Friday, April 15, 2016

Don't Waste It - Waste Not, Want Not

Life in and of itself is trying its best to kill us off.  Life in and of itself is hard as it is, all by its lonesome self.  No matter how great life can be, we are fighting a losing battle – we already know that life is going to win.  Death comes to us all.  Our bodies fight against us, our minds are a battleground and just waking up to start another day is often a hell-of-a-feat to accomplish.
Yet, we are told in God’s Word that joy can be had and life can be more abundant.  And the only prerequisite to receiving a life of joy is to believe.
If we have to pray for just living out our earthly days, for strength to get from one moment to the next, and for just the sheer will to exist; then why not believe for it ALL?  All what? All the blessings, promises and expectations that God says is already ours in Christ Jesus.
If you are going to believe – Believe - period.  Easier said than done but… What’s the point of only going half way? 
You can be on vacation in a splendid environment, money in both pockets and in the bank, kids playing and skipping around to a happy beat, the spouse isn't complaining and life can be going as well as it can possibly be, and we find ourselves struggling with what’s next in life or even to rise up out of the bed.
Life is what it is, but life is more than what it is or it seems.  Don’t waste the struggle and not get what you came here for – Don’t waste it!  Waste not – Want not!  

God is such a Master Chef that he can take the scraps from our life and make a full-course meal that not only feeds us but we will have enough to share and have leftovers of blessings to live off the remainder of our days.  

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