Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What's It Worth To You?

What’s It Worth To You?

A country is only as good as its greatest resource.  The reason that Africa is now considered to be a 3rd world country is because its greatest resource – “The Slave Trade” was abolished.  Its greatest riches never came from the natural resources and precious minerals, it came from the people.  They not only raped the women, the people, but they stripped the nation in general and as a whole of the commodity needed most in order to remain sustained – the people.  Black gold isn't crude oil – It’s the Black people. 

How valuable we must be…

In the great country that we live – the mighty U.S. of A!  We see that history once again has repeated itself.  Africa was depleted, and instead of taking over the entire nation; they decided to move and start a new nation, but start off using the greatest commodity known to man – the Black People.  They learned from their mistakes the first time; and instead this time, they got the labor force established first and then trade and commerce.  If you don’t have the workers in-place when it’s time to harvest, the crops will spoil.  If you don’t have enough workers to sow during planting season, you won’t be able to reap.

We are still this country’s golden goose.  We are this country’s everything…  Its workforce (including the penile system/chain gang) that’s currently worth Billions, its entertainment (music and sports), its culture, its source of Ministry, its Gold-Standard.  Who needs Fort Knox when the dollar isn't worth the paper it’s written on?  Black people are this country’s real net-worth; as long as they have us, they have all that they need.  What can’t we do?  What can’t we bear? What can’t we accomplish? What can’t we inspire?  

What they have is the control.  Our power is nothing, if we don’t have control over our own well-being and prosperity.  Sure NBA, NFL, PGA & the ITF – they are paying life changing money.  You still a nigga in their myopic scope.  Question is – Who are you in your own sight? And you will act accordingly to continue receiving wages.  When you look out into the audience of an arena pro-athlete, what do you see - guaranteed more of them than us.  You are playing for their entertainment, just as black-face was for their entertainment, a Gladiator during the Roman Empire or a Court Jester.  Well… at least you get to arrive and come through the front-door, however, you could still be accosted, arrested and apprehended by the boys in blue should your appearance, direct-eye contact or your existence pisses them off. 

Know your worth – Know our worth as a people– and then know why you are valued so highly amongst others, but not of ourselves.  King’s heirs are in the greatest danger when the incoming regime takes over.  We both cannot exist as equals; therefore, you must be subservient; in order for us to co-exist. 

Self-Worth is a Worthy Thing.

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