Ain't no use in complaining - Life
always gets its person in the end – when it is all said and done. Life has walked each and every person down –
one by one – and won. There are billions on the earth and billions
quite possibly that came before the ones here now… and counting. We all know that
death is inevitable, so our focus should be on the life that we have today,
tomorrow or years from now. Life doesn't
have to kill you – it just allows time itself to erode away one day at a
time. Life doesn't care about your age,
your money or the lack thereof – it only cares about what it came here to
do. Now living is something else –
living can be done at any given time. We
have to make up our minds that whatever comes our way that God will see us
through it all. God cares for us so much
that he created a planet for his
children to live on; he intended for all of us to pass through this space and
see just how much he cares for our well-being – How much more does he have
in-store for us one has to wonder. When
life keeps coming at you and you want to give up or even worse – complain and speak against what God says
that we can have – Zip It! Make up your mind once and for all that
you are going to trust God or re-make it up every day, just so long as you
renew your mind against everything that rises up to tell you that God won’t do
it, no matter how many times it takes you.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Mars & Venus
It’s crazy – women manipulate to get our way and men try to
out rationalize to get what they want.
Women cry to God to try and get him to bend to our wants and men try to
out think God. God is touched by the
feelings of our infirmities but our praise and worship through the infirmities
are what brings the breakthrough. God
does care about us and sometimes the tears are needed; and then there are times
when God is saying get over it. Men aren't
that smart to outwitting God who is all knowing. Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus
but God is the God of both Heavens, Earth and the universe– that is all that we need to
trust in.
The Assignment!
I am simplistic not linguistic, so I can only speak from my
heart. It’s not that I have attained but
rather the farther I have stretched toward the mark of the high calling of
God. He has kept his word; so I choose
to reach even further. Even Jesus had to
go through a process and didn’t attain until he finished the assignment. There was one time I used to fret over death but death isn’t the worst thing
that can happen – All of these 41 years have caused me to learn that living
without Christ is the worst thing that can happen; I know that I have come a
long way and still have a ways to go but I give Thanks to God for how far he
has brought me. Yesterday I received an
early Birthday gift and card from my sister and it blessed me tremendously
because it spoke to who I am in Christ; and not stretch the truth about how
much she loved me or how great of a sister, mother, wife or aunt – THAT I KNOW
THAT I AM NOT. It spoke to who I was and what she recognized
and saw in me – which is CHRIST the Lord doing an amazing work and transformation.
Allow God to work his process and I guarantee you will see success in the land
of the living. Stay on assignment.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Why Me?
Don’t ask why when things aren’t going your way or people do you wrong. Just know that if you have spent time in the Lord and logged more hours with him than on social media and other worldly habits; you will be able to withdraw from what you deposited; and those who don’t spend time in and with the Lord FAINT in the day of adversity because their strength was small. The only way to build the muscles of faith is to work out in time spent with the Lord. When you spend time with the Lord you find peace and almost miraculously the answer you were searching for in the natural gets dropped into your spirit by the Holy Spirit. If you don’t take the time in God’s presence you are missing out on every answer you need in your life. God honors those who enjoy spending time in his presence.
Believe For The Harvest
Being blessed is hard – sometimes. It’s easy to believe for a car when cars exist and are readily available. It’s easy to believe for a roof over your head because apartments and houses are available – I don’t know of anyone personally who is homeless. A promise from God is just as real as anything else that we need to live productive lives e.g. houses and cars. However, it is foreign to us because many are still in the sowing period of life and it has not come time to reap the harvest. When a farmer plants he “hopes” for a return on his time, but he doesn’t know if insects or weather will destroy his crop - Nevertheless – he still plants with hope for a return.
When God gives a promise we can take it to the bank and trust just like the farmer that his crop will come in. You must first plant in faith.
When God gives a promise we can take it to the bank and trust just like the farmer that his crop will come in. You must first plant in faith.
40 is the New 20!
40 really isn’t the new 20; it’s just that 40 feels like you are 20 - BUT with knowledge and wisdom. When we were 20, we were trying to figure out what it was that we wanted and by the time we get to 40, we finally know more about ourselves and what we expect out of others. Living life is the new 20. If you live long enough you learn to appreciate life for all that we have been through.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Get It Out!
Do you remember back in school when some people walked
around with the pizza face (acne) because they chose not to bust the pimple
because it might leave a mark? However,
we now know that if you don’t get out the puss (the dirt and bacteria) that are
causing the blemishes in the first place, it will take longer to heal and dissipate. Yeah… it might hurt or leave a mark but it is
far better for us to get them out than to allow them to remain. We can apply all the ointments and scrubs we
want, but if the problem is still hidden down deep in the skin, then we are
only giving a temporary solution to a long term problem. The same goes for us who have deep ROOTED
issues that are hindering us from healing and being able to hear and get a
breakthrough from God. God wants to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness and to heal us, but we keep telling him
that it might hurt or we don’t want to be wounded and have lasting scars. To be blessed sometimes, we have to endure a
little pain and anguish but in the end - when it is all said and done – God will
make us like new – that is if we trust him to be God. So whatever it is that you have inside of you
that is keeping you from confessing your sins and getting right with God – bust
that bump and start your healing process - and progress. You will even realize that once it is out –
even with an open wound, it doesn't hurt as bad as it did with the pimple was
still full. Get it out!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
No DJ Needed...
I pray to be blessed so much so that I am able to slow my life down to point where I can play old vinyl records. To be able to take the record out of its sleeve and carefully place it down and lower the needle; and hear the less-than perfect quality of what we digitally have today. To not be able to skip to the next track but listen to the entire album and concept of what the artist was trying to convey through their music. Do you realize how much of a blessing that would be to do in today's time?
Taboo Tuesday - Uh Oh!
What is the purpose that an orgasm feels good?
We could be like the animals and only mate totally for the procreation
of our species. During orgasms we care
nothing about what is taking place, other than the orgasm itself. Orgasm is that point during sexual intimacy
when pleasure is strongest; an intense or paroxysmal excitement like nothing
else that we can experience on earth. I
do not think that it is a coincidence that God gifted us with sensual pleasures
and stimulation. I believe that it is a
reward, sort of speak to do what he commanded, which was “to be fruitful and
multiply”. That is how we ought to be in
God – praising and worshiping in spiritual truth, and existing and only caring
about that moment where we are totally and completely caught up in the spirit
of who he is. Those of us who are honest
with ourselves and love the Lord and who seek real worship in his presence know
that “true worship” only last for a few intense moments because that place we
go into him is too powerful to remain there for an extended period of
time. We are constantly connected to God
daily, but there is a place in worship that we are caught up and the intensity
of God’s Holy Spirit surpasses even that of an orgasm – it’s like nothing else
known to man. It is where dreams are
born and destiny’s manifested. Just as
when an orgasm happens and it is at that point where conception is produced and
later the birth of a blessing called our children. God has much to birth out of us, if we will
only allow him to touch us in that special place that we must go in him in
order to conceive. The subject maybe
taboo but there is nothing too taboo for God.
If we take the stigma away from what he gave to us to be used as tools,
we could get a revelation and see generational blessings as progenitors of God’s
word to the masses.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Isn’t it amazing how “Greed” will drive some people to become
cruel and merciless to another individual who has done nothing to them? For instance, during slavery the master could
have chosen to give his workers (the slaves) sufficient meals and clothing;
especially when they worked from sun up to sun down, six days a week in all
weather – oh yeah and for FREE. But
instead chose to give them the least of everything – dirt floor shacks –
really? Who would think to feed someone
intestines, stomachs, brains, ears, knuckles and feet of an animal – to keep
only the good part for themselves; especially when there was better to be had
by all? There is nothing new up under
the sun and the same is going on right now in today’s society. The rich are choosing to hoard and keep to
themselves and not to distribute a trickle down to the lower classes. And many base their decisions supposedly on
biblical principles. Not the give and it
shall be given to you pressed down, shaken together and running over; but
rather the Rich man who decided to tear down his current barns in order to
build larger ones so that he could store more stuff. But little did he know that his soul would be
required of him that night. Of course I
am not saying just give without regards to the what, the when, the who, and the
why because to give frivolously without a purpose is throwing good money after
bad but the distribution of the wealth could be done with a little more heart,
care and discernment; instead of the mentality of “what’s mine is mine and you
get yours the best way that you can” attitude.
They can accumulate all they want but the fullness of the earth is the
Lord’s. None of us can take anything
with us anyway. We all fall short of the
glory of God, so when you stand before the Father who owns it all, you might
want to have something else in your spiritual bank account because God isn’t
counting dollars and cents, he is counting souls and the concerns we had
towards others – which to him counts more than all the wealth in the world.

Live Mas!
Those who have kids understand what I am about to say. It has to be an indescribable feeling to see
your child raised from birth to teenager or early adulthood, to go through the
sometimes pain of rearing them through school, the crushes, the arguments, the
Christmas’ and birthday’s and all that comes between – because that would run
this list off of the page. There is just
a lot of both trial and error because we as the adults understand what our kids
are wanting, but because we know what is best for them in the long run, we try
and assist them the best way that we know how to correct their course of action
before that action leads to destruction AND DEATH. To see your child snatched away from you
prematurely has to be devastating. I
pray that that is one pain that I don t have to endure in order to learn
something from. I know that we can learn
something out of every experience of life, but that one can miss me. All that to say this… I wonder how God must
feel when one of us – his children don t get all there is out of this life
before leaving this earth. All the
trials, tests, ministering words from Pastors, church attendance, intercessory
prayer, the laying of hands and his abiding Spirit within us, in hopes that we will
fulfill our destiny; and then to fall short, has to be disappointing to him
when all we had to do was believe and take him at his word, that he would be
keep us and be with us. Many of us are
upset and justly so for the Mike Brown, Jordan Davis, Trayvon Martin, and Eric
Garner; and like tragedies taking pace daily.
But the greatest tragedy of all are for any of us to come all this way
in life and not see the promises of God come to pass in our own lives. Death is tragic but a life wasted is even

Tuesday, December 9, 2014
ISRAELI Man tells the Blacks of USA, they're the True Jews Ok... Let's say that this is true for argument sake - then what? We are a very rebellious creature but we also had to, I would say, had to learn our God all over again because we were rebellious but God said that he would always be with us and he has indeed kept his word. When we heard the truth again, we knew it was the truth being related to us - Again. And, now we believe that God has sent his Son to redeem us. So... all-in-all - we are exactly where we were supposed to end up being; if this be true.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Coming Attractions!!!
Book trailers, movie trailers and even the Bible whet our
appetites for the soon to be “Coming Attractions” whether in a spiritual sense or not.
However, those of us that are in Christ are assured the featured
presentation of a “better to come” and it will be to God’s glory and for our
good pleasure. Call me old fashion but I
choose to believe God and take him at his word, rather than to allow my own
primitive thoughts or lend myself to wayward and contrary imaginations towards
what I perceive he may or might not do.
And he being God told me that I could both do and become more. Rated G films are good for the entire family –
Rated G for God. Who goes to a movie or reads a book and not expect to be entertained or to get your
monies worth? God has already promised
us an expected end which means that
we will enjoy the ending to this thing called – Life. I just expect more
from the God that I say that I serve - to honor his word to me. How about you? Do you believe that God has a
block-bluster life in-store for you?
Helpful Tips!
Pray without ceasing.
Trust God in all your ways and he will direct your path. Know that you will see the good of God in the
land of the living. God is
faithful. Trust that there will be a way
- out of no way. God is faith and just to
cleanse from all unrighteousness. God is
a keeper and we are the redeemed of the Lord.
God is Holy. Jesus is Lord and
Savior – King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Know that the word of God is a lamp to your feet and a light on your
path. Lean not unto your own understand
but in all thy ways acknowledge him. God’s
word doesn't return to him void but will accomplish that which he sent it out
to do. Ask and it shall be given, Seek
and you shall find, Knock and it shall be opened. Jesus died for our sins. Sin is death but there is Life in Christ
Jesus. God is both Alpha and Omega – The
beginning and the end. Though he slay
me, yet will I trust him. And without
faith it is impossible to please God.
Repeat daily!
Conceited? The answer is “No”. It’s not conceited to know that you are
Blessed of God, but rather a privilege,
a benefit, a comfort, a blessing and a
right - as a child of God. Are you conceited that you know your parents
love you and will do whatever in their power for you? How much more is God than even our parents? There is a confidence that only trusting in
God over all else will give a believer. The
question is, “Who is it that you believe?”
I am totally convinced that God will do what he promised he would do!
In case you forgot – God is Good! Trust in him and not of yourself. There is nothing you can do to ever be good
enough to bring yourself into where you want or ought to be (apart from him). Only God can give you all that you desire and not just some of the things that you need, not to mention the wants. Trust in God alone to bring it to pass.
Great Expectations!
“And he shall supply
all of my needs according to his riches in Glory in Christ Jesus”. My needs surpass the normal day-to-day
routine of only my bills being paid and for my family to be kept. My needs also include the Promise Land,
exceeding and abundance; miracles and blessings – Daily! Many stop God short
of blessing every area of their life because they only pray for the basics
needs to be addressed when there is so much more that God wants to show
us. If your need list is short, then don’t
be upset at God for only giving you what you asked for. It takes faith to believe for me and it takes
even more faith to believe that you will receive every heart’s desire. God will surely take us from faith-to-faith
but we have to trust him to do it. Get
out of the habit of settling and get
into the habit of expecting. Great Expectations are found in a book – called the Bible.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Blue Skies...
Today started off rainy,damp, bleak and dismal but now the sun is shining and the sky is that color blue that could have only been created by an awesome God. God can do the same for your life and it won't have to take a half of a day - It can be right now! Trust him.
Money wasn't with me in my recent two accidents that could
have claimed my life, nor was it with me when I foolishly went out to walk the
bridge not having known that it was a Tornado in the very area I was in. Money didn't bring me my husband or my children. When I didn't have the money to pay a bill,
I was still blessed to continue life as normal with my services. What I do need is to remain in God’s
unmerited favor and his will for my life.
His favor shows us how devalued money really is to him – it’s
nothing. But to have his favor with you
is all that you need; and all things will work out for your good and to God’s
glory. Favor is the one thing that can
purchase the money you need. Who would've
ever thought that there was something that could buy money…? Only God… Sometimes you just have to shake
your head is dismay at the wonders of him.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Dream On...
This morning was special, dare I say magical… in that spiritual
kind of way. Out of all the times that I
have dreamed, I have never been able to conjure the dreams that I would've like
to have. Every night and even when I
drifted off for a quick siesta; I
always suffered violence in the dream state and God’s word says the violent
take the kingdom by force! Many mornings
I awoke tired from having fought all night long against me and principalities. I
realized a long time ago that it was caused from stress among other things,
but I have been attacked since I can remember… since youth! Most people cannot remember their first dream
they were able to recollect – but I do.
Every night I lay down to sleep, it is my hope and my desire that before
I drift off to sleep, that I for once be in a place of prosperity and joy
because it was what I had desired to see; and if I could not see it in real
life, then the least I should be able to do is dream about it – right? Not! I
am 40 years old and until last night I dreaded falling asleep. Why this morning? What about today made my life change for the
better? Why was I finally able to dream,
be completely cognizant and aware that my dreams were coming true and I kept
thinking to myself – this is really happening?
For the first time, I didn't want
to wake up. I was tired for a completely
different reason – I wanted to continue sleeping to see just how far into my
Promised Land that I could go. Once up
and going about my usual schedule, I went to read my Daily Bread devotional and
it was a confirmation of what I had felt in my spirit from my dream. “Resting
In God” was the title and the subtext was from Romans 4:16-22 “He did not waver… through unbelief… being
fully convinced that what God had promised he was also able to perform”. The final word was “Some lessons of patience take a long time to learn”. If you are like me and believe that God moves
in signs and wonders, then you know once I read those words after all of these
years, no matter what, I must continue to trust God for his Promise. No matter the time or the process. This day is one
that must go down in my history book of life for what God has already done and
will complete to his glory. I found rest
in a dream and in my God through Christ Jesus.
Continue dreaming even when all you have experienced in life were
Monday, November 24, 2014
Feeling run down, stressed, and overworked? It’s nothing but
a traffic jam in your life. Create time
for God and he will make the time for you to spend with him in peace. He will take you down ways, streets, avenues
and roads that are less congested in life.
He is the only one that can make life bearable and for us not to have
spiritual road rage because we trust that we will arrive right on schedule for
our entrance into our personal lands
of promise.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Only One Negative
There is only one negative that can destroy us and that is a
negative thought; and not that we don’t
all have them because we do but the one’s that overcome don’t choose to focus
on the negative but rather on God. When
Job was at his lowest, the enemy kept one person around who was closest to him
and I am pretty sure he valued his wife of many years and who bore him 10
children opinion. She told him to “Curse God and die”. No one knows for sure why she said something
so foolish, but it was up to Job to make up his own mind and come to a decision to trust God regardless. Oftentimes we
are our own worst enemy because the enemy can do no more than God allows. He cannot make the choice for us to stay in
faith. If we could see how the process
would bring us to our expected end, we would believe, but that is not how faith
works. Faith believes in impossibility;
so there is no planning or preparation. You
can either take up your bed and walk or keep lying in the same paralyzed
position. Faith asks you, “Do you
believe that Jesus can do it for you?” “Do
you believe that there is power in the name of Jesus?” Sometimes it takes going
in the dark rooms of life in order for what God is trying to show you and bring
you into to be developed.
Monday, November 17, 2014
“Without a vision the people perish.” Not without a man or
woman the people perish; and neither does the scripture reference, “Not without
money the people perish.” A vision is
better than money. Do you think so
little and trivial of God that all he can do is provide money? Money is just one of the myriad of benefits
that God can bestow upon a believer or non-believer. Money is nothing to God – It’s something to YOU.
In all your praying, pray to get understanding; and that understanding
will bring you to a “vision” – guaranteed!
Everyone who was healed or delivered had to first believe that it could
be possible and to garner that kind of belief, you had to have envisioned the impossible
first, before it manifested. The vision gives you hope and inspiration to
see God – not money.
O Woman!
O woman, that statement let’s women know that we have a
voice at the throne of grace and mercy.
We can’t make a man or God do what we want them to do but we
can have the faith to persuade the outcome that we would like. Have you seen Jesus do anything for you out
of the sight of others? Well, it may
only be conjecture but I know that Mary had to have seen her son Jesus do
something miraculous before the changing the water into wine episode. It wasn't his time yet but she helped usher
him into his calling. We can do that
same thing with our husband’s and
children – just keep the faith and trust that when it is time; he (they) will step up to the plate. The Syrophenician woman who beseeched the
Lord on behalf of her daughter heard “O woman” and she learned that sometimes
women have to endure in order to get our breakthrough; perhaps some words that
we would rather not hear but God who is rich in mercy will bless us
nonetheless. Mary and Martha spoke
ignorantly saying, “Lord if you had of been here.” They referenced Jesus as Lord of this life
but didn't have a clue that he was Lord of all life - both in the natural and the eternal. Sometimes it’s
better to be ignorant than right. Women
are more powerful than we can ever imagine.
Eve had a hold over Adam so much so, until he didn't question whether or
not he should eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil – he simply took
and ”did eat” knowing the consequence would be death. Foolish of him yes,
but we see that women have far more power than we give credit to
ourselves. Women stay in faith and seek
the Lord and you will be instrumental in the birthing process of not only
children but the Promise Land for you
and your families.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
When it comes to electrocution we tend to want to scream at a person, “Just let go.” Unfortunately it’s not as simple as it sounds because the power of volt of the electrocution is stronger than the person’s ability to simply let go, so it holds the person in place and attached to the object. Trying to separate the person from the power will cause more harm than good. God is the same way – separation from God hurts and though we might want to let go, we know that it is in ...our best interest to be held in place by him. Once he latches on to us – there is no us letting go of him because he has us locked in place. God’s power is more intense than being electrocuted because it was him who created electrical forces. Allow God’s power to flow through you. Your spirit is what drew him to you in the first place; he saw that you could be a great conductor for his will to travel through and give light and power to others. Be the light on the hill and allow him to be the lamp to your feet and the light to your path. Don’t let go of God because he won’t let go of you.
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Public versus Private
Only you can believe God for yourself. You first have to believe God for something and that one something will change your life
forever. Out of that one trusting moment
you will experience a life change that will produce infinitely throughout a believer’s
life. When Abraham had gone up on Mt.
Moriah to sacrifice Isaac, his true reason was only between him and God. No one would have been
the wiser had he changed his mind and chosen not to offer up as a sacrifice his
son – “The one whom he loved.” Only God
would have known that Abraham had backed out of his commitment. He had the option to not go all the way and
quite possibly kept his child all the days left remaining of his life but it
was not about the child but rather it was about his relationship with God; and
that is what Abraham understood and the reason why he went through with
it. His life would have been immensely
and drastically different - No hope, No blessing. Those who trust God experience a covenant
through personal, out-of-sight victories and unbeknownst favor that only God knows about, but blesses us
publicly, as to say “This is my child and this is what a covenant agreement
produces in a relationship with him will bring; beneficial and innumerable
Hell Is Real...
It hurts like hell sometimes
waiting on the Lord and to believe God for the impossible. Hell is relative to where you are in God and
where you hope that God will take you.
There are many types of Hell… Hell is right here on earth, but another
even worse Hell is coming. Hell is real,
if you have found yourself trusting God for greatness to accomplish his will, and
you have experienced different degrees of Hell.
Some think that it is bad now not
seeing God’s hand in their natural life – imagine eternally being separated
from him – who is mercy. With that thought, I get a glimpse of what
made Christ Jesus cry out and ask, “Why he was being forsaken?” He was asking the Father, “Don’t you remember
when I was there with you in the beginning before the foundation of the
world. I was there when you spoke, “Let
us make man in our image and likeness.”
As if God had forgotten what all transpired before stepping out of
eternity into creation. It is the same
question that stirs a believers soul but we almost dare not allow the question
to travel across our tongue and out between our lips because we are made to
endure when are his. If Hell is that, I
must endure to keep closest to God as I can.
So I say “Yes” to God even when the hell that I am going through seems
unbearable. I choose not to focus my
attention on the hell and not accept the intensity because I know that the God that I serve is both good and full of mercy; and it endures forevermore.
Therefore, when I focus on the goodness of God, it returns me to trust
in him that all things will work out
for my good because I have first learned to believe him.
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