Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Why waste time peering into someone else’s life when you can trust God that one day you will look out of your own?  Voyeurism is a waste of time unless you are observing someone headed in the direction that you want to go.   We stare at others living their lives and we dare not dream of being an inspiration to another.  If we are focused on getting after our own promise, we won’t have the time to be a looky-loo into another’s.  Why not dream your own dream and see your own promises come to pass instead of trying to watch what someone else is doing in theirs?  Today I made up in my mind that I would trust God for more – and that was it – no stipulations whatsoever!  My frustration in my life has grown out of desiring that God bring the promise to pass as I had designed in my head.  My job as a believer is to believe that God will keep his promise to me – not do whatever I say or think.  If we could know the mind of God – then what would be the purpose to us serving and worshiping him as God, if we controlled him?  I am starting to see my faith walk a whole lot clearer.  If you desire to correct your vision for your future – first thing first – start looking to God to be God.  Next start wanting to enjoy your own life instead of gazing at someone else’s thinking that their life is better than yours.  We serve the God who has more than enough to go around.  Do you always want to be the one looking in or do you finally want to get to that place where you are the one looking out?


Father my prayer this morning is that I don’t simply have a life full of propaganda campaigns of what I “think, believe and hope for”.  People are losing hope because in their myopic scope the blessings of God are far out of reach; and from what they see going on in the “world” and in the “church” that we just talk but there is no true benefit in serving God except for salvation.  I pray that what I stand for in you and what I hope for in you; and to accomplish to your glory is manifested with tangible evidence in order to be placed in a position to lift your name on high.  People are not moved by lip service but rather action, proof, evidence and by example.  You yourself Lord came and performed miracles so that we might believe on you.  We who love and represent you can talk all day but in the end of the day, people want to see it demonstrated in order for them to believe.  Bless me to walk out my life of faith, so that people want to come to know and fellowship with the God that I serve for their own selves.  People hear Christians preaching and evangelizing but they want to see the fruit.  Prosperity, health, wellness, wholeness, a good family life and blessings exceeding and abundant are fruits of serving you.  Not that we don’t have trials and tribulations but through them all, they see that trust in you pays off.  And that is what I want my life and that of my family to consist of – for your light that shines in me to light up the darkness in someone and they decide that it is better to serve you because there is evidence that God is real.  By encouraging others, I am also reinforcing my own faith to not only seek you for myself but because I know what the power of the Lord can do and can be to another who makes up their mind to go all the way with you.  Propaganda pushes one’s personal agenda ahead of the good of others.  You are good and I pray that your presence and favor shows up so great in my life; that it lifts your name up and that all who comes into contact with me - draw to you. 

Monday, September 29, 2014


·       Oprah – Started out in the business in 1986 and today she is worth a billion or more.
Now Age 60.

·       J.K. Rowling – Started out with the concept of a book in 1990 and in 1997 she published her first novel.  Today she is worth a billion or more.
Now Age 49.

·       One started earlier, has been in the business much longer and yet they have made the same strides in life; and they are both worth about the same.

Father, my prayer is that you shorten the gap between me and my destiny, cause me to be successful at an early age and increase my borders, territories and substance.  Help me to take this life that you have blessed me with in stride!

Submission vs. Dominance

If you give a man ALL of you, then he will have ALL of you.  You must reserve and set aside a special place in you that only God resides in and has access to.  There is a difference between submission and dominance.  Yes – we submit to our HUSBANDS.  Many are giving out hubby benefits and being dominated by someone who isn’t committed to you; and doesn’t submit himself to you.  And if he is your husband, he still has to treat you with the respect that you rightfully deserve.  You are cooking, sexing, planning and taking trips; you share a dwelling, you help him with his kids, you cater to him and his friends and family when they are over at your house.  You see about him when he is sick and pick up his clothes from the dry cleaners – the list goes on and on.  You hold him down, but who’s holding you down?  Women are getting their roles confused and discombobulated; and who is supposed to be taking care of whom.  If he is the MAN – then let him be that.  Don’t keep giving man after man all of you and all that you possess when he is not all the way committed.  Much of our pain is self-inflicted and could have easily been avoided.  The only one that we should allow total dominance over us is the Lord and even he gives us free will.


Things just got REAL!

There was a time when the promise was out of reach and I couldn't see or feel it. Now it feels as close to me as breath and I can sense it nearer to me than ever before.  It has to be real to me in order for it to be “real to me”.  Faith in God makes the impossible – Real!

So you think you can dance?

No matter how much we would like to, we cannot choreograph life.  All we can do is dance to it.  Allow God to take the lead and he will guide us across many dance floors throughout this life; not to fail in mentioning – he is the one that invited us to this ballroom called life in the first place.  Do not let anyone make you think that they did it all by themselves.  Even though they might like to think so, no one was able to get to a place in success all by their lonesome.  Tina Turner needed Ike and I am sure she would tell you that she wouldn't change nothing for what she was able to accomplish.  Beyoncé had no idea what her Father had in mind when he directed her steps in to the music business; and neither did she know that she would one day meet Jay Z, who took her career to another stratosphere  and become the Phenom and force that she is today.  No one can write a script for their lives.  The script is already written and we are simply acting out the parts that were handed to us.  We have to trust God and know that he is the right dance partner for us to move fluidly throughout life.  There are a lot of people out there that think they can dance all by themselves and you can but it is so much nicer when you have a partner.  So you think you can dance?  God wants to show you that you have never danced until you have taken a spin on the dance floor with him. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Father God I do not know from whence the blessing will come – be it from the East, West, North or South but no other day that I have felt that it was this close than today – right now.  This morning while getting ready for work and while driving to work I just mused over the thought after seeing a woman walking across the street, who isn’t homeless but her soul is.  She is holding on to anger and a hurt that no one knows the depths of but her.  I said a prayer for her and blessed your name Father because I would rather hold on to you until you bless me – any way you want to bless me – instead of hold on to pain, hurt, disappointment, failure or unbelief.  Why hold on to it when we have the choice in the matter to choose better?  We can choose to hold on to God’s unchanging hand and promises? 

I was able to speak it today, aloud and boldly and it was so refreshing, rejuvenating and exhilarating – to speak unfathomable promises to someone who has no idea what hoping against hope is and can do for a life of a believer of Christ Jesus.  You gave me the opportunity Father to stand on a word that you had placed in my heart just minutes before.  Tracy (my Manager), was carrying on about how Cris (my Co-worker), as going to be well off in fifteen years when he gets his second retirement from the Navy.  Mind you – he has already put in his first 20 years and is returning to active service. 

Retirement seems to be the running theme and the root of where my fear, if that is what I want to call it, stems from.  All of my life I have resisted a regimented and incarcerated life.  All of my life I have believed for more and ever since I have trusted you that first time as far back as I can remember, I have been hooked.

That first instance when you kept my mother from finding out that I had gotten into trouble in school.  I had prayed for the first time that I can remember and I remember distinctly that it was you who kept your promise to me; it was then back in grade school that I remember knowing that you were real, not just “that person” or “that God” who I had heard through preachers or people – I knew for myself.

On a daily basis I hear people talk themselves out of the very blessing that they say that they are standing in need of – They are either speaking doubt or they are speaking unbelief.  Today I received confirmation in my spirit that I may as well speak what it is that I want and believe God for it!

If we don’t believe that you are well-able Father, then why serve you?  There is a blessing in the privilege to speak God’s word.  There is power in declaring his word and promises over our own lives and see it blossom just as he said that it would. 

My spirit keeps telling me that there is more… And I simply believe that there is – MORE!

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Buck Stops Here!

The buck stops here! Buck back when life comes for you!  Life will come at you with so much in an attempt to throw you off course and off of your game.  Hold on to God until he blesses you! 


Bewildered and baffled are an alliteration that has converged all at the same time and I am not quite what to make out of it.  All I keep doing is squinting as if I can try and see into the future of what it is that you are doing in my life and where you are guiding me.  The same question arises, “What do you want me to see and what is it that you would have for me to do?  Because I know that what I saw today happened in front of me for a reason but I am at a lost as to – the why?  Not a good minute after I pulled out for lunch and not a block from the job a car on the opposite side of the street seemingly to me, barely hit the curb but it went airborne and flipped over onto its roof and at first I thought it wasn't real or wasn't happening or that somehow I had found my way onto candid camera or a movie scene that no one had informed me about.  Immediately, I thought about the person and pulled over thinking that I was going to call the police from my cell and possibly have to run over there and perhaps see a dead body but fear didn't stop me because I knew that whomever was inside of the vehicle, they were going to need immediate assistance; just for getting out of the car, not to mention of they were injured.  God – you were both with them and me because rights at the corner were two police cars and they rushed to the scene as well as others.  Humanity when needed will step up to the plate.  I merged back into traffic feeling thankful that I didn't have to witness carnage on any level and when I peered back through my side mirror I didn't see anyone looking to be overcome with grief, so I was hopeful that the person(s) were not dead on impact, though how anyone could have survived seemed to be beyond me.  In a daze I drove another block up to the bank ATM where I was headed and I heard the sounds of sirens and knew that because the police officers had called in the emergency that rescue would respond quicker than I could have with my cell phone.  I was getting the money from the ATM in order to go and pay a speeding ticket I had gotten last month.  After driving as safely as I could downtown, I dreaded not being able to locate a convenient parking spot on a road adjacent to the courthouse.  I focused my attention on going to the parking garage in hopes of finding a spot.  While waiting at the stop light I glanced over and saw a parking meter and a space that I was sure that my car would fit into and it did.  The problem I faced was that I didn't have any change.  When I looked over and saw the Chuck E. Cheese token, I thought perhaps this could work but when I went and looked to see if there was any time left on the meter it was thirty-seven minutes remaining and I was close as anyone could want to get in vicinity to the courthouse at 12:30 in the afternoon.  When I got to the courthouse, the line meandered and wrapped around the divisional divides and I began to think that I was going to be late getting back to work and started planning my call back into the office to give an explanation as to why.  Needless to say… The line moved at a steady pace and I was back out to my car with nine minutes left to spare for another driver and I arrived back to work on time.  As I was driving back and as I was walking back up to the office, my emotions were on heightened alert because not too long ago I myself have been involved in two different and harrowing accidents and I was either able to walk or drive away and it could have been so much more devastating and who wouldn't think – why me or why not me?  Life can change for better or worse in an instant.  As I scrolled my Facebook news-feed someone had a short video of a fetus barely formed but you could see that it was a baby – a human being; and they were admonishing that abortion was murder.  I had never seen an actual live fetus and it was moving and breathing and trying to fight for life.  Sadly, I have murdered two of my own via the choice of having an abortion but the video connected me to the two babies that I chose to cut their life off - All of this happening within an hour time.  I cannot help but to wonder what is it that you are trying to say to me Lord?  I am fighting with everything I have daily to hang on to you until you bless me and life keeps bucking me to try and make me concede but your will in me won’t let me go.  I didn't want to write and pray but I know that the best time to write and to pray is when I don’t feel like it.  However, it is not about how I feel but rather about knowing that prayer works and that is why I serve you.  I am a ball of emotion and as of right now I still don’t know which way to turn, so while I am in limbo, I will turn to you until you direct the path that I should go.  Just before heading out to lunch and before all of this started I had been writing and posting words of encouragement.  Then as soon as I step away filled with your spirit, out of nowhere - Life happened.  No matter what happens in life, as long as I have you, I know that all is well.  Thank you Father for keeping me when I no way deserved your blessing, provision, protection or even salvation.  Thank you Lord Jesus for being the propitiation for my sins and the ONLY reason that I am able to approach the throne of mercy; and even boldly ask petition for things and for life.  Amen!

Training Wheels

One day you have to decide for yourself that this will be the day that you take the “training wheels” off of your faith and trust God wholeheartedly.  We want to trust God but have a fail-safe in place just in case something goes awry.  Guess what? I have some very pertinent news for you – Something is going to go awry, wrong and not our way at times in our lives but God is still there with us.  You can still ride with the training wheels on but when you experience life without them for the first time – of course it is frightening.  But when we overcome our fears of falling or injuring ourselves and exchange for the exhilaration and freedom we experience of being able to ride farther distances and experience new places; we realize that the reward is greater than the risk and that the only thing to fear is God himself and not the fear itself.  Faith will open up another world to those of us who trust and believe in God that he was there holding the us up until we got steady in our faith enough to have the training wheels taken off.  And he is still the same Father God that is right there beside us to steady our faith walk and he never leaves our side.   There is no “risk” in God; that is if you believe his word.  What is it that we are risking?  If his word says that he is with us always – then trust that all things are working together for our good.  When we have faith – faith ensures our success and cancels out all risk factors.  Our faith must outweigh the risk.

I woke up like this...

Praising God is what “I” do and what “we” were created to do.  At night when I lay down, I give thanks for the day.  When I wake up in the morning I am giving thanks for bringing me through the night and into another day; and throughout the day I am returning for a refill because life, as with anything done consistently and with fever – we get fatigued.  Christian need to be replenished often with and by the word of God because if we are walking right – we are giving out of ourselves to others because the goodness of the Lord isn't just to be kept within but to be shared and demonstrated in order to advance his Kingdom.  Many like to sing the Beyonce’ song “Flawless – I woke up like this”.  Both she and we woke up this very day with problems and life happening all around us; and not always bad things but life itself is hard some days.  Money does not absolve us from life.  Had the good Lord chosen not to flip our life switch on this ante meridiem (AM), none of us would have woken up at all.  We are losing since of what our priorities should be because we are getting lost in the waves of life and God has given us the authority to call peace into our circumstance through him; and he is bidding us to come ashore but some are adrift and unsure how to swim back to shore.  Praise will cause any unrest and insecurity in your life to cease, but you must first speak to the situation by the authority of Jesus Christ.  So… Yes – “I woke up like this” – with praise and worship on my lips and permeating in my spirit.  


Our perception is everything because how we see “a thing” is in direct response to how we respond and furthermore proceed successfully.  If we are seeking God then we are pedestrians of faith – walking out our calling and purpose day-by-day.  We cannot skip from one day to another; we have to walk out this day in order to progress to the next. On the other hand a pedestrian is also interpreted as a person who is unimaginative and doesn't expect much out of life - except the usual mundane.  We can either choose to walk or choose to accept life as status quo – it is all about what we focus on.  I choose this day to walk out my faith no matter what.  When I decided that it was time for me to lose some weight, God just told me to start walking and I did and at first the weight loss wasn't noticeable but over time, I can tell for myself and do not need confirmation or adulation from others; so whether they inquire if I have lost a few pounds or not, I am confident in my own observation.  Don’t wait to see results before you start believing God – trust and get to moving on the path that he has set before you and he has promised that if you only walk with him, he will cause goodness and mercy to follow you all the days of your life.  When Adam was in the Garden of Eden with God, the scriptures says that he walked and talked with God in the cool of the day.  Enoch walked with God.  Elisha walked (followed) after Elijah.  When you take the time to walk with a person, you choose to want to get to know them and for them to know you.  And that is all that God wants to do; for you to know him and to learn his voice and character.  Relationships are built upon spending quality time with one another. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Happily Ever After...

People who are happily married not withstanding the ups and downs we all go through generally don't want nothing but a lover and a friend and not necessarily in that order because sometimes u need the lover and much of the time we need the friend element. We get that from God. We have to take the sexuality out and see God as our husband aka lover and our friend. Our original relationship is based out of love with the Father for he first loved us. And he loves on me the best and unlike any other. We can be as intimate with God as we so choose and that place there are multiple blessings that stimulate places in me that lets me know he is real and that he is God. Marriage to him is good and everlasting.

Pity Parties...

God will respond to praise over pity any day. Pity parties are an utterly complete was of time when we have the CHOICE to revert to praising him instead and ensuring our deliverance. It takes some work on our part to learn the signs but the sooner we put it into practice the quicker the turnaround can take place. We waste so much time with useless behaviors and we cant blame God we would like to but he s given us his word and for us who follow him we know that it works so now we have to come to that place in our faith where we must mature to trust - period!

When in Doubt...

There is never a time to start doubting God, so why start now?

Image result for clipart for doubt

The Right Energy!

To trust God you have to know what his word says so that you can stand surefooted on it. You also have to know what it doesn't say so that you aren't exerting energy in error. Once you know right, you can live right.

Great is thy Faithfulnes...

Great is thy faithfulness... True statement. We know the Lord as faithful. But did u know that God referenced some in the Bible as faithful? That s powerful! The God of all faithfulness commended some on their faith, while some others he reprimanded by having little faith. It is impossible to please God without faith. We can have him as our God but not pleasing him. Help me and others alike to seek out how to please you always.

Everything in a Definition

Blessed to be a blessing is more than monetary things although it s included but moreso living a blessed life tht others recognize Christ in us and then desire to know him for themselves. When I pray to the Father to be blessed I am not only thinking about myself but others who I know and yet to know to see my life as a testimonial to what God is well able to do through and for us. Greatness both in God and life can be in anyone. God doesn t respect one over another because it pleases him when either of us seek out by faith. I ve got too many tht need me to show the example of walk by faith exemplified to give up now. Thank u Father for what the true definition of blessed to be a blessing is truly about.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


When God increases you - Increase your ministry and service to him; it can only bless you. ‪#‎CurrentEventEvangelist

Lot in Life...

I only know one Lot and he s from the Bible. That being said I refuse to accept the status quo of having to accept a "lot" in any area of my life - the lot poverty, sickness, struggle and lack. We have to come to that place in Christ where we stand on the promises of God. Lot was Blessed because of who he was with - Abraham the Father of the Faith and we have one greater than he in Jesus Christ. Jesus fulfilled what Abraham started and perfected it, so that when I place my trust in him I am already blessed because he is my Great Reward.

What I do it for...

I think and speak and believe in great things because first of all I believe that my God can. Can what? Whatever it is that needs to be done. And I also believe that he will allow me to bless people who he places on my heart and in path. There is nothing like the feeling of being a blessing to someone and they re blowed by how God stepped into their situation or circumstance and it was done by a c...omplete stranger in most of my cases where I was able to show the grace and mercy of God; and I was doubly blessed spiritually and physically for my obedience and kindness towards possibly an Angel I had entertained or just a person, the least of these, to his Glory. So I do pray to live that kind of a reciprocating life and I expect it to come to pass. #CurrentEventEvangelist

Monday, September 22, 2014

Incognito Christian?

Are you an incognito Christian?  Does somebody have to call you out in order for you to “go public”?  Does your deportment resemble the life of a person who believes that Christ is your Lord and Savior?  Not to say that you should be Holier-than-Thou but does it cause you to take pause when someone speaks against the word of God?  Are you only a Christian on Sunday from mid-morning to mid-afternoon and the rest of the week your lifestyle is questionable?  Have you told anyone about how good Christ has been to you lately?  Do you offer Apologetics for the reason why you chose to commit to a Christians way of life?  Do you show the example of Christ’s love to others by your living and your giving?  Do you have a consistent prayer life?  Do you own a Bible?  Do you read your Bible? Do you have a church home?  Do you speak to your family and children regularly/daily about the Lord? If someone saw you out in the street would they give you the same respect that they gave you while you were in church?  Do you want to hear the words “Well done thy good and faithful servant”?  If so, just tell somebody – anybody about the one who keeps you – God will do the rest.

All in a Name...

It's about the name... By no other name can we be saved or enter into the kingdom of heaven but by the name of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.  Demons tremble at the name.    The enemy is rebuked and flees at the name.  It's at the name of Jesus that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is Lord.  You shy away from speaking the name and you lose any power you may have.  #CurrentEventEvangelist

Michael Sam was celebrated all over the nation for going public with his sexuality. Robert Griffin III wears a T-shirt publicly displaying his religious beliefs and the NFL makes him turn it inside out before he does a press conference. What's wrong with this picture?

Important Message for You - Don't Sell Your Birthright!

Don’t sell your birthright.  All around us we see people selling-out for fame or fortune, when God said that he would give us the desires of our heart.  Fame and fortune may be the cause of your downfall and rather a set-up for failure than a come-up.  Trust God with all your heart that he will keep every single solitary promise that he has spoken in his word and most of all – trust the process and finally – the outcome.  Don’t fall for the smoke and mirrors of what you see being displayed to you on the web or television about how great life is as a celebrity, socialite or well-to-do.  You can have all of those things and be a miserable soul.  Folks are leaving the money here and choosing to take their own lives and forfeit prematurely the blessings of this life (outside of fortune), so the money is not “all” that it’s cracked up to be.  Hold on to God until he blesses you.  Forget not all of his many benefits.  Trust not in your own way but in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths just like a treasure map marks the spot.  Our treasure is in him and him alone.  Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all his righteousness and all these “things” including peace will be added to you.  What’s the point of having the accumulation of things and not having the right mind to be able to enjoy them?  Jesus left us an incorruptible inheritance and we will receive it, if we faint not in the day of adversity.


Some get hooked the first time they try dope.  Some get addicted to sex the first time that they have an orgasm.  Some get habituated the first time they take a sip of alcohol.  However, some find themselves dependent upon Christ after trying him for the first time.  He can take a hold of us just as any of those aforementioned narcotics, pharmaceutical or prescribed array of opiates.  Jesus is the panacea (the cure) to all that ails, sickens and weakens us from fighting off the attack of the enemy; which much of the time is the fight from within.  If you are going to get hooked on anything – be completely dependent upon Jesus and he will keep you from being bound and anything that has its hooks in you will have to loose you.


Thorns plague us all but God will never give us a thorn that contradicts his word and admonition as to us living a godly life.  For instance, my weight is a thorn and has been my entire life.  Though I would like to be a few pounds lighter, by his grace; which is sufficient, I learned how to become the best woman that I can be.  For some it may be because they are of a darker complexion or because you were mixed and didn’t know whether you were to gravitate to the white or the black side of your family; or perhaps you grew up in poverty and all you have ever seen was impoverished people.  Those are the kinds of thorns that create in you a character and define who you are; and the kind of thorns that you can live with.  God will not give you a thorn of alcoholism, drug abuse, pornography addiction of any kind and the like.  Yes… you may have come through either of those but God did not put that kind of weight on you and expect you to live with it – “Oh this is my lot in life to be a crack-head”.  God is a good God and he wants what is best for us; and it that includes a thorn or two to bring us into the knowing that his grace is sufficient then so be it, but your choice to live any kind of way and blame God is not the right frame of mind to have when it comes to why this or that has befallen us. 

Bought for, not with a Price!

Many know @Oprah to not be very religious(openly).  However, just as many who know that , also know of @BishopJakes to be a Christian to say the least.  My spirit got sanded the wrong way last night after watching @OprahLifeClass last night featuring the Bishop and it wasn’t from who I would’ve thought it would be from.  Some might say that I am overreacting; however, I would gladly retort that there isn’t enough being said when it comes to the dumbing-down of God’s word.  As David implored, “Is there not a cause?”  After watching both segments of the broadcast @BishopJakes barely mentioned anything regarding his faith; which I will say that he might have said once and maybe he said God two or three times.  My question to him is when did his agenda become the main course?  Did not God give you the platform and allow you by his grace to rise to the heights in both secular and religious forums and now when you have the ear of the people, you are now talking about what YOU think is needed to help them; and not what good the Lord can bring them.  I saw several women hurting from drug abuse, to infidelity and he never pointed them in the direction of the Savior.  Now had it been @DeepakChopra I possibly could have understood because we come from two different types of how we define religion but when I hear @Oprah whisper the name of Jesus and @BishopJakes not once, it makes me think that you been bought off Bishop?  For me to hear @Oprah say the name Jesus under her breath lets me know that it is not forbidden and that she reverences the name but the one who is to speak with authority for him was mums the word.  How in the world are people, let alone the women I saw supposed to be able to receive the help they need, if God not be lifted up to do the drawing?  Their thirsty spirits were begging for a true word and @BishopJakes only gave them some watered down Robitussin to cure a cancer that for most of them have been eating away at them for the better part of their adult lives, possibly stemming from childhood and in my opinion he let them down when he could have offered their drowning souls at least a life-jacket.  The only agenda the Bishop had was his book – “Instincts”.  So… Now it’s about instincts and not the unction of the Holy Ghost?  The cities are falling because those sent to guard it are leaving their post.  What’s crazy is that the Bishop preached the same message at his church but it included the most important element – God!  When he was on @Oprah, he made it seems as though this were his words of wisdom and that sir is plagiarism at its finest.  My question now to @BishopJakes is: Is it your stripes that heal the sick?  Is it you that delivers? Is it you that can save a dying soul? Was it your blood that paid the price for all of salvation? Was it you that was wounded for our transgressions?  Was it you who were bruised for our iniquities?  Thank God for his goodness because he always gives a warning before the storm or judgment is handed down.  @BishopJakes, I believe that you are skating on some very thin ice because you are falling away from your first love and from the one who permitted your rise, but as he permitted he can also disallow and rescind the agreement and he will raise up another if you are not going to do what he has called you to do.  Take a look for yourself and let me know if you think I am remiss.  Do you hear God or do you hear a man?