Friday, July 22, 2016

Pour Some Honey On Me... The Bear Clause

Pour Some Honey On Me… The Bear Clause

There’s an expression that some use in jest when trying to convey how tough or independent they are, “If you see me and a bear in a fight, pour some honey on me and help the bear!” 

If you saw the movie, the Revenant staring Leo DiCaprio, it brought you up close and personal with what an encounter with a bear would be like; it doesn't appear to be anything that we want to deal with in real life.  Didn't see the Revenant?  Well, what about David?  He spoke of having killed a lion and a bear as a part of his testimony to King Saul to be found worthy or valiant to go into battle to fight Goliath.

God is sweet as the honey on the honeycomb… Sweeter in fact!  David admonishes us to taste and see that the Lord is good

In our spirit should be the same veracity, that as the Lord fights our battles, “To not worry about me; because if you see me in a fight, just know that I have all the help that I need – and it comes from the Lord.”  It’s not cockiness but rather an assurance from God that he is our strength and very present help, in our times for trouble.

God doesn't need our help – in anything or anyway, shape or form.  What he does require is that we have faith and trust in him to be God.  Then move out of his way and stand on his Word and watch it come to pass. 

Our God is mighty in battle and wants to show himself strong on our behalf. 

I’m sticky as can be… What about you?

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