Monday, June 5, 2017

Didn't We Almost Have It All...?

Call me not keeping up with the times, but I am neither New Age nor Neo-anything… In fact, I would deem myself more of an old-fashioned kind of girl. I believe that God can – Period. His word never stated or said that people could not prosper by the works of their own hands; people did so all the time-since the beginning of time.
Take Oprah for instance, with many accomplishments up underneath her belt, she lacks in many ways (In my humble opinion). She has never married, no posterity to leave her wealth to, and was raised in a not so sound family life. All she has is wealth, but she is not whole. Her entire existence has been external accomplishments. As there were ten lepers healed by Jesus, they all received the healing that they were imploring of Him, however, only the one was made whole; which turned back and gave thanks to the Lord. There is something to be said about giving God all the praise, glory and honor and not delving into what totally belongs to Him by taking credit for one self.
Some are satisfied with “a” thing, be it wealth, health, family or prosperity. However, I seek what only few obtain and that is the fullness of the blessing of the Father in every area of my life. I do not believe that we have to sacrifice one thing for another because when God blesses, His intent is to bless everything that we are associated with, not just a portion or specific area in our life. Maybe at different intervals, but when it is all said and done there is a comprehensive, aggregated, and cumulative totality in God, which can only be quantified by God as a complete and blessed life. Why settle when we can have ALL…?

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