Monday, April 11, 2016

It's Madness I Tell Ya!

It’s Madness I Tell Ya!

Have you ever asked yourself the rhetorically doom-filled question of: How can I continue to hold on Lord, to the promise(s)?  Then turn around and have to answer that same question by saying: How can I not continue to hold on?  How did I ever allow myself to get to the point where I am even considering letting go at all? Am I actually saying that I want to give up?  God forbid!
It’s sort of like a ripple-effect after a pebble skips into the lake.  One small action, one thought can be allowed to enter in that has an adverse reaction, that continues on… and on… and on.
Be carefully aware of what you allow to enter in into your body-of-work (your spirit), that can have a devastating effect.  It seems almost insane to ask questions of ourselves that we already know the answers to, but sometimes it’s also good to ask the hard questions of yourself in order to know where you really stand, because what’s the use of lying to yourself? 
The only thing that roots out doubt is FAITH.  In all actuality, it’s not us but his SPIRIT working on the inside of us that allows us to go on in the first place. 
When in doubt – work it out!  That is your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God that works in you both to will and do his good pleasure.

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