Thursday, June 15, 2017

On To The Next One...

Woke up this morning knowing I'm blessed!  Thank God I'm not living for the next hookup, the next booster (shoplifters), the next weed hole (cannabis/marijuana), the next boyfriend, the next girlfriend (I didn't stutter), the next dollar, the next handout, the next job, the next place to live, the next car, the next friend, the next church and so on...

I got right with the Lord whole-heartedly and He aligned every crooked area of my life, and I had so many; I was so disjointed that I could've been mistaken as a break-dancer from the 1980's - pop-locking all over the place.

I would've never thought at the time that trading all of the above for Him would be better off - And I thought that way for such a long time.  But now I wouldn't trade Him for the world.

Thank you Father for the peace that I could never acquire on my own.

After looking back over my life and seeing the playlist I once danced to; I press the shuffle button and the next track to come up was "One to the next one"... 

No sense in hitting repeat.

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