You may or may not want to know or even care why I continue
to write and post. It won’t stop me from
telling you the answer that you may or may not want to know. “I don’t want to give up believing on
anything” – Not in Love, Not in having hope, Not in keeping the faith in God – in that hope, one day there will be a breakthrough. Take a look around you – there is misery at
every turn. Despair, suicide,
depression, abuse of all kinds (drug, physical and mental – men, women and
children) are prevalent in society more so than HOPE.
We see it in each other’s eyes as we pass each other by on
the streets that hope has departed,
just as we stare at a corpse in the casket and can see that their soul has
departed – no life there. Death
- alive or dead, spiritually or physically, can be visually witnessed. Even on television while we are constantly
bombarded with the ups and downfalls of even the rich and famous – no one is
immune to LIFE. Life
is going to happen whether we like it or not and how we choose to deal with Life in and of itself is what determines
our fate.
Where do we find the hope to keep on trusting that better
will come when better to our
satisfaction doesn't appear at all to be truly possible? This is the crux of why I continue to write
and believe – TO FIND OUT THE ANSWER. We
have to know that the answer to all of our questions is in God the
Creator. And he will answer those who
seek his truth.
My desire is to always be willing to try. It’s hard to keep trying and failing. Successful Pastors, Life Coaches, Leaders and
Speakers are needed and recruited because lack
of motivation in life can set-in; and
even the best of coaches and spiritual leaders have their day(s). Staying up in faith, belief and life is a lifetime affair. As long as
we live – there will be life to
contend with.
And so I write, I pray, I
testify, I go to church, I give when I can and do for others. When none of that appears to be working, all
the while I’m talking to God and giving him the praise as being God and I
continue to believe that he will be the same God in my yesterday that has
brought me through – “And that’s All Folks!”
It’s not any deeper or more spiritual than that. “Have faith in God”.
No one may ever click on this
link to read it, No one may purchase my books, I may never speak in the front
of an audience in a coliseum or stadium, but I know that God has a purpose for
me and that regardless of what I see manifesting or still veiled, no matter how
I feel about what ever given situation or circumstance. I know that of all that I do – I must not
give up TRYING. Hit the reset button in
God and continue on believing! This isn't
positive talk – this is faith In God
talk. There is only ONE faith.
And that is in God.