Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Womb

The Womb

What was once comfortable to me; that dream state of wondering what LIFE is going to be like has now turned into a self-made prison.  I don’t know about you, but I am sooo ready to be birthed.  But only God knows our gestational period.  The space that I am in is cramped and I can hardly move about, yet until God dilates my exit, I won’t be able to push my way through; and trying to go where God hasn't given the green light, can cause more harm than good – It might be extremely tight but it’s right – for right now.  There is only so much time that I can stay in the womb before I outgrow it; so I must trust that God knows best.  There is nothing more that God wants to do than to birth me into my next level of living BUT in order for a healthy birth, with less complications as possible, I must wait upon the Lord.  When we think about all the transformations that take place inside of the womb – it is nothing short of a miracle.  Therefore, when we think about where God is trying to take us, to break free from a life that we once knew into a life that is greater than what we ever could have ever imagined – it’s going to take that same trust in miracles.  There is a world out there that many of us have never known because we think that life is only inside the womb or we are too scared to believe that there is a whole entire world that we have yet to experience.  We may think that a baby cries after first entering into its new world outside of the womb because they are frightened and scared but it could be quite possible that they are crying in exhilaration that they made it to the next level; that level that they could only hear about through the muddled walls of womb (testimonies of others, hearing the word preached; but to know for yourself is an entirely different experience) – they heard but now they know that it is real! Tears of joy perhaps?  In order to know, we have got to go through and come out on the other side.  Afterwards the afterbirth comes and we appreciate it for giving us a place to live for a time being but we must leave it behind, it’s no more use for it where we are going.  We could easily discards our past trials and tribulations just the same if we only trusted that they were only for a season and not where we were meant to stay.  Can you imagine what LIFE looks like to a baby?  Can you imagine what your LIFE looks like?  To go from humble and meager means to traveling the world and not having issues that plague so many – like money worries or health issues?  That world is out there – we just have to believe it is and have the faith that God will birth us and bring it to pass.

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