Monday, June 12, 2017

Reppin' For That Low Life...

Yes... I want to be a contribution to society, but not by struggling to pay taxes and trying to live off of slave wages in order to feed my family. I want more than the American Dream - I want Heaven's Dream, to be done on earth as it is in Heaven! In Heaven I want for nothing and live in a mansion and my God, the same God who said that he shall supply all my needs according to his riches in Glory said that I am the head and not the tail - the lender and not the borrower. His praises shall continually be in my mouth (that is how we get him the glory and our account becomes rich in Heaven), so rich in fact that the coffer of heaven begin to overflow and that's when it begins to rain down from heaven's window. We have got to continue sending praises up! I do not want to shirk any responsibility that I have or ditch any debt that I owe. 
God help me to be the responsible and giving citizen that lives in abundance, pays her bills on time, pays her tithes over and beyond, give to the poor and be a blessing to others; as I have been blessed. Help me to be a righteous representative of your kingdom here on earth. #We gotta pray right for righteousness sake and that is according to God's will.

Life often gets low and to depths of despair that we never thought were possible, let alone conquer but God; He sits high and lifted up. Look up to where your help come from. Jesus was always Reppin' for that low life...

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