Friday, July 8, 2016

The More You Know...

You Just Know When You Know…

You just know when you know that you know when “It’s that time…” that time to move-on and to separate and begin to accelerate and ascend to that next level, in the things of God.  It’s both hard and frightening, a damn near paralyzing moment to move, but if we stay here we die – slowly – a miserable death; and what if there is more life after this one…  It’s just time to go already.  Time to leave that job, that relationship, that church, that “uhg” of a nuisance that you couldn't muster the strength to sever any and all contact with; that is until God introduced the idea of what more really is and will be in him.

God already told us there is, in this life as well as the next; both are found only in him. 

First know, and then trust.

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