Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Here Comes The "Hot-Stepper!"...

Have you ever thought that God was so silent until it was deafening; and the silence usually comes after He has told us to do something. Our response to Him at first is "okay Lord" and then He just goes "Silence of the Lamb" on us.

One of the hardest periods in a Christian life is when it is time to trust God for that "thing" which appears to be impossible, but yet God says "Is their anything to hard for God?"

Moses was told to go to Pharaoh, given little instruction and He got to "Hot-Stepping!" back to Egypt, work out his issues and learn to trust God for himself.

Abraham was told that He would have son, heard no more about it - like when it would happen; just left alone to work out his issues and learn to trust the Lord for himself.

Joseph was shown visions of greatness, heard nothing more about the timeline on when they would take place; just left alone to work out his issues and trust the Lord for himself.

David was anointed King, went back out to tend his Father sheep and did not hear another sure word of instruction regarding becoming King of Israel; just left alone to work out his issues and learn to trust God for himself.

These are the greats, the Hall of Famers of the scriptures... During our time of silence, greatness is being perfected; we are working out our own issues and learning to trust God for our self. This is our time to learn to submit our wills to that of the Lord's because in humbling ourselves to him regardless of how much pain and suffering we are enduring. it is the greatest testimony, and how God gets the Glory! He is then lifted up and when that takes place, men are drawn because they see our conviction even in suffering and our resemblance to Christ. Oftentimes, in silence only can we hear the best.
I'd advise you to walk out your destiny, but moreover I would admonish you furthermore to get to "Hot-Stepping It!" The quicker you respond to God with a "Yes Lord", the closer you will be to that destination called "Destined to be" aka Destiny.

Tell your enemies, "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah... Nah, nah, nah, naaaaah!

Mute/Immutability is a state of awareness of the Holy Spirit...

#Keep Pressing!

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