Monday, June 5, 2017

The Swimmer...

I learned how to swim early in my life because I had the desire to go where I saw others go, and not be able to enjoy the fun and life they were having made me want to overcome that fear.
Fear will keep many of us from going farther in life. Learning to swim has saved my life and given me the courage to go other places, that keep some from venturing out. I would have feared the deep had I not learned to tread.
I have found myself out in the deep because I was prepared early; and called to use that skill in my life currently. Thank you Father God for preparing me where I would be going early in life – through your word. My sea-legs were my faith. I will kick, tread and swim to get where God is leading me. The Holy Spirit is my life guard. Rip currents come but we have to learn to swim parallel to God’s word and we will be just fine.
Learn how to swim because one thing we do know is that devil’s cannot swim!

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