Monday, June 12, 2017

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again... Snapshot! The Name Your Price Tool.

Am I the only person that gets these "Deja Vu" type images in my mind of things yet to come? It's part encouraging and part frustrating because it feels like I have already seen it, smelt it, felt it and experienced (A Snapshot of things yet to manifest themselves), but encouraging because I know that in the spirit life, it is already in existence. I just have to keep pressing my way towards it.

There are so many dimensions to this world that we have not a clue of because we serve a multidimensional God. God can never be boxed in to what and how we think He should perform in our lives, so we may as well just give up trying and start trusting and believing. Waiting is apart of the process and there is nothing that we can do about that. We will get to where we are supposed to be at our designated time; if you believe that God is fully aware and totally in control... that is.... I just want to snatch an image and jump in before is flashes by, but in do time I will reap entirely, and not just a brief snapshot. Thank you Lord for whetting my appetite. Who doesn't like an appetizer before the main course...

God's asking us to "Name our price".

To God be all the praise, glory and honor!

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