What you say now????? No descendants of slaves who put in sun-up's to sundown's should be struggling in America, but I digress... My question to you as colored, Negro and black folk: What would you do with reparations? Let's say the top 1...% decided to allow some of their runoff trickle down and you granted $1,000,000.00. What then would you do besides ball-out? How are you going to make that one become two, especially when you haven't made that check of 40+ hours into wealth of any kind? There are some that rise up to a point where they can look down and also look back to see that they have risen to a pinnacled height that only a few are blessed to see and they though they like to tell us how great it looks from high above but they can t tell us how to be successful because what was for them was for them - And we must find what our purpose is individually. We as black folk like to have an excuse for not succeeding, "It's because I am black". I refuse to rest on that old fallback. I am putting myself up to the challenge to put myself out there and say that I believe that God will honor his promises to me. I can't receive for anyone, neither can I believe for anyone. Each one of us have to believe God for ourselves and not rely on a handout from anyone, when our God is all sufficient. Yes - I am putting God on blast! If the powers that be made the playing field even and started everyone out with the same amount hypothetically speaking. Ask yourself what would you do to sustain yourself if they gave you a lump sum settlement and gave the caveat that "this is it". Forty Acres and a mule are worth a much in these days and times. No more - No food stamps, no unemployment - no more help whatsoever; and now you no longer had them to blame and you were dependent upon your own ingenuity to either rise or fall. What indeed would you do? Many haven't thought that far enough ahead because they like the crutch of being a minority. Whatever it is that you say that you would do if you had the money, try doing it now and you just might get the money you are searching for. #CurrentEventEvangelist

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