Monday, July 25, 2016

Monetization - "The Miseducation of Me"

Monetization – “The Miseducation of Me”

I’m not sure but I am starting to wonder if I have an insufferable, incurable case of neurosis?  If I cannot be honest here – in the presence of both you and my Lord, then where can I be?

Why is it that I always try to find a way to covert God’s blessings into some form of monetization?  Why do I always look for the angle to see how this or that can make me money, instead of just looking at the blessing itself? 

The Bible says that and I quote in; “Ecclesiastes 10:19 - A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.”  In other words via my own limited translation, eating and drinking is alright but the money is far more important.

However, the Bible also says and I quote in; “1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many.”

I know that the Bible doesn't contradict itself, and I know that scripture backs-up scripture; so what am I to believe; which path do I adventure?  I don’t want to wander from the faith as the scripture warned against, but how can I manage something that appears to not be able to be controlled?
Eureka! I know!  I trust God in all my ways and acknowledge him to direct my path. Whew! For a second there, I was starting to wonder was my heart ever in the right place.  All I need is to want God and my relationship with him to trump all else.  God should have my entire heart and in doing so, he will let me know what is good for me and what is not. 

There is much Miseducation going on in this world but God said that his sheep knows his voice.  Regardless of what it may seem that we are losing out on or gaining; if we don’t have God, the money is worthless.

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