Thursday, June 30, 2016

Politicking As Usual...

Politicking As Usual…

When I got finished with a quick self-examination of my spirit – something got dropped into my spirit that made me think, and then wonder about the possibility.  What if the 1/3 of Angels that were kicked out of heaven were us, or we are their descendants?  What if this is our other chance to get it right?  Angels are spirits and so are we, and those that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth.

There is nothing new up under the Sun, therefore, the “Art of Politicking” started in the Heavens.  Satan had to launch a campaign about the ensuing takeover of Heaven before his eviction.  God gave the Angels the same free-will as he given us.  There had to be many discussions, and for him to draw so many away from the Father, he had to be good at the Art of Persuasion.  Is that not what we are facing in our own lives today, to do the will of the Father, in spite of what we feel that we deserve?

His Word says that he foreknew us before the foundations of the world.  Our worst enemy has always been and will always be the man-in-the-mirror.  Some like to think that there is a being of some sort that causes them to sin against the will of God, but if we are truly honest with ourselves, it was us making the conscience decision to go against the will of the Father and turn away the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus came to Earth and endured every temptation commonly known to me – and sinned not; and told us that we could do what he did – Just Believe.  And we still find ourselves struggling to make the mountains move in our lives.  I’m not saying that he did it with ease, but what he did show us is that it possible.

Time is ticking and the world is starting to shift into that positional place of having to decide for yourself whose side you are on; rather it is in politics or praise. 

We find ourselves once again idolizing people and becoming self-absorbed.  And we find ourselves once again, if we don’t correct our direction; being evicted for good.

There is only one side when it comes to who we serve - there is no party, not even an Independent; no meeting in the aisle.  You must choose a side.  Are you serving notice to your enemy or are you being served your eviction notice?

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