Relationships are hard, Marriage is harder; and walking with God, the ultimate commitment-, the degree of difficulty is inexplicable.
My writings encompasses the day-by-day grind in God. Every success story you hear, the person starts with a struggle, then God, then success - they just drop you from beginning to epilogue, but there were days in- between of where God gets his GLORY...
I guess I'm just one of those folk who like to tell it all, every detail; it makes for the best recollection and creates a vivid picture for the brush strokes of who God is portrayed as in our gallery of life, on display for onlookers.; my part to hoist Him up, so He can do the drawing.
Just Thankful for my journey... and the In's and Out's...
All relationships have them, it' s just how much you are willing to commit...? He can have all of me.
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