Funny how when we stare at the
promises of God too long in our mind’s eye, that it causes our eyes to burn
with tears because the images overwhelm us.
We must ask ourselves the pertinent question of – why would God bless me
like that? Who am I for him to do all
that? Would he? Could he possibly be
that good to me? People like you and me
who are looking for God to move in a mighty way, to break the mold that has had
us bound and ensconced in a placed where there is over-crowding (the bottom of
the barrel) and people for generations alike.
Molds create the same thing repetitively and repeatedly over-and-over
again without any variation or discriminate markings. The enemy wants us to believe that the life
that God has called us to is a figment of our imagination – Only. God made each of individually, separately but
in his likeness and image – Unique to anything or anyone. To get out of the assembly line of only
receiving salvation and then living a life that is sub-par to what he has
reserved for us is dishonorable to what Christ Jesus died for, to say the
least. God created the stars in the heavens
as innumerable as the sands of the seas.
And that same God, the one that we serve, the one that we trust, the one
that we believe in, the one in which we live, move and have our being can go as
big as we can imagine and trump that.
God spoke all that we see and don’t see into existence. There is nothing that he cannot do. There is nothing too hard for him. The hard part is in us – hardened hearts – we
find it difficult and some impossible, to simply believe that he is able to do
what we believe him for. Only faith will
break us out. Break the mold that has
your mind incarcerated against the power of God. If you keep doing what
everyone around you is doing – you are (bound) to get what everyone else is getting. Salvation is free but the exceeding and abundant
blessings come to those who believe that God rewards those who Ask, Seek and
Knock. So… A.S.K.