Monday, May 30, 2016



What is it about being teased? We kinda-sorta like it, but then again, we don’t.  We enjoy the teasing session a lot more when we know that the person who’s doing the teasing cares about us, and aren't just stringing us along for the torture of it, but in all actuality for the joy of it – our enjoyment- when it’s all said and done; or what about a movie or song teaser… a snippet or glimpse of what’s upcoming to whet our appetites.

Eventually there comes a time when there should be an end to the teasing.  Teasing to an extent can be an enjoyable and pleasurable experience when done right; it builds up the suspense for what ultimately is to come.  The teasing becomes cruel when the teaser has no intentions on fulfilling the teas-ee with anything that they would deem pleasurable.

When God gives us a promise, at times it can appear to as though we are being teased but instead it’s really just a prelude of what’s to come.  His intent isn't to harm nor to hurt, but to build up our hearts, faith and hopes for the blessings of things to come.

I don’t know about you but I like my faith – stimulated!  Only God knows how to tantalize and arouse my desire and one thing that I am fully persuaded of, is that he has every intention of satisfying that which he has aroused.  No one knows me like he does… And the visions are so great that he has shown me, I cannot turn aside from them; like the burning bush, more so IT DRAWS YOU TO IT - not away from.

Trust what you know about God, Trust what he has shown you and know that he doesn't tease unless he intends to PLEASE.

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