Friday, March 31, 2017

The Wave I Ride...

The Wave I Ride...
God does not have to be of many words, to bless us greatly - abundantly. He reassured me this morning when I felt my spiritual current that I have been riding, begin to slow - inertia had set in. One word He spoke to me has driven me on a wave for the past 10 years or so; give or take a month - Author.
He spoke one word to Peter, "Come" when he asked to walk on water; and Peter became the Rock that He chose to build his church upon. So, Father I ask you just to speak a Word into my life to give me the ambition, enterprise, initiative, diligence, perseverance and elevation needed to rise above any thoughts of defeat - one word to continue what you started. God always does so much more with less. However, it blesses us beyond what we ever could have imagined.

A Closed Mouth Don't Get Fed...

A Closed Mouth Don't Get Fed...
You must ask God for what you want - point blank. Yes, He knows what we want; but He wants to hear you ask for it - in faith. He wants to know that you believe in what He told you will come to pass. Closed mouths don't get fed and closed minds don't get renewed to other possibilities. Why should He keep giving to someone who does not want to believe, nor will they act on what He purposes in their heart to do? Can you really be upset with Him, if that has been the person in whom you have become - cynical and such? Ask God for it all - all your dreams, all your desires, and for all of your hopes to be fulfilled. Cast your net out into the deep and expect to pull in a draught. There is no telling what all you will haul in, but I can tell you this - you won't get anything if you do not ask.

You're Not Worthy...

You're Not Worthy...

No - I m not worthy, but guess what? I am still going to ASK. What harm could it do and I am just crazy enough to believe that Jesus' righteousness was accounted to me through faith in Him and that I can have what I ask for because God doesn't see me, the sinful one asking, but His Son Jesus Christ. It s on the way!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Let God Take The Lead...

Let God Take The Lead...

God won’t place desires in our heart unless He’s going to give us the wisdom to accomplish them.  Many doubt and then blame God for not doing what He said.  He can’t work with a doubting spiriting, but a spirit that believes “That we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us”, those people He will use because we aren’t binding His hands.  God is a gentleman and will only take the lead when we give Him the control.
Keep Pressing!

Wet Blankets...

Wet Blankets...

Sometimes we can be on fire for the Lord and then something comes along and throws a wet blanket of despair and doubt onto your blaze to smother it out - Get the spirit of Elijah and know that when you pray that it doesn't matter whether the blanket is damp or soaking wet, the fire of the Lord will still burn - Keep the embers of your past testimonies and faith burning - Keep Pressing!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


God's drop-in-the-bucket outpouring is a tsunami of blessings in our lives. Our greatest blessing comes from knowing God in the pardoning of our sins and for Him being God - period. Everything else that we receive is a byproduct that many of us take for granted. Our peace and our prosperity are all in just knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. 

When you take the time to sit and have a conversation with God, not always in prayer form but just talk to him as you would your best friend; keep it real and remember to still reverence HIM as the Creator, He will drop things into your spirit and guide your steps; and you will begin to notice that he is moving you along the path to your success. But none of that can happen apart from being in HIM.

Chase after time with God, not the things that He can give you and He will send His blessing to chase after you because you loved him simply for being Him. We are made in the likeness and in the image of God so much to the point wherein we find ourselves jealous if someone claims to love us, cheats on us. God wants nothing else before Him. Treat God like you are in the relationship of your dreams and he will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.

Quality Craftsmanship...

Don't live a "Rigged" life of faith - See below for definition. 

Good craftsmanship cost - We get what we pay for and to follow the Lord, it will cost you everything that you have.

Nigger Rig - To fix something in a very cheap way, using whatever materials are handy

Jimmy Rig - To fix something regardless of how it looks or how long it lasts. Using any materials that are available to you in a creative way to make something work. 

(As you can see, they’re both inferior ways to get to a well-built life that God has for us). God gives us a guarantee on his promises that they will come to pass; and a warranty should WE interfere or not do as instructed by the manufacturer - he will restore us to himself. God comes with a good reputation - highly recommended. His workmanship and craftsmanship are the highest quality.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Worst Perversion of All...

Get one thing perfectly clear - Expectancy in God is not a perverted version of entitlement. To ask, to seek, to knock for what God has already said is yours, ours - mine - is not wrong; it s expected - ergo expectation. There is certain expectancy, a faith that all believers should have in God's word that we are supposed to partake of - not greed but rightful ownership and inheritance - a stake in the kingdom carved out just for us. Many are living or hovering right around the poverty line (in the spiritual sense as well as of the rabbit-ear pockets) and that is not God's best for us. Success in all things, in every area of our lives is what God desires for us to have as joint-heirs with Christ. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. 

God is neither slack in his promises nor impotent that he cannot birth within us what is needed to bring us joy and him glory. Most of us do not have much to give, but God says that he has already given us what he requires for us to see his hand move in favor of our lives - It s our faith. Lay your faith before the Father on the altar and leave it there. God says that your faith is enough, it s all that he needs in order to release what has been kept back, because you refused to believe that he was both willing and able to bring it to pass. He gave you your measure of faith to sow, to increase and to grow. If you never release it, if you take and bury it, then it cannot be used at it s full potential.

Farewell to the Welfare State... Of Mind.

Many have what you call "stoop faith". They refuse to put their faith into any action and would rather sit where they are most comfortable and just play that's my car or flip the pages of a magazine and say that's the kind of house I want and never take their faith off of welfare to attain what it is that they desire. Once you experience God and know that he is a way maker, then you must take that faith and re-invest it and say OK God "I believed you for that, now let's move on to something greater". 

Most never build upon the faith that God was trying to show them what he wanted to build. They get that Section 8 faith or fast food job faith and say now Lord, I thank you but I know I cannot go any further - The devil is a liar. Just as Welfare and Section 8 are meant to be a stepping stone to better and further yourself, so goes your faith; it's meant to be increased with each and every breakthrough that the Lord blesses you to witness personally. 

Every faith encounter with God should be annexed to the other and that way it builds a solid foundation for you to withstand against the elements of wind, flood, and fire that are surely going to come to all who are in the world and definitely to those that are in Christ, not if, but when. You read as a child of the three little pigs and how what kind of house you build determines whether or not you will have shelter in the time of adversity. The wolf will huff - but he cannot blow down a house built on faith of the Rock of Ages.

I Want More... So What?

I Want More... So What?
Today I write from a place of utter despair and I cannot shake it off.  Lord it feels as though I may lose my mind and that's a scary place.  Some might ask why would you endure such misery, such a let-down; by your so-called God - Where is your God?
Others might assert that I have been speaking words of evangelism for years now and still no visible fruit, and I cannot do anything but concur and also acquiesce that from the outside peering in to my life, it seemingly appears that I must be glutton for some form of medieval punishment or the liken to a Crucifixion - in other words - excruciating inward pain that will not pass from me.
The promise always sounds seductively enticing until you have to drink the cup that also comes with it.
Yet the desire of the promise is just that insatiable and God having been that good to me; and still is, that I still proclaim that "I Want More" and "So What?" if I am about to go crazy, have gone crazy or appear to be crazy to others, as well as to myself.  
If I want to reign with Him, I must suffer with Him.  All I know is that I want Him with me - more than anything else... That's where I want to be and to remain; that no matter what I endure in Christ - I am blessed to know that He is with me, and those who trust Him at His Word.  
So What, if the promise has been delayed or denied - I will continue to live, move and have my being in Him.  
And that folks is how you keep from going crazy and in return remain blessed - give it to God.  
Go to God believing that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him - even when all seems to be done in vain.  Know Him to be God Almighty and He will show you that He is.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Blessed By A Burden...

Guilt is not always produced from something bad that we did but the enemy has many tricks; and a lot of the time we experience symptoms of guilt from being blessed of God, having received favor and wonder why we were chosen to overcome when people are losing their minds, committing suicide and living a hedonistic lifestyle; while those of us who have resolved to tough out this life with Christ through faith and holding on to his promises that are “Yes and Amen”. Don’t get yourself stuck with the mindset that guilt only comes in one form or from one source. Being blessed can sometimes feel like a burden because we become a target for the enemy to practice his weaponry on, but no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Job was blessed but that drew the attention of Satan; so be conscious and careful of what you ask for because you just might get it, but you cannot regulate what all that "getting" entails... Trust God, because He has trust in you...

Guilt wants us to stop believing God for that next level, to say that we have already received enough and to not ask for anything more but the devil is a liar! If it’s God's will, then I can ask and not only ask but receive...

Receive and know that God is able to keep you. Job was blessed but what he secretly feared (losing everything) had come upon him... however, he trusted God to be his keeper and God repaid him for his trouble... God is well able to keep us and our substance! He is the giver of all good and perfect gifts!

Monday, March 20, 2017

No Chaser...

Beware of people who speak propaganda, mixed with a little "word" to try to convince you to swallow down what they are preaching... A guise is nothing more than chaser for an alcoholic drink: the coke, juice or sprite is only used to cover up the fact that the liquor itself is nasty and if it is consumed without the chaser, most people would not drink or accept the message that is being preached... keep pressing and praying for wisdom, knowledge and discernment...

Beyond Gravity...

When you enter that place of prayer with God and everything that was pulling on you seems to effortlessly abate, have you ever noticed that there is a reverse gravitational pull? All the issues that once weighed a ton have seemingly evaporated or no longer exist while you are in God’s presence; an ethereal, atmospheric or even buoyant experience – where neither gravity or weight or circumstance – or even your fears can breakthrough your spiritual force field. The only word synonymous with that state-of-being is called PEACE and that only comes from God. Only God can give us that kind of comfort that gives us the strength to live on and fight another doggone day. If you don’t know God for yourself or have not enjoyed that time in him where no time even exists, I recommend you try him for yourself. I guarantee you will never be the same.

Calling MayDay!

We discover faith, like those lost at sea find a buoy; all along it has been there but while we were safe on the ship, we didn't think that it would come in handy. However, all of us in life are going to encounter some storms, maybe even ship-wrecked and we cling to that buoy as we do to our faith because once we get so far out there, the less there is to grab a hold to and even less people to help. Once we come so far with God, we realize that he is all that we have BUT once we come into that knowing, we realize that we cannot go back to where we had been and not knowing what the future holds makes us depend on him totally until our change comes. It is indeed a scary place to be in, having come to far to go back and to venture into unknown territories without knowing where we are headed and trusting God to bring us to our expected end. Grab hold of your faith as you would that buoy keeping you afloat in the sea; you We discover faith, like those lost at sea find a buoy; all along it has been there but while we were safe on the ship, we didn't think that it would come in handy. However, all of us in life are going to encounter some storms, maybe even ship-wrecked and we cling to that buoy as we do to our faith because once we get so far out there, the less there is to grab a hold to and even less people to help. Once we come so far with God, we realize that he is all that we have BUT once we come into that knowing, we realize that we cannot go back to where we had been and not knowing what the future holds makes us depend on him totally until our change comes. It is indeed a scary place to be in, having come to far to go back and to venture into unknown territories without knowing where we are headed and trusting God to bring us to our expected end. Grab hold of your faith as you would that buoy keeping you afloat in the sea; you wouldn't let that buoy go nor should you let go of your faith. The Holy Spirit hears our "May-Day!" calling out to him and soon enough our help from our Lord will arrive... #keeppressing! t let that buoy go nor should you let go of your faith. The Holy Spirit hears our "May-Day!" calling out to him and soon enough our help from our Lord will arrive... #keeppressing!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Gideon's Way...

Have you ever asked God to confirm a certain thing that was in your spirit that only you and He would know what it was? Sort of like Gideon when he asked that the fleece be wet and the ground dry one morning, and then when God did that, he asked for the ground to be wet and the fleece to be dry; seemingly to make sure it was not a fluke that the first happened. Question: Why is it that we always question our sanity or God’s faithfulness when He does EXACTLY what we requested? Why are we amused, shocked and amazed every time? One would think that after He kept doing it and proved Himself several times we would eventually become used to it – right? However, we can never get used to the magnificence of God because He changes it up just enough to keep our anticipation, expectation, wants, desires and hopes directed and focused on Him to see just how He will bring it to pass this time around. He is simply just amazing!

The Missing Link...

What is the missing link? No, I am not talking about the link that evolutionist think went from a monkey and stood up to be Homo Erectus. I am referring to that link that is between us being on one side of a blessing of God and then on to the other side – and be fully aware that it was He and only He that caused the bridge, the link that was missing to be filled in, in order for us to cross over into it. Sort of when you are standing on one side of a river and there is a thick fog that covers the bridge; you know that there is another side but until the fog lifts, you are at an impasse and are unable to cross over to where it is that you desire to be. What is that “missing link” that moves the heart and hand of God to lift the fog to our destiny that we may cross over into it? It’s Jesus who stretched his arms wide, so that we are able to go from one blessing to another unencumbered and to receive what it is that God has for us. Jesus is the go-between and the port of exchange for not enough, to become more than enough – from a spirit of heaviness, and exchange it for a garment of praise. There is no more toll cost to be paid – Jesus paid it all and we have free range and travel to have hope and expectancy from God.

Daily Success Plan... For YOU!

Every success plan does not work the same for everyone. There are billions of people on the planet and you think one or two get rich schemes, self-help books, or even a few sermons are going to help you get to where God would have you to be – where you see yourself being? I think that you know the answer to that question just as I do – No. Get to know God intimately and you will know what to do and what touches His heart – whether it is to turn your face to the wall like Hezekiah and cry out, to go out with a sling and stone to slay a giant like David or cry out to the Lord like the blind Bartimaeus in spite of naysayers telling you to shut up. Depending on your relationship with God, your approach to Him will either mean success or failure – breakthrough or a nervous breakdown. We all have to work out our own salvation individually. Our walk with Christ is an individual decision and commitment; there is no communal faith walk. There is only one faith – Yours. No one can believe God for you – no one can receive from God on your behalf the things that God has intended just for you.

Friday, March 17, 2017

"Let's Talk Fashion..."

God is meticulously detail oriented and never to a fault. Trust that if he strung out the stars across the velvet night sky and dressed the flowers with capes of leaves and gave birds feathered coats - He will be exact at making me runway ready for my walk into destiny – my life custom fit for me and to Him will go all the accredited Glory as designer. And afterwards, He will take the walk with me as I am dressed as the Bride and He the Groom. The finale' will be a showstopper!

Tell Me...

The Lord has prayed for me, that my faith fail not; and when I am converted, he requires of me that I strengthen the brethren. And gladly, there is nothing that enjoy more than telling folk about a man that can save them and turn their life around - Jesus Christ is that Man - He is that Savior - He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

Do You Have What It Takes...?

Do You Have What It Takes...?

All I have at my disposal is prayer at this present time - All I can hear is God saying to my spirit, "That's all you need."

All Things Considered...

Moses was and still is a great man; yet he didn't get all that God had for him on this side of Glory. The Lord showed him the Promised Land that he so longed to see, but he didn't enter in. I have seen so many great dreams and visions that have only been revealed to me in my spirit and I pray that the Father didn't allow my gift to be stirred up, only to view success of it from afar off and not enter into it all the way. There are so many who enter the grave without having seen the goodness of God fully in the land of the living; and only the Lord knows how much I do not want to be one of those people. I am just one of those folk who believe and take God at his Word – I believe and receive in my heart-of-hearts that I can have every desire of my heart and fulfill the will of the Father for my life; they are intertwined and one cannot be accomplished apart from the other. Call me foolish, call me crazy and you will also call me blessed and highly favored.
I've considered that I want it All!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Shooting Yourself In the Foot!

There's an old saying,"Shooting yourself in the foot". Many of us are doing that very thing by not following the Lord's call.Once you've shot your foot you are no longer moving forward or progressing-U are stationary,nursing your wound-Bandage your wounds and hobble,crawl,walk and run to whatever God has for you to do-Endure the pain-No pain - No gain- Keep pressing!

Matters of the Heart...

The heart of the king is in the hand of God. Joseph went from inmate to governor of all of Egypt the richest kingdom in its day and time. If God could do it then, he can do it for me now... (Its not about the riches/wealth; it s about fulfilling my purpose and promise that he made to me seemingly longtime ago, that shall pour into my life abundantly but also spill over to help others) I am going to keep on encouraging myself; as Job said "If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come". My change is coming I just have to wait for it #UwillWitnessIt!#URInvitedtotheCelebration

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Brain Fog...

Even though fog is thick, it really cannot be touched; it tends to burn off with the rays of the (sun). Doubt is real and even though it really cannot be touched, it tends to dissipate with the rays of the (Son). Fog - reduces visibility; the thickness of the fog is largely determined by the altitude of the inversion i.e. being turned inward or inside out (which many of us do and/or feel like when we are going through something). Fog, is also a state of confusion or bewilderment; something that confuses or obscures. Doubt is a cousin to fog because it skews our outlook as to how long we have been in something and when we are coming out. Just as fog is a part of life, so is doubt but we must look to the sun and the Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ clearing our view to bring us through...

Monday, March 13, 2017

Hang In There...

Hang In There…

What an allegory… The depiction of the thief of the cross beside Jesus; I see myself… Sure enough deserving of all charges levied against me… Every allegation… Because I have done more than just steal.

It’s not hearsay because some charges I thought I got away with, but God still knew and still granted mercy; and the consequences to follow could have given me a death sentence that took my life at that very moment of the act or just at the thought of it, however, grace became my advocate.  Jesus stood in proxy as judgment was adjudicated from Heaven; and He didn't just take the brunt, but He endured it all.

It’s one thing to be falsely accused but I did it all – and then some.  When I think about Jesus and all He’s done for me, I pick up my pen or keyboard and say to those who are as guilty as sin as I am to say “Leave Him alone, He doesn't have to do anything more on our behalf.  He is not the one who is guilty, yet stays here right by our side, to hang in there with us, undeserving but yet willing to stay.”
He could have gotten himself down and me out of my sentence but He promised me something even better – Life with Him in eternal paradise for the recognition of knowing who He is and what He is capable of doing – to give a pardon of my sins- the impossible, because there is nothing and no one that could have done it for me.

He remembers us today, yesterday and forevermore and because He does, we are saved. So, hang on in there… 

There's a Difference...

Let s be honest, some of us are chasing GOALS while others of us are chasing VISIONS; THERE IS A DIFFERENCE! Goals are MAN-MADE, Visions are God-GIVEN! There is nothing wrong with having goals but I have found that it is harder to pursue a vision than it is a goal because a goal we can either achieve or not but those visions of God are shut up in our bones and we cannot help but to pursue them. What I have also found is that usually when God gives the vision it is only for the person and only that person knows truly what God has said, that usually sounds ludicrous to others around them. A vision is partly a test because most of the time, the people around us do not know how to encourage or what is going on internally; the struggle to seek the promise by drawing only on the strength of the promise. It s about trusting the Lord past what we see and don t see and past our doubts. It is indeed hard but I believe that it will be worth - it has already been worth it! #keeppressing!

Friday, March 10, 2017

HeLa Life... Henrietta Lacks

What's horrific, sinister and criminal is that she is another Katherine Johnson aka "Hidden Figure" who we didn't know anything about as people of color, her cells were taken without her knowledge, scientist are profiting from her cells as though she were an animal or property aka slave, she was buried or hidden away in an unmarked grave; and I highly doubt that her descendants have been suitably compensated. What a travesty but as we see, God will reveal that which was attempted to be hidden. We are an " immortal people". No matter what they try to do to us, we rise, emerge, regenerate, procreate and forever remain resilient in the face of atrocious acts against our existence. HeLa life. God rest her soul.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Are You For Display Only...?

For Display Only…

Just remember that we are walking with Christ and not only living our lives as an item “For Display Only” and simply giving off the impression that we are His.  Our religion as Christians is always available to those who want Him.

People, who see our lives on display, want to have what we have in Christ – point them in His direction, so they can have Him for themselves.

God is never out of stock.

Gotta Luv It...

Gotta Luv It…

I’m no different than any of you – I suffer heartaches, financial and personal struggles on a daily basis.  Life is hard at times but beautiful and a blessing also.

The one thing that must be paramount and not tantamount is God in our lives, regardless of what we go through.  God is the same whether we are up or down-and-out in life; His sufficiency and love never wanes – it’s always available.

Some want life without the Word, when the Word is the life.  Jesus is the Word.  And we must love Him in order for the type of longevity and success we want to have in this life. 

I want to know how deep this love can go.  I’m addicted, fixated, obsessed, fanatical, passionate, enamored; and in awe of what God can and will do for me and those who love Him.  And not out of some semblance of piety or privilege – Just Love.

To be totally transparent, I often wonder why I was chosen to seek Him in this manner and medium, to continue to write and encourage – even when at times I’m crumbling inside and God takes my tears, the muddy mess I am and plops me back on the potter’s wheel, pours His spirit into me and molds me back into a worshiper, because I was created to worship.

In relationships, “liking” a person can only take you so far.  “Love” can make you endure till death do us part and God promises us life in Him, but you “Gotta Luv It”. 

We must learn to love in-spite of.  Love spurs me to encourage when I want to eject myself up off the turntable.  Love inspires me to be an inspiration even when it all appears to be in vain.  His love is my incentive to bless others when I am stand in desperate need of a blessing myself.

I look forward to hearing His word daily; therefore, I look forward to encountering and fellow-shipping with God daily.  Relationships, like Rome, weren't built in a day.

It’s not ESP or a type of sixth sense but you will have God whispering sweet-nothings into your life and so much more; it’s inexplicable.

When you know that you know that you know… that you are in love, it’s scary because there is a fearful vulnerability that is always present, that makes us constantly aware that we can be hurt badly, but if God allows hurt to enter our lives, He is also God enough to heal our lives.  

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A.K.A. - Also Known As... Details

A.K.A. – Also Known As… Details

“The Devil is in the details”.  a.k.a.   “Our desire to want to know how God is going to work it out in our favor”. 

Someone once told me that the only way to avoid the Devil is to stop playing with him. 

Question: Have you ever been able to figure God out, to know His next move in our lives?

Answer   : I’ll gladly answer on your behalf – No! (Yes, that was emphatically speaking)

It’s in the details where our joy gets stolen, migraines arise and hope dwindles from a full tank down to “E”.

God never said trust me for the details, He did however instruct us to “Lean not to our own understanding and in all of our ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct our paths”.
If and when we believe that “All things work together for our God”, then the details don’t matter, only that God’s Word is true in our lives.

Stop allowing the enemy to keep you preoccupied with matters that don’t concern you.  Concern yourself with keeping your heart and mind on God; and all the issues in your heart, He will concern Himself with.

Monday, March 6, 2017

For The Dreamers...

Father, what I mean when I pose the question to your servant King David “But did you dream?” Mind you, I can only see from my own perspective. My vantage point is the similar to his – I was given a promise that was spoken over my life, some years ago now, but the years don’t negate what was said. During the waiting period throughout the passing time, I have come into knowledge of you that I would not have learned any other way, other than to go through the time that has been spent. And, I am humbly thankful to first be chosen and then to see myself enduring by and through your grace and mercy. 

The day that the cruse of oil flowed over David’s head, he went back out to the field to continue on shepherding his Father’s sheep – He continued on doing his earthly father’s business while waiting for the day that he would be instated in to his official post as King of Israel.

But did he dream of the day when he would sit upon the throne? Did he allow his mind to wonder how the bed would feel, how the corridors throughout the palace would meander to and through? Was he able to frolic through the fields of his wistful mind and remain totally unencumbered by his current life as he journeyed in faith to his new vocation?
I am dreaming so much and to the point Father where I am hardly able to contain them within the confine of my mind – the dreams are bleeding out and are obscuring my vision or perhaps is the blood curing me of a disease that has been hindering my vision all the while – unbelief.

The book of Psalms are filled to the hilt and running over with what I see as your own issues with anxiety, frustration and fears. However, you received your expected end because you remained faithful in the face of all that came up against what the Lord had declared over your life. 

You remembered being covered in oil and the prophet Samuel declaring you the King of Israel and though the residue may have dissipated from your hair and skin, the sweet savor of the memory was forever ingrained to be a memorial to remind you of who God said that you were, even when Goliath spoke against you in battle and even when your brothers rebuked you for being there in the first place; to the time when you were on the run for your very life because the man you were sent to replace was hell-bent on seeing your demise – the oil helped you to remain focused and steadfast against all the odds that were set before you.

Greatness comes at a cost – a high price. We can never repay the Lord for all that he has done. What we are able to give is our life. It takes just that much in order to give the glory, honor and praise to God. What more can we offer him, other than what is most precious to us? Our lives are his to give and to take, but to offer it up to him as a willing sacrifice – to say Lord, I trust you with it though I haven’t a clue much of the time of what you are gaining from it. But to know that we say yes to him, glorifies him as Savior and Lord of our lives and that lifting up of him with the way that we live our lives is what draws all men to him. 

We are then blessed as we come and blessed as we go – because we are blessed in knowing him for ourselves, but then we are blessed as we go about our lives giving honor to him; and he in return blesses us even the more because we have been faithful – it’s a repetitive, perpetual and reciprocating action of blessing and love that continues throughout the life of a Dreamer.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Beauty and The Beast...

Beauty and The Beast…

The Beauty of God’s promises are “Yes and Amen” but they are a Beast to waltz out.  It’s as though the likelihood of them ever being able to love and live together harmoniously can only be done out of sight of others; which is much of how God operates – in private – away from prying eyes and discouraging naysayers.

There are a host of uncharacteristic individuals that usually are involved with bringing the promise(s) to pass but even they cannot make us see the beauty of all that God has in-store for us.  We have to discover God’s beauty for ourselves; despite what it looks like at the present moment, blessings rarely appear to be at first glance; we tend to run off scared and afraid, not knowing the beauty that awaits us.

God is the Belle of the ball of our lives. He bids us to be His guest at the table of righteousness, abundance and overflow.

Out For Delivery...

Out For Delivery…

In order to birth you must first carry.  One thing I haven’t witnessed is a baby being born before having spent time in the womb for some reasonable period of time; there is no way around it.  You can have a premature birth but you cannot have birth without having some time to mature

There is no delivery or coming out until there has been time spent connected to life.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life; and we must spend time in Him so that we grow enough to sustain life in Him. 

We want to be Out for Delivery but it takes time, it takes a processing and handling to prepare us for that final arrival and destination.

The shipping is always determined by the weight of the object and how far it has to travel.
What we expect from God is weighty (The Glory) and the destination from Heaven to our lives takes the logistics of faith to make the delivery even possible because God doesn't accept any other form of payment.

My spirit has confirmed that shipment of my destiny has been shipped and God says that I can track it through his word and promises.  He guarantees shipment; and no word He has sent forth has been returned to Him void.

The Holy Spirit delivers even on weekend and holidays; and all deliveries are insured by God’s promise and oath to perform those things which were told to us from Him – there will be no lost packages.

Even if I haven’t ordered anything, I live each and every day in expectation that God has a delivery on the way to me.

Friday, March 3, 2017

It Only Hurts When...

It Only Hurts When…

I've come to find out in this life that when my feelings have been hurt, it has been because what the person said - “I believed” – what they said.

The promises that God tells us shall be performed – HURT.  They are a blessing to have but they cause cramps and Charlie horses from carrying such a heavy load.

If we didn't believe it, it wouldn't hurt so darn bad… All I hear is Whitney Houston, God rest her soul, singing “Why does it hurt so bad, why do I feel so sad” “You make me wanna Shoop Shoop!” from the Waiting to Exhale soundtrack.

It’s crazy right? We say OK Lord, “I believe you, be it unto me” and then His response is alrighty then… “Wait for it”, “You said that you believe me… Then wait for it”.

And we’re like why? I said that I believe you Lord.

And thus the beginning of the process of having our faith line up with what we said that we believe.
It hurts during all daily activities… Because the promise never leaves you, you are married to it as you are to, because He is the one that placed the promise inside of us.

Thirteen years… which is about the amount of time it took Joseph to go from Prisoner to Prime Minister; it doesn't sound like an extreme amount of time until we observe all that Joseph had gone through, in such a short period of time – the pit, Potiphar’s house and then the prison or the three P’s for short.

365 (days) x 13 (years) is more than I can calculate on these 20 digits of fingers and toes, more than I would like to mark off a calendar, one day at a time; and with no apparent end-date in sight.  And that’s where many of us are… without an end-date to our own personal three P’s situation – in sight…

However, we must know as Joseph, “And the Lord was with Joseph”, and so He is with us.