. I dare you to trust Him one good time and you will Thank Him for the rest of your life! Trust that! He has shown me that I can trust in Him for all things! Even in those things that I cannot see or even consider can be done. He moves on behalf of the people who believe even when they cannot see, and for that I love Him even the more... God is such a good God. He knows how to love on me to make me continue to seek and love him even when it does not always feel good... But, He turns things around that I've thanked Him for, while going through. Who wouldn't serve a God like that? Hmmm... Good question?

And Then I Remembered What God Promised Me...

I was anointed and blessed a while back and it does seem like it was in my very distant past and as I wait... and as I wait - I work. I am still tending my Fathers' sheep until the day comes wherein I step out of the obscure and into my destiny. The sheep are the people who He sends across my path who I speak a word to or for those of you who read what I post to social media , read my books or read my blog. Sure, sometimes it seems as if my Father in Heaven has forgotten about what He has promised me but I trust in the fact that He gave me the promise and He is well and able to bring it to pass; and to keep me until it does. Every day that I fight, there is another lion, another bear, and the Goliath of my 'mind' is defeated. The sword of His Word through my prayers are what slays Goliath and He is decapitated. My posts are a double-edged sword, they are to encourage You the reader but also to encourage ME the writer... My Father in heaven is glorified and we are both edified. #JustdoingmyJob#tendingthesheep


I've never seen the backstage preparation for a play but I have seen a play. All the work that goes into the play coming to the stage is usually unseen by the guests and we are simply the recipients of the final production. I don t have to see what God has going on behind the scenes in order for me to reap the benefits of His blessings that are being prepared right now, in order for me to enjoy them. He said that they are coming soon! The promises of God are 'Yes and Amen". Just as the marquee says that a play will open on a certain date and I show up and enjoy the show, the same goes for God's blessing; I just have to show up; sometimes after much waiting and much perseverance - anticipation overwhelming, but the show will start on time and be even greater than ears have heard or eyes have seen or entered into the heart of man. The reviews for God's plays are always "Thumbs up!" I believe that the curtain is about to rise in my life and not only will I be blessed but also those who are chosen to see. #ShowStartingSoon

Back To The Future...

The Church itself has grown “Big” but “Quiet”.  Congregations have never been so large as to fill football stadiums across the country but the spirit of God has also never been so “Mum”.  There used to be a symphonic, harmonious, melody as the church was on one accord but now it’s as tinkling brass and a sounding symbol; liken to a shabbily put together rap concert – “Everybody through your hands up, shout yeah!!! – Now shake your neighbors hand, turn to your neighbor and say neighbor”.
We've become interactive but less efficacious… Sort of a version of Catholicism on steroids, a bunch of rituals and routines.  Christianity used to be a daily walk with Christ and now everyone wants a skip to the head of the line; and Christianity doesn't work like that, it’s about trying to please God as best we can from our heart; on a consistent, daily basis or as close to the cadence of consistency as Godly possible.
What happened to the stronghold, the choke-hold and the foothold that the church used to have on society as a whole, the government and its officials?  Where is the conservatism that demanded respect by standing flatfooted on Godly principles? We have more churches with attrition as to the discussion of “Walking by faith” - which is what has brought us thus far, lest we forget.  The church is no longer separated, and the rubric of how to transform lives, but now has a “Go-along-to-get-along” mentality.
We've lost sight of the future and all that’s at stake – our souls.  What is it to gain the whole-wide world and lose our souls?  Everyone is grabbing and snatching for what they can get now, not concerned for waste or what’s left as an inheritance for others in Christ Jesus.
I pray daily for my future success; and that it doesn't overtake or consume me, because I dream gargantuan style prayers in God.  If you’re not praying for your future-self, then the question must be raised of whether or not you believe God for anything?  It might sound crazy to pray for a vision that hasn't been manifested but when the birthing process begins to crown, you want to have practiced some form of Lamaze to be aware of what is to be expected – and where to channel your energy for the least amount of discomfort and pain as possibly.
The most vulnerable occupancy of our lives is that space between blessings and success.  Both are God-given, but success is directly associated and contingent upon and a correlation between a personal relationship with you and God, because only you and God know what success really means to you; it’s not money, it’s a fulfillment of God’s promise to you and you alone.
Back to the business at-hand… Back To The Future.  The past is gone and today is visible. What’s yet to be revealed is the Future.