Friday, April 29, 2016

MORE Syndromes... A Moral Story.

More Syndromes

What is it about “More?” The more we get, the more we want, but where is the satiety in it?  Why does the thirst never quite get quenched nor the appetite quelled?

More sex, good or bad, we tend to not stop after virginity.  More drinking, you didn't hear yourself slurring, your vision blurred, your inability to walk in a straight-line or the possibility of a ticket.  More money, we see people with an abundance suffer the same ailments and heartache and breaks just the same as someone on government assistance.  More drugs, when did just getting on the airplane flying around high on marijuana progress to you being high as a satellite and you falling in love with the Co-Co?  You can smoke yourself to the Solar System and back and when you return to Earth, what real good did it do you?  Am I saying not to enjoy life or even have a vice? Of course not, just don’t allow yourself to think that the vice is something other than a grip on you, that you may or may not be able to shake yourself loose from. 

The same disorder that ails us and is also what’s needed to repair and restore us – More time with God, or the lack there of.  The more time that we spend chasing after other gods is what leads us to seek out happiness in worldly things.  God wants nothing from us – Happiness charges by the hour; happiness is an expensive habit to keep.  Excess doesn't equate to better.  Hoarders are excessive, but they have a disease which leads to their destructive behavior.  Less isn't necessarily better, but having more doesn't necessarily mean we are better off. 

Happiness is elusive and can be purchased on any corner block for the right price, from the right dealer or the right liquor store. 

The more time that we have with God, in God, and around God’s people; the less time we have to chase after those thing which are only sent to bound, distract or kill us.  Some syndromes are fatal, while others can be managed and others can be cured altogether.  Thankfully, we all have the same family Physician that makes house calls and hospital visits.  Jesus can come wherever you need him to be… He’s ready for more of YOU.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bat Signal

Bat Signal

The night that Barack Obama gave his acceptance speech to accept the Presidency, I must admit only now, that I glanced to the sky to look for the Bat Signal intended for the people of color to mount up and be ready.  Be ready for what?  Heck, I don’t know but I was just ready to be saved and delivered.  And although I know that he is not God, nor ever will be our Savior; I held out a smidgen of hope that him becoming President might somehow overnight, change the deportment of how people of color are treated.  How about that… I found the Audacity for Hope.

Sort how the Israelites thought amongst themselves that when Jesus announced himself through many infallible proofs that he was the Christ; they were up under the same impression that there would be an immediate deliverance – Not!  Well… not so much a not, rather it is a not right now.

It’s been a millennial or two in order for what Christ has done and for who he is to permeate the tapestry of this world. The vaccination took place when he went to the Cross and the immunization of a world is still in the process. Change takes time.

Speaking of time… Anytime past now is time spent waiting; and we can hardly wait for that one minute to tick by; and the tock seems like a lifetime. 

Give God the time he needs to do what he promised.  There isn't going to be a signal signifying when the changing of the guards takes place; just know that it’s coming. 

Abe Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863 – 153 years ago… It has taken time for the generations that knew only Slavery and their descendants, and their inherited racism to die off and the rhetoric to die-down.  The same as the Children of Israel had to die off in the Wilderness because of their refusal to believe, in spite of that which was shown in glorious form and fashion by God.

Obama became President because the thinking of the people had to first be changed – the Nature.  The people of God will receive the blessing(s) of God when our nature changes.  Our nature must become that we believe.  That is the signal that God is waiting to see from us.  

Friday, April 22, 2016

I'm Sick and Tired of This.

It always amazes me what we think that we cannot take, and then find out that we can not only take that which we are dealing with but even that and much more.

That Castor Oil, those hard to swallow pills, the sting of the alcohol or the burn of the rum liquor chased with honey to mask the taste to ease the ache of a sore throat.  That is, until we find ourselves sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Once at that point, we are willing to take anything as long as the pain goes away, as long as we can breathe out of one nostril or the throbbing headache will ebb some.

Get with our Great Physician, God the Father, now and seek routine spiritual checkups and treatments before you find yourself completely bed-ridden.

Thank you Father for always being able to find what I need in you.

Our main ailment is not mainly in the body but the true fight is in our spirit.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Fight 'til the Death - A Flesh Wound...

Both we and our adversary have an expiration date. Our opponent, our opposition and our enemy are well aware of that eminent date, the same as we are regarding our own demise.  Until that day comes, we must “Fight ‘til the Death”

One thing that we are absolutely sure of is Death, and there is nothing else more certain than that certainty.  We can expect the birth of a child and that child not live past the womb, but one thing that we know beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt is that any child that is born of a woman days are short and full of trouble – not to mention – Dying.

The only one-up in this life that we have on our enemy, not discounting the work of Jesus, is that we have the ability to live before we die.

The ‘Battle Royale’ that we think will be the battle of all battles, isn't at the end of our lives – It’s in the actual living itself.  If he can steal our joy, peace and faith in God, then he wins.  If we can live our lives in joy, peace and with faith in God, in-spite of all that we go through in this life, then we win.  The battles aren't even our own, they’re the Lord’s.  All we have to do is fight in the Spirit and our victory is assured.

Don’t die on your battlefield from a flesh-wound.  Our flesh is weak but we can be strong in our spirit.  

Don't Waste It - Waste Not, Want Not

Life in and of itself is trying its best to kill us off.  Life in and of itself is hard as it is, all by its lonesome self.  No matter how great life can be, we are fighting a losing battle – we already know that life is going to win.  Death comes to us all.  Our bodies fight against us, our minds are a battleground and just waking up to start another day is often a hell-of-a-feat to accomplish.
Yet, we are told in God’s Word that joy can be had and life can be more abundant.  And the only prerequisite to receiving a life of joy is to believe.
If we have to pray for just living out our earthly days, for strength to get from one moment to the next, and for just the sheer will to exist; then why not believe for it ALL?  All what? All the blessings, promises and expectations that God says is already ours in Christ Jesus.
If you are going to believe – Believe - period.  Easier said than done but… What’s the point of only going half way? 
You can be on vacation in a splendid environment, money in both pockets and in the bank, kids playing and skipping around to a happy beat, the spouse isn't complaining and life can be going as well as it can possibly be, and we find ourselves struggling with what’s next in life or even to rise up out of the bed.
Life is what it is, but life is more than what it is or it seems.  Don’t waste the struggle and not get what you came here for – Don’t waste it!  Waste not – Want not!  

God is such a Master Chef that he can take the scraps from our life and make a full-course meal that not only feeds us but we will have enough to share and have leftovers of blessings to live off the remainder of our days.  

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Play No Games

I ain’t like them other ni**as… And I ain’t bought to play no games witcha… You know what your problem is? You don’t ever see the Big picture… I want you to take me serious…

But real talk… We got to keep our eyes on the bigger picture which is that our latter days shall be greater than our former days.  The cankerworm, the palmerworm and the locust have had a field day and ravaged various portions of my life, but God said that he would restore those days of my life.

Keep God as the centric portion of your life, hopes and dreams.  The best way to do that is to encourage someone else in him and in-turn; your own life will be blessed.  Give and it shall be given to you is not only speaking monetarily; God is about cycler reciprocity for you and I to be blessed and be a blessing to others. 

Days Of Our Lives

Much of our daily frustration is the byproduct of waiting on The Promise of God, while watching the Days of Our Lives enter into the history books, tossed into the sea of forgetfulness - Days that we will never see again.  Our days seemed to be wasted at work, doing favors for others or even going about our normal days of caring for our family and friends.  How are we supposed to find peace and keep our hope alive?

Hope is an action word and it must be put into practice all the days of our lives.  Without all the days of mediocrity, how is faith supposed to flourish?  Therefore, take no thought of the waiting period and just know that God will restore unto those who wait up him those days that appear to be drops in the bucket of life.  

Even a bucket can run over… 

Sampson's Strength - The Real M.V.P.

Sampson’s Strength – The Real M.V.P.

Each and every time I start to get down-and-out, out of nowhere something comes over – Well… not just something but the Spirit of the Lord rises up in me like it did Sampson and I am able to accomplish feats that I wouldn't have been able to tackle had the Lord not been with me. 

I don’t know why the Lord keeps pressing the reset button on my life but my goal is to set the high score.  @Stephen Curry showed us last night and over the course of his career that it doesn't take a giant to defeat another giant.  It takes courage, heart and the Spirit of the Lord to be with us and we can accomplish and set new goals right in the midst of the giants. 

What I need is already inside of me, same for you - Thank you Father God for the strength. 

Just feeling overwhelmingly Thankful this morning, because I have a God who cares for me…

God is the Real M.V.P. and that’s unanimous! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Chef's Choice

When we go to a restaurant and order the chicken, we read the ingredients and decide whether or not we want to eat that particular dish.  However, the way that it has been prepared is the Chef’s Choice.
How many variations can a person prepare the yard-bird?  No one can count all the ways… via cookbooks, hand-me-down recipes, blogs, posts (both personally and professionally)and by television programs all geared towards making a new thing out of an oldie but goodie.
Chicken is one of the most basic fowl’s to prepare.  Nevertheless, the meal, no matter the ingredients is still a chicken dish rather it is flambéed, jerked, bar-b-que, fried, stewed, or baked – it’s still chicken.
All that to say this… God is still God no matter how we like to dress him up in our minds.  No matter your taste buds, he can prepare a dish just for you.  That’s the wonderful thing about our God.  When you get tired of it one way, he can prepare and make a new thing out of an old dish.

Taste and see that he is good.  He’ll be whatever you need him to be, whatever you have the taste for!

Chitlin' Circuit

Why do we tend to continue on with a way of life or a way of thinking, when God has moved on to bigger and better things?
One thing I never learned how to do nor did I ever care to learn is how to clean a chitterling aka chitlin’.   It’s not that I haven’t eaten them, in fact, I enjoy them thoroughly when I do; but I never had intentions on eating them regularly.  They are good for the Holidays and special occasions but my palate never quite got around to capitulating to those type(s) of cuisine – such as the liking's of “innards” or “entrails” e.g. livers, gizzards, and the aforementioned chitterlings. 
I never quite got both of my feet off of the platform, because I have dangled off the side-rails of the ‘Chitlin’ Circuit” because it is a part of my heritage, but so is the blight of slavery and that sour taste has never left the mouths of our ancestors and neither has it left ours.  No one wants to return to slavery, so why should we return to or rather continue on in those same degrading traditions.  Homage you say?  We can honor the memories of those that went the hard way before us in other ways other than eating the discarded entrails that weren't fit to be eaten by animals, let alone a slave coming in from a hard day of sun-up to sun-down torment – not work ­– because to call it work, meant that someone was getting paid.
God offers us a better choice and I want it! For a slave living on dirt floors, wearing rags and going barefoot most of the time, innards will sustain you and fill your belly.  As the old folks like to put it, “A belly-full is a belly full”.  And was the pigs slop would have been sustenance enough for the Prodigal Son, but he came to himself and realized that in his Father’s house the servants had enough and then some to spare.
Many who came before us traveled and performed on the proverbial ‘Chitlin Circuit’, artist we even know of today who are prominent in business, such as @TylerPerry.  However, just because we start off that way doesn't mean that we have to stay that same course.  Tyler Perry could have remained doing small venues but he realized that he didn't have to remain where he was in order to remain relevant or to “keep it real”
If I never ate another chitlin’, it wouldn't be the death of me; I instead would make the case that continuing to eat them may very well be the death of me.

The God that I serve is more than enough; darn sure he’s more than chitlins’.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Drought... No Rain, Much Pain

A drought can last a lifetime, if we are not careful to seek God.  Because God is the one who sends the rain in our life; metaphorically speaking.  Rain can be a good or an undesirable thing; especially if it too much comes too soon.  Why does it seem that others have a lush and verdant life full of blessings while others live a life devoid of simple comforts and trappings – only God knows the true answer to that question?
A lack of rain in comparison to a lack of our needs being met… No need to mince words - A drought is a drought!  Droughts occur from time-to-time throughout our lives but I also know that prayer changes things – Yes, even the atmosphere itself. 
Our prayers sometimes appear to have gone unheard but God hears all and knows all, in fact, he knows what we stand in need of before we even know to ask.  He is God of the drought, the same as he is the God of our plenteous, bountiful and overflowing blessings.  Trust him in all things – even when lack is devastating and seemingly will outlast your supply. 

God can bless you through anything, anyone and by any means he deems necessary and providentially to his Glory.  Pray for rain while in your drought, while waiting on God to release the rain in your life; and if he doesn't – keep on praying.  Our praying may appear to be in vain but that one small dark cloud off in the distance may not look like much, it can bring torrential storms of blessing that will literally sweep you right off of your feet.  


You feel it to, don’t you?  Its right there – always has been, stuck in your craw.  Or perhaps yours is like mine, a thorn as Paul said, “In your side”.  I carry it with me every freakin’ where I go! I cannot shake it and it finally dawned on me that maybe I’m not supposed to – maybe it was sent to buffet me, to keep me aligned with my purpose.
It’s that ONE!  That one day that keeps being put afar off, that one opportunity that is needed to put me into position to walk into my destiny.  That one connection with the right person, that one idea that will catapult me into my promise, that one stroke of genius that will bring the ingenuity that will change the world. That ONE SPARK!
Maybe it was that One Spark that ignited the night to burst and break away from the day that sounded like a Big Bang.  To hear God speak one utterance I am sure is world changing- we are still being blessed by his Word that spoken before time began its berth. 
I feel it over me like a shadowy Grim Reaper that is waiting to either take my life or bless me abundantly with it.  I know it’s there, but I feel as though I am surrounded by thick heavy curtains and I just want to snatch them all down, one-by-one from their rings and scream, “Where is it”?  And state emphatically that “I know it’s here”!
Then when my frustration sets in at its worst, God reminds me that when Jesus went to the cross, it was all finished; the veil of the temple torn into two.  The curtain that I most needed to be concerned with has already been torn down and if I want to receive what’s behind the curtain, all I need is to look to Jesus to reveal it in his due time and season.
The odds were against us and have been since the day that we entered into this world into sin and shaped in iniquity.  But, I also know that before the foundations of the Earth, the lamb was slain for those sins.  Everything needed was done from the beginning, intended for my expected end.
I defy the odds, like my hair defies gravity – It’s a Natural Occurrence that cannot be explained – neither can the blessings of God. 

Coinkydink? Naw… There are no such missteps in the plan of God.  

Monday, April 11, 2016

For Verification Purposes Only

For Verification Purposes Only

When God asked us a question, trust and believe that he already knows the answer; it’s for us – Not Him.  In the story of the blind men following behind Jesus repeatedly asking, “Son of David have Mercy on Us”, sounds a lot like me, you and everybody else that I know.  We know what it is that we want but it seems impossible to have; and then to add insult-to-injury, much of the time it’s as though God is iggin’ the heck out of us!  (Matthew 9:28)
Blindness must be a prerequisite of faith or at least a first cousin because it strikes most who are on a faith-journey to the Land of Promise that God has placed in each of our hearts; not one hope alike, like a fingerprint – What’s for you is for you and what’s for me is for me.
The blind men cried out – but nothing changed – He answered them not a word. Sound familiar?  You keep asking God what now? Which way to turn? Do you even hear me?  And he answers us not a word.
God reiterates to us over-and-over again that we walk by faith and not by sight, so why then do we continue to look down at the pitfalls and not up to him?
When Jesus gets good and ready, he will turn to us and ask us the same question he posed to the blind men, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” and when he does, will you give a snarky retort for being made to wait or will you be able to reply, “Yes Lord”?
We must continue to believe although the vision may still be unclear and tarrying.

It's Madness I Tell Ya!

It’s Madness I Tell Ya!

Have you ever asked yourself the rhetorically doom-filled question of: How can I continue to hold on Lord, to the promise(s)?  Then turn around and have to answer that same question by saying: How can I not continue to hold on?  How did I ever allow myself to get to the point where I am even considering letting go at all? Am I actually saying that I want to give up?  God forbid!
It’s sort of like a ripple-effect after a pebble skips into the lake.  One small action, one thought can be allowed to enter in that has an adverse reaction, that continues on… and on… and on.
Be carefully aware of what you allow to enter in into your body-of-work (your spirit), that can have a devastating effect.  It seems almost insane to ask questions of ourselves that we already know the answers to, but sometimes it’s also good to ask the hard questions of yourself in order to know where you really stand, because what’s the use of lying to yourself? 
The only thing that roots out doubt is FAITH.  In all actuality, it’s not us but his SPIRIT working on the inside of us that allows us to go on in the first place. 
When in doubt – work it out!  That is your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God that works in you both to will and do his good pleasure.

Equal Opportunities

The favors of God are not all created EQUAL but his faithfulness to each of us is - because we all know that favor isn't favor; but God is just in his dealings with and towards us. I'm Blessed because I love God wholeheartedly, not because of anything else that I've done. And you know what's crazy? God offers that same opportunity to anyone who chooses to love him as well.

High Expectations

Had it not been for having an "Expectation" of what God is going to, I don't know where I would be... because expectations are hard to carry; they can become overwhelming and cumbersome, but without them, what would life be? If God has nothing else for me, for me to do, for me to accomplish - to his will and for his glory, then why else would I remain here on this Earth? I know that if I am here, then there is a purpose for my life. All that I am expecting is already here, it just hasn't manifested itself just yet, but I know that it is on its way! What have you seen God create new lately? Nothing, besides a way to and through to our destiny. God's work is complete - ours is the one that's not. Keep on expecting even when it feels as though it will never come to pass... Set them high and watch God show you that he exceeds each and every one of them.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Get Well Soon... "You Complete Me"

Get Well Soon   “You Complete Me”

Have you ever been sick for so long that when you began to feel better, it felt foreign or strange?  Wellness, of course, is always a good place to be in; but what if it feels odd to you?  What will you do to right your thinking of matter?

With that being said, “I don’t just want a man, I need a man!”  That’s right – NEED! 
Contrary to what you might think, God didn't set us up for failure; Adam and Eve sinned, as same as we do.  They had a bad kid, and a good kid.  They had to work; Eve had to have and raise the children.  Nothing has changed since the beginning of time, and in the order of life.  Kickin’ against the pricks to change what God has set into motion will only bring you pain.

Relationships are so much more than “good sex”.  Yes, we can have good sex, but if you want the entire package, the promise(s) of God that heal your soul, AND THE BEST SEX, it’s best to do it God’s way.  We can have what we desire because it was already intended for us anyways.  The Children of Israel had already promised the land.  Blessings are already here for us – if we walk right with the Lord – Not perfect, but right before God.  You've never made love good before until you have done it wholeheartedly and committed in Matrimony.  Until you commit to God in like manner, you won’t get the opportunity to experience all that he has for you.

There is a difference between being “dogged” and being used.  God wants to be used by us, to do of his good pleasure in our lives – not dogged-out.  Same goes for two-parties in a relationship; it’s all about how we treat the person.  There is nothing more than a man wants than to love and to be love; and vice-versa for women.  There is nothing more than God wants than to love and to be loved; and when you do, he’ll pour out blessings that you won’t have room enough to receive.
Everything that we do is based upon reciprocity.  Give and it shall be given.  If you do all that you can to complete your partner in the relationship and they do all they can to complete you – then we have wholeness or wellness; but again, to some, wellness is a feeling that you very well may shun because it doesn't feel right.  Now wonder God admonished to not go off of our feelings; but rather stick to what you know is true about God – that he is faithful to his Word.  Joy can be experienced in life and in LOVE. Don't be afraid to admit that you both want and need love and don't be afraid to admit that you NEED God.  

Get Well Soon,


Friday, April 1, 2016

The Hardest... The Easiest...

The Hardest thing that you will ever do: Believe
The Easiest thing that you will ever do : Believe
The choice isn't up to us, though some would like to believe that it is… Take Joseph for example. He lived a life of up’s and down’s and I’m sure he wondered at times where was God, but he kept the faith and kept on believing; and it all worked out for his and others good.
Whatever you do – BELIEVE! It will only bless you when it’s all said and done.