Monday, November 30, 2015

Special Diet

Remember in the movie the “Best Man” and Lance finally figured out what Mia and Harper had done?  The only thing that saved the wedding was when Harper reminded Lance of a declaration that he had once made… “That he had done so much dirt that if he ever found out that Mia had cheated, he would forgive her and not ever mention to her that he knew or allow it to change their relationship”.
God only eats one thing; he is on a special diet – His Word!  We can cry our eyes out; over-eat, or don’t eat at all.  We can pump our fist to the sky in anger and frustration or fall out prostrate on the floor in despair of being at our wits-end from the perils of life.  All that can get God’s attention, but once we get God’s attention – What then?  We then do the only thing that moves the hand of God on our behalf – it’s sort of beating God at this own game, although the game is that of life and death - the difference between living and existing! 
God cannot lie, fib, or even tell a white-lie.  God’s word is so true that he can only swear by himself since there is no other power for him to swear by.  His word is his word, and his word shall be the only thing left remaining after the heavens and earth pass away. 
Thusly, God has to honor his word regarding those who choose to stand on his word and speak it back to him.  Speaking God’s word shows reverence, praise of who he is, gives him glory and honor as being God, and that you take his word, and his alone as having the last say (word), over what is said over your life and the narrative of your story.
I didn't realize the power of his word until the other day when I was having an issue, and in mentioning the issue to some friends, they reminded me of what I had said, just a day or so ago.  I couldn't do anything but accept what I had said; and God released the revelation to me of that’s how he is about his own word. 

The only way to speak God’s word back to him, is to first learn his word by getting to know him more by reading his word, devotional prayer and church attendance.  Faith comes by “hearing” the word of God; and without faith “it is impossible to please God”.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Proceed With Caution!!!

I've been involved in two car accidents that could have easily taken my life, but by the Grace and Mercy of God – I am still here.  So, when I see people zippin’ by driving like a bat out-of-a-hot-hell (even when it’s raining), I keep cruising right along because I have experienced first-hand how quickly an accident can go left; and I’m appreciative of having learned the value of life.  I've also been in some situations in life, wherein, I was out of the Father’s willing willingly and I could have easily left this world dead in my sins – but by the Grace and Mercy of God, he allowed me to “come to myself” before I continued on the path that I was headed, that not only would have left me physically dead, but spiritually as well.  Once again, I have learned through experience to be appreciative of the value of life and to proceed with caution as I venture through.  I've learned to not be so anxious to do something or to get somewhere in a hurry.  LIFE is going to move at the pace it is scheduled to go; and rushing and being impatient only prolongs our frustrations, but it doesn't move the clock of God.  Trust God-