Wednesday, May 31, 2017

From A to Z...

You want the blessings of God, but not the God of the blessing. It's simple deductive reasoning - You can't go from A to Z, unless you are S.A.V.E.D.  
Stop putting the cart before the horse.
There are a whole lot of letters between the letters A and Z; and you didn't pass kindergarten before learning them all, and neither will you get what God has for you without going through the necessary steps of learning the basics - first.
Keep Pressing!

Tear Here... Not Just A Suggestion.

Woke up feeling like Jairus this morning... In desperate need of the Lord's help but instead of my daughter dying, it felt like my hopes and dreams. I felt the need to tell the Lord a "play-by-play" of what I needed Him to do in my life - that would make me happy.
Then I thought, He already knows. The hopes and dreams came from Him, so He very well knows what it is that I desire.
Then the enemy said to me, "Your hopes and dreams are dead, do not trouble the Master any longer." And, then the Lord said to me - "Only believe! Believe in God!"
Lord, it does not matter to me whether or not you stop on the way to help me, to get glory from another; as in the case with the woman with the issue of blood, while on the way to Jairus's house. You have enough healing for us all. Just because others say that my situation is dead, you can give it life; even if you show up LATE! (As if there were such a thing as the Lord not being on time.)
You do not work in time.  You work in eternity, and call those things that be not as though they were.  Just as long as you show up. You will get the Glory from my life as well. Jairus, as well as myself could have grown angry and bitter because it seems that our time to be blessed has passed us by, but I believe God and I trust in your impeccable timing. Jairus returned to His home, knowing good and well that his daughter lay dead as I return to this j.o.b. - which seemingly is a dead-end job, but I trust as Jairus believed his daughter could be raised, that I too shall be raised up to do full-time what my purpose is and to fulfill my destiny.
Don't stop believing, no matter what the situation may appear to look like - with God all things, even the impossible are possible.
Life oftentimes is difficult to open, but God will direct us when and where to tear and rip into it; and the blessings of life spill-out and over everyone in attendance.
God's blessings come by directives and not just a suggestion.  The manufacturer Himself pre-destined or pre-designed the perforations of life to make it easier to access what He has for us.
Keep Pressing!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Got Band-Aid...?

I don’t know about you, but I grew tired of kicking against the pricks!
Keep Pressing!

And The Thunder Rolls...

As I listen to the thunder rolling outside, it stirs something in me. I know that I cannot see the thunder, but I can feel its roaring power just the same as if it were right next to me.
God’s promise(s) to me rumbles through me like the thunder booming through atmosphere. My spirit and faith are as expansive as the heavens above and even though I cannot see the promise(s), I can feel its conspicuous presence agitate what God has placed inside of me; and as it separates the unclean and unproductive spirits from my clean and resolved belief in what is to come, then a peace washes over me.
Sometimes what I feel frightens me, just as a loud thunderous grumble from the firmament when I hear it speak. Other times it’s a blessing because it signifies the blessings of God’s favor about to be poured out. Both the thunder and I have to do God’s bidding and fulfill His will and purpose.

I Think You've Forgotten...

You want to be encouraged today that anything is possible with God?
Read 2 Kings:7 and Yes, the entire chapter and just see the move of God and how when God decrees a thing to come to pass, there is no stopping it from coming into fruition.
There has been a feeling of electricity flowing through me today and to be guided to this passage today, really confirmed to me that I know that I have heard from the Lord and that He is going ahead of me, making my crooked ways straight.
Walking out our destiny is a lot easier when we are flowing in our predestined purpose... 
Whatever you do, don't forget about God; and why you ventured upon this journey of faith in the first place; He hasn't forgotten and neither should we.
Keep pressing!

Monday, May 29, 2017


Life or Death? I've got a choice to make; so do you. I choose life; so can you. What's hard about that is that it must be done on a daily basis - Choose to live or to die that is... Easier said than done, it's no wonder we grow old, who can endure making that same choice over and over again, and it's hard to do even when things ARE going particularly "Good". It would be so easy to believe once and that one time be good for the rest of our lives, but it doesn't work like that, does it...? Today once again I choose life.

Friday, May 26, 2017

News Flash!

The "Word" with no agenda attached is what will heal this land and turn our hearts back toward God. #HealOurHearts&Land Father
God We need you RIGHT NOW!

Dance Fever...

I've got Dance Fever! My partner Jesus is the best instructor.  He leads and guides my steps to be graceful and deliberate; and makes the experience enjoyable.  
Sometimes I don't feel like moving... He says it's okay to get tired, but to keep moving my feet.  
If He takes me down for a dip, I have total confidence that He will bring me back up and if I fall He can pick me back up, and we continue our dance.  
Do u have Him as your partner?
Keep pressing!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Currency Converter...

The promises of God are Yea and Amen, however, there is a cost associated with it. There is a foreign currency called faith that converts our praise into the currency needed to make a withdrawal from heaven. Without faith we have an account that is overflowing, but no way to gain access to it.


We eradicate doubt by vaccinating it with Faith. Sin, poverty, depression, are all forms of disease that are meant to disable, destabilize, and destroy what it is that God called and purposed for us to do in this life. You vaccinate yourself by giving God all the praise, glory and honor through it all – the good, the bad and the indifferent. I don’t like getting a shot but more so I deplore being sick – Ergo, sometimes I do not like walking by faith but I would rather walk by faith and get all that God has for me rather than leave this earth having not fulfilled my purpose.

Lying Eyes...

When you walk with God you see things in and through the spirit that you wouldn't normally see with your naked eyes. God allows you to see the tricks of the enemy, his hand gets tipped and we avoid the traps and snares. But God also allows us to see HIM while in the battle, to know that there is more with us than against us. The battle is not ours to fight but to trust that the Lord of Host will fight our battles for us. We must not allow our praise to be stifled. Our enemy has a goal, and that goal is to blind us as to whom we are in Christ. Through the instrument of praise is where our enemy goes blind and is defeated.

That's A Bunch Of Bull...

That's A Bunch Of Bull... Most who have tried to buy a house tended not to be accepted out the gate. Several creditors were solicited for your loan approval – CERTAIN CRITERIA HAD TO MET (FIRST). Nevertheless, you kept on trying because you had a goal and a desire to own a piece of the “Dream” but also to have your place that you called your own. Well… God has given us a “Promise” and most don’t receive anything other than a “vision” at first – a “knowing” placed on your heart. Many of us attempt to obtain them right off the bat, but you cannot allow a rejection or delay to keep you from seeking the face of God and ALL that he has in-store for us. God has several lenders ready to bless you (Angels ascending and descending), but approval is exclusively up to him and whether or not you are meeting the requirements that he has set forth for us. However, through the blood of Jesus Christ our “Promise” is Pre-Approved.

Designing Women...

When we trust a decorator, we trust in their experience and expertise to come in and do a quality job.
God is our decorator and if he hung the skies, the moon, the sun and the stars; created the trees, seas, oceans and the wind and breeze. NOW if God can decorate the earth in all of its splendor, why can't we trust HIM to put intricate detail into our own lives? 
He cares even more for us. Just something for you to think about. 
Just doing my part to help Design Women who are ready to press into God because that's what we were created to do, to be beautiful and accent everything around us with womanliness. God gave us so much power. Let's use it to God's Glory. 
Keep Pressing!

Monday, May 22, 2017


Joseph walked out his destiny without many advisers; unlike David who had Samuel, Jonathan and others. 
Either way you walk out your destiny and purpose, you will come to your designated, predestined appointed end. 
It doesn't matter the route God uses, just get us there Father. 

Keep pressing!


Anyone who knows me, I mean really knows me, knew that I was about my dude honey! LOL And for the most part, they reciprocated. However, I reserved the right to tip just as hard as they did. I attracted to me the kind of guy that I was willing to settle for. He wasn't faithful and neither was I. It wasn't until I made up in my mind that I wanted a monogamous relationship; and that I was willing to be faithful that God sent me a man that felt the same way as I did; and wanted true fidelity.
The same goes for our relationship with God. Until we make up our minds that we are going to be faithful to God, and that we are willing to trust Him regardless of what we see before us, we will always have a distance between us.  Our destiny can only be revealed once we make the conscience decision that we want God; and that we want to be faithful to Him - and not do it our own way. Faithfulness is nothing more than monogamy. What you attract to you, says a lot about who YOU are.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Breaking Bad...

Money can be a yolk around your neck, if not managed properly, and could have us in bondage.  Only God can give us the life of freedom we desire.  Freedom is more than a state-of-mind; it’s more of a matter of do you have your trust in the Blood of Jesus or other things?
“All Bad Things Must Come To An End…”
Keep Pressing!

The Walking Dead...

Many of us are playing Doctor. Dr. Frankenstein that is… using dead and decaying parts of our lives in an attempt to bring to life our destiny and purpose.  It didn’t work for Dr. Frankenstein and neither will it work for us.
What Dr. Frankenstein failed to realize is that the life is in the Blood of Jesus Christ, without it the body of Christ (The church), is a walking corpse! Only the Blood of Jesus can resurrect us from dead to  the living!
Keep Pressing!

You Promised Not To Let Me Drown...

Sometimes while we are waiting to move on to the next place and season that God has for us, it seems that we are holding our breath under water, and if we do not come up for air air soon, that it will be the end of us; our lungs will just burst.  I am here to tell you to hold on a little while longer and put all of your faith and trust in Him, and He will give you the breath of life needed to get you back to the surface.
Keep Pressing!


It takes years to make a diamond, for wine to mature and clothes to become vintage.  The same goes for what God is doing in us.  It can’t be rushed, it’s a process.  Because if we rush it, we will be ruined and if we are exposed to long, we can be destroyed by it.
Change your perception of time.  Time is a mechanism that can only perfect us.  If we allow it to work in its own timing!
Anything worth having is worth waiting for.

Good Grief!

I feel like a Bible character.  “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” That is exactly how I feel, “Can anything good come from Jacksonville, FL?”
The most grievous emotional battle is the one from thy own people.
Mark 6:5 And because of their unbelief, He couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.
It’s hard to keep fighting what appears to be a lopsided, battle but with Christ, I can do and accomplish all things.
Keep Pressing!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Transformers - More Than Meets The Eye.

Why is it that we read the Bible and don't expect that God wants the same thing of each of us, as those characters that we read about?
It's one thing to motivate another, and even greater to inspire, but most of all we should want to live as an example to help transform another's life; just as we read encounters of God and of Christ with others throughout the Bible.
Each of us have our own Bible being written each day of our lives, and it's meant to encourage someone else in their faith in God.
Doubt is nothing more than deception or a Decepticon, sent only to steal, to kill and to destroy.  
Our faith needs to be automatic; we are the Autobots.  We transform and join our forces in order to gain strength and defeat our enemies.
Autobots... "Roll Out!"  We are the Transformers - The body of the Church. 
"We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting...protecting. We have witnessed others capacity for courage, and though we are sometimes worlds apart, like us, there's more to them than meets the eye. I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars: We are here. We are waiting."

Pass The Salt Please! Hell's Kitchen...

If you have something that you have gone through in your life and you see somebody struggling with a situation that you have already been delivered from, then "Pass the salt please", by sharing your testimony. You are stealing the other persons chance to be delivered and you are stealing God's Glory by not telling them how God brought you out. 
All it takes is a dash of salt to transform a bland life to one that's savory and seasoned; by adding to it the favor and flavor of God.
Only God knows how to prepare a dish that whets and satisfies the palate, from appetizer, intermezzi, all the way through to the main course.  And just when we think that He has nothing more in-store, nor do we have anymore room to put another bite in - Here He comes with dessert.  
God will make you unzip your pants and undo your button, in order to get it all in that He has for us.  He guarantees we won't leave disappointed or dissatisfied, but rather abundantly full
It's all about the preparation.  We can taste when a meal has been prepared with love for the craft.  Fine dining is to be experienced - it's about mood, ambiance and a peaceful pleasurable encounter of the interpretation of the Chef.
A life prepared in Hell's Kitchen is full of contention, combativeness and stress; and it can be tasted and digested.  When a meal of a life is prepared and consumed up under these type of conditions, it ruins the experience that was meant to be sustenance and spoils nourishment to the mind, body, soul and spirit.  Eating a spoiled "word" will cause you to be sick.
God keeps a fresh "word", and fresh ingredients make all the difference in a meal and life.
 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." (Matthew 5:13-16)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Wobble Baby. Rock Steady...

Are you blessed of God? If you can find yourself THANKFUL inspite of, and regardless of your circumstance; if you can still find that place in your heart, mind, soul and spirit to say "Thank You Father", no matter what it is that you face, you can count yourself blessed and highly favored of God.
Steady in thankfulness will usher in steadiness in faith; and in faith is where and when we please God. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.  
If you don't want your life to wobble all over the place baby like an unbalanced turntable in need of a nickel on the needle, then all you need to know and remember is it is on Christ the solid rock that we stand and everything else is sinking sand.
Christ is the Rock of our Salvation.

Monday, May 15, 2017

The Butler Did It!

The Butler was a very pivotal character in history. No, not the character Forrest Whitaker played, but the Butler who told Pharaoh about a man down in the prison who would one day become Governor of all of Egypt. Many are in a physical prison, while others in a spiritual prison, health prison or financial prison. No matter what tries to keep us bound, God will remember His promise to us. God has given many of us a vision that has yet to come to pass. Don't you think that for a minute while in prison that Joseph didn't think daily about what God had so vividly shown him years before; and he didn't stop believing or seeking. The day he was called forth to interpret Pharaoh's dream, he hadn't a clue that he would be called that day...  He thought it would just be another day and then BOOM! DELIVERANCE AND PROSPERITY! Keep the vision front and center and it shall soon come to pass.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Charge It! Put It On My Master Charge...

Charge It! Put It On My Master Charge…

Being a member of the body of Christ has its privileges.

Everyone upon this earth has a spending limit.  No matter how much they are worth personally or the financial reach and resources – they all have a cap and max limit; and backed by banks or other financial institutions.

Our God, the one True God doesn’t need to carry cash or credit. 

To hear God ask, “How much she said?”  And Jesus reply, “Charge It!”  Oh the day!  Can you fathom unlimited; not just unlimited capital or spending but just simply put – Unlimited!

God says, “Let there be” and it is.  He doesn't have to keep up with nor pay taxes because He owns it all.  No need for a financial advisor because he has no assets because the one who owns it can loan it or freely give it to anyone whom He has chosen to be a recipient.

What can you give to the one who truly has everything? All the Praise, All the glory and All the Honor.

The pay and benefits of being a good steward has its rewards – Yes, even Cash Back.  His Visa program also offers frequent flyer miles that enable you to enter territories that were once off limits.

What’s in your wallet?

Visa: An endorsement on a passport indicating that the holder is allowed to enter, leave, or stay for a specified period of time in a country.

Excerpt from the book of Philemon:

17 If then you count me as a partner, receive him as you would me.18 But if he has wronged you or owes anything, put that on my account.19 I, Paul, am writing with my own hand. I will repay—not to mention to you that you owe me even your own self besides.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Get Out!

Sometimes you have to come to yourself and recognize where God has. We're in that "Sunken place", that place where we have no control. 
Our heart, mind and spirit have to been open to receive whatever He wants to deposit into us and realize that we have been placed here, set apart from all others to be here on the backside of the mountain to be taught by revelation; and if you have never been cut off from everything so that you can only hear His voice, then you do not know what it is that you are missing.
Yes, it does get hard but when Moses came out, he delivered the children of Israel. When Jesus came out, He defeated Satan. When Jacob came out, he was rich and had the woman he loved. When Paul came out, he wrote many of the books of the New Testament and when Abraham came out he was the Father of the Nation of Israel as well and many more nations that sprung forth because of his obedience.
What shall become of us? Hmmm... I cannot wait to see, but I know that in order for us to do so, we must remain here hidden until God says that it is time for us to depart; and that is a hard, jagged pill to swallow sometimes but when we look at where He has brought us from and how He has kept us thus far.  
He has led us here, and will surely lead us out!...#IsurrenderALL...
You don't need the keys... Trust God to show up like TSA and get things handled - It's what He does. Consider your situation handled.

Pro Life...

Being pregnant is hard. We suffer sickness and discomfort.

Because of baby daddy drama, and pregnancies before, I have had many miscarriages from doubt and disobedience, while other times I have aborted them from turning away completely and going my own way. 

It feels good to live right, be married to God through Jesus and then conceiving in wedlock. When I give birth to purpose and destiny (the twins); it will all be worth it. 

Keep Pressing!

Monday, May 8, 2017

The How To Be Successful Manual...

Everything else is plagiarism.

Is Blood Thicker than Water? Any Relation?

Faith and money are close kin. They're both needed and some like storing them up. However, there is one defining difference which differentiates the two. 

Money only grows if you leave it alone and don't use it. 

Faith is the only one that grows and appreciates in value the more you use it; and burn through it - It replenishes via use. 

Keep hold to your faith, it's the only investment that will guarantee a return.

Just because we kinfolk doesn't mean that we are related...

We Need To Talk...

"Ecclesiastes 10:19 Money answereth all things." Then we must ask ourselves, what is asking the question to which these answers are in response to. "Is there anything to hard for God?" What are you asking for answers to? Ask the right question and you will surely get the right answer.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Veneereal Disease - "Crooked Smile"

What Everyone Should Know About V.D… Veneereal Disease – “Crooked Smile”

Nope. I spelled it right, but wrong intentionally.  Veneereal Disease is critical, chronic and is systemically transmitted.  Image, appearance, and “self” above all else and everyone has begun the decay of our way of life in Christ.  The greatest commandment – “Love the Lord God with all your mind, heart and soul; and love they neighbor as thyself”.

Underneath we are rotten and no one wants to have the “Come to Jesus” epiphany and admit that we cannot continue on this path that we've chosen to venture down; willingly thumbing our nose towards Heaven, in blatant disrespect to God who is Holy.

Veneers are a quick-fix to a larger scaled problem.  Veneers give off the appearance of pulchritude.
We’re all masking our testimonies in hopes of a better smile; instead of sharing a genuine testimony; that edifies the body and exalts God.  The smile that radiates from a life altering testimony brightens a room like none other; it spreads through a congregation like mono – we’re all affected – because true praise and worship is contagious.

Some choose to stunt and have gold or diamond encrusted caps, but the same damage is caused by the underlying problems of all who walk the face of this earth; because rain falls upon the just as well as the unjust.  We all are in need of the saving grace of The Savior.

Sometimes it costs us more to cover-up our problems and hide the real damage causing the halitosis of life; and wonder why people avoid conversation with us.  Our lives repel them because we look as though we are together but underneath it all, we are dangling by a root that needs to be completely canaled.  Our lives reek in a state of disrepair.

Only the braces of God can straighten out that which is crooked in our lives and produce the smile that twinkles and shines bright from the routine cleanings of maintenance and hygiene that the Holy Spirit conducts throughout our lives in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Real...

Women who presume to be the "man" in a gay relationship tend to look worn and get worn-out because they assume the role to be once, twice, and three times the woman that comes with ease for a real man. 

God hardwired each species to be designed to bear a certain load and when you step outside of those parameters it takes a toll on the body and psyche. Stay in the body that you were both designed and equipped to get maximum performance in. Roll playing is just that - Playing.

Be you. The Real - You!

The Talk...

It ain't gonna just up and leave - Why, when you invited it in? Just like you invited it in, you have to tell it to GO! Tell it next time in the one's whose name has ALL authority and POWER, and not by your own power. Tell it in Jesus name and believe it, and it will flee, it must!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Catch Some ZZZ's...

Catch Some Zzz’s…

Lyrics to “I Got The Keys”.  “Key to life, keep a bag comin' Every night another bag comin'.  I ain't been asleep since '96, I ain't seen the back of my eyelids. I been speedin' through life with no safety belt”.

You think was Jay Z was just “talking” when he laid that track?  We can only talk about what we know intimately from a place that has been experienced personally.

One of the worst mornings a person can have is to wake up groggy and tired from not having a good night’s rest.

It’s a mirage… the money.  What we’re all chasing is what we think the money can give us, and that’s rest.  Everyone always says that when they get the money, they’ll be able to relax and when they get the money, they find out that there’s hardly a time of respite let alone rest; instead they spend time - stealing time; trying to get a quick getaway trip in, instead of allowing God a word in edgewise, so that He will give us the rest that eludes us.

Methamphetamine, crack, cocaine, molly; the Redbulls, Monsters, Rockstars and 5 Hour energy drinks; and even a good ole fashioned stiff alcoholic drink will invigorate you until it takes its toll and the depressant effect kicks in - and so on and so forth…

All stimulants meant to rob you of your rest; up for days and nights at a time. 

People are in search of that rest till they rush pass this life by means of suicide in order to experience it.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

“And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words. Then cometh he to his disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest

God since the beginning has known the value of rest.  And our enemy has known the value of what not receiving said rest can do to a weary spirit - Easy prey.  The remedy is Easy - pray.

That jet-setting lifestyle has you burning through the fuel of life; hardly any quality time with loved one or the needed rest to re-fuel, re-charge and re-energize.  From one event to the next; and it appears glamorous but how much longer can you continue to eat sand and think its water?  How many times must we run towards the oasis and find out that it’s only another mirage?

“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Redbull may give you wings, but only God gives you rest.  Only in Him can we Catch Some ZZZ’s…

God please take the wheel and the keys…

The Help...

The Help…

There is a difference between “The Help” and “A Worker”.  It’s part of the reason why racism is still prevalent and running rampant through the veins of this nation.  Folk want to see us still as the help and not necessarily as a respected worker; carrying the same responsibilities for life, family and community as they bear.

The help doesn’t have to be acknowledged with basic etiquette when a room that they are in is entered into.  However, a co-worker is due that minimal respect.

The help’s feelings don’t get hurt and if they do, so what, you’re the help.

The help need not concern themselves with the political current of this nation.  “A servant isn’t privy to his master’s business”.

If you’re seen as the help, then you cannot be view as a friend

Are we co-workers with Christ? If so, then we are His friends – and are treated as such – privy to all that He knows of the Father.

“They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God. “

For the love of God and country…  The roles are now reversed and it’s no longer about God but about country and whenever we reverse the two and God is no longer first and foremost, we fall away.

“All this I have told you so that you will not fall away.”

“For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”

“As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain.”

If you’re not working in the kingdom, then you just might be the help and thus why you are treated as such.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Best Of Luck...

“I guess my luck ran out”, “I’m not lucky in love”, “If I’m lucky“, “Good Luck” and “The Best of Luck“; all of these are happenstance and by chance. God’s blessings are for sure. Use God’s vocabulary and replace the word “Luck” with “Blessed” and see how much more your life is enriched.
Even the best of luck is no comparison to the Blessings of God.